Enormous Xbox Marketplace sale starts next week

WV Matsui

44 (98%)
Dozens of Xbox 360 games are set to go on sale from next Tuesday, 18th December, with additional daily discounts until New Year's Eve.

If you are Silver check out this thread for two months of Gold for just $2 and you can still cash in on the good deals!

18th - 31st December sale items

Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition - 400 pts (50% off)
Joe Danger 2: The Movie - 400 pts (66% off)
Zuma's Revenge! - 400 pts (50% off)
The Simpsons Arcade Game - 600 pts (25% off)
Wreckateer - 200 pts (75% off)
Plants vs. Zombies - 600 pts (50% off)
Peggle - 400 pts (50% off)
PeggleNights Content Pack - 200 pts (50% off)
Fire Pro Wrestling - 400 pts (50% off)
SONIC 4 Episode II - 600 pts (50% off)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - 160 pts (66% off)
A World of Keflings - 400 pts (50% off)
A World of Keflings - Sugar, Spice and Not So Nice - 160 pts (50% off)
A World of Keflings - It Came From Outer Space - 160 pts (50% off)
Kinect Party - FREE
Kinect Party Mystery DLC - FREE
Kinect Party Star Gazer DLC - FREE
Jet Set Radio - 400 pts (50% off)
Super Meat Boy - 600 pts (50% off)
RAW - 400 pts (50% off)

Games on Demand titles
Bully: Scholarship Edition - 800 pts (33% off)
Rock Band 3 - 800 pts

18th December - Modern Warfare 3 deals

Modern Warfare 3 - 2400 points ($30)
Collection 1 DLC - 600 points ($7.50)
Collection 2 DLC - 600 points ($7.50)
Collection 3 DLC - 600 points ($7.50)
Collection 4 DLC - 600 points ($7.50)

19th: LEGO Games

Lego Batman - 800 points ($10)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - 1600 points ($20)
Lego Star Wars III - 800 points ($10)
Lego Indiana Jones - 800 points ($10)
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean - 800 points ($10)
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - 800 points ($10)
Lego Harry Potter - 800 points ($10)

20th: Platformer Games

Fez - 400 pts (50% off)
HELL YEAH! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - 600 pts
Sonic Adventure 2 - 400 pts
Rayman Origins - 800 pts (50% off)
Rayman 3 HD - 400 pts
Mark of the Ninja - 600 pts (50% off)
Trine 2 - 400 pts (50% off)

21st: Rockstar Games

L.A. Noire - 1600 pts (33% off)
Red Dead Redemption - 1600 pts (33% off)
Max Payne 3 - 3200 pts (33% off)
Midnight Club: LA - 800 pts (33% off)

22nd: Tony Hawk Pro Skater

Tony Hawk Pro Skater - 600 pts (50% off)

23rd: Summer of Arcade 2012 Games

Dust: An Elysian Tail - 600 pts (50% off)
Deadlight - 600 pts (50% off)
Hybrid - 400 pts (50% off)

24th: Trials HD and Trials Evolution

Trials HD - 400 pts (50% off)
Trials HD - Big Thrills - 200 pts (50% off)
Trials HD - Big Pack - 200 pts (50% off)
Trials Evolution - 800 pts (33% off)
Trials Evolution: Origin of Pain - 200 pts (50% off)

25th: Kinect Family

Hydro Thunder - 400 pts (67% off)
Rock of Ages - 200 pts (75% off)
Mini Ninjas Adventures - 400 pts (50% off)
Leedmees - 200 pts (75% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - 400 pts (50% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - 8-bit Cartridge - 80 pts (50% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - Art Box - 80 pts (50% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - Space Capsule - 80 pts (50% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - Storm Season - 80 pts (50% off)
Fruit Ninja Kinect - Christmas Present - FREE

26th: Counter Strike: GO

Counter Strike: GO - 600 pts (50% off)

27th: Borderlands

Borderlands - 800 pts (50% off)
Borderlands 2 - 3200 pts (33% off)
Borderlands 2 Season Pass - 1800 pts (25% off - same as Gears of War 3 in last years sale)

28th: The Walking Dead
Episode 1 of the WD will be FREE Dec 25-31

The Walking Dead Episode 1 - FREE
The Walking Dead Episode 2 - 200 pts
The Walking Dead Episode 3 - 200 pts
The Walking Dead Episode 4 - 200 pts
The Walking Dead Episode 5 - 200 pts

29th: Family Games

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - 800 pts
Cars 2: The Video Game - 1600 pts
Crash Of The Titans - 800 pts
Toy Story 3 - 800 pts
Crazy Taxi - 200 pts
The Splatters - 200 pts (75% off)

30th: Fighting

Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - 600 pts
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection - 400 pts
Street Fighter III: Online Edition - 600 pts
Dungeon Fighter LIVE: Fall Of Hendon Myre - 400 pts
Dungeon Defenders - 600 pts

31st: Skyrim and Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 2400 pts (50% off)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dawnguard - 800 pts (50% off)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Hearthfire - 200 pts (50% off)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 800 pts (33% off)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isles - 600 pts (50% off)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Knights of the Nine - 200 pts (50% off)
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Even if its 600 I might have a hard time buying Deadlight. The reviews were pretty brutal.

Mostly talking about how short it is and that the 3rd act is kind of a mess.
From the list so far I have received these included in my PS+ subscription over the past 7 months.

The Simpsons Arcade Game
Jet Set Radio
Trine 2
Rock of Ages
The Walking Dead Episode 1
The Walking Dead Episode 2
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
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[quote name='cancerman1120']Even if its 600 I might have a hard time buying Deadlight. The reviews were pretty brutal.

Mostly talking about how short it is and that the 3rd act is kind of a mess.[/QUOTE]

I bought it day 1 and that was the only day I plaid it.
[quote name='D0RC']For TWD episode 1, is it free to play in those days or free to purchase for 0 points to keep?[/QUOTE]

If it's like every other free offer that MS has ever done, it will be a zero point purchase to keep.
[quote name='Dev518']I hope that 5710 points is enough for Fez, Dust An Elysian Tale, Trials Evolution, and Mark of the Ninja.[/QUOTE]

Um...that's enough for all of those at full price.

[quote name='cancerman1120']Even if its 600 I might have a hard time buying Deadlight. The reviews were pretty brutal.

Mostly talking about how short it is and that the 3rd act is kind of a mess.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it kinda sucks and is quite short and the gameplay is extremely mediocre. But it is a super easy 400/400 and does come with some cool Avatar Awards.

As for whether or not I'd recommend it at 600 MSP, I can give you a firm "I don't know". 400 MSP would be a bit more palatable.
[quote name='enormous']WHAT?? I didn't authorize this![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Tonious']Do I need gold for this sale?[/QUOTE]
That would be useful info.
Episode 1 Walking Dead fo Freeze? sweet.

I like these sales.

...as for Zuma and Peggel, they out to just give it away for free at this point. As good a game as they are, there's just too many games you can play for free on the pc that they sell on XBLA.
[quote name='Tonious']Do I need gold for this sale?[/QUOTE]

IIRC the previous "12 days" sale was available to all.
[quote name='thefurrypanda']In for dust at any sale price. Also skyrim dlcs expecially if by some miracle the two bigons are half off[/QUOTE]

Only ones on sale are Dawnguard & Hearthfire, Dragonborn just came out.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Only ones on sale are Dawnguard & Hearthfire, Dragonborn just came out.[/QUOTE]

Just looked back thanks. You never know expecially after complaints of length and size
[quote name='Scholarly_Sam']From the list so far I have received these included in my PS+ subscription over the past 6 months.

The Simpsons Arcade Game
Jet Set Radio
Trine 2
Rock of Ages
The Walking Dead Episode 1
The Walking Dead Episode 2
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown[/QUOTE]

When was Trine 2? Really wanted that
just got xbox, was hoping for shadow complex here, apparently there was a sale on it on BF and i missed it :(
[quote name='Archaic']What is generally preferred? Trials: Evolution or Joe Danger 2?[/QUOTE]
That's like comparing Forza 4 to Burnout. Joe Danger and Trials maybe both heavily motorcycle based, but the gameplay on them is different enough. Trials is more about never messing up once and beating your friends scores and it gets downright frustrating, but fun. Joe Danger's challenge lies in just completing all the objectives in a level like collecting the words DANGER or beating a time. It proves more challenging in the later levels, but never does it get to the levels of knowing when you should lean a certain degree or to ease on the brakes like Trials. That and one of the strengths of Joe Danger 2 over Trials is the multiple vehicles, while Trials 2 has a fantastic level/gameplay creator where you can make or download new levels or just games as a whole (think almost Little Big Planet in scale) from the community. Joe Danger 2 also has a level creator, but it's no where near the insane scope of Trials in what you can do, but you can make levels with the different vehicles in the game (snowmobile, jetpack, etc.). Just give both a try in the demos because they both have their own strengths.
And here I was thinking I might not find a use for all the Target 1600 points cards I loaded up on.

Also, with all the problems with the disc version of Walking Dead (I have yet to find a person who has actually been able to play through it), a sale on the digital makes it a no-brainer.
[quote name='simmias']And here I was thinking I might not find a use for all the Target 1600 points cards I loaded up on.

Also, with all the problems with the disc version of Walking Dead (I have yet to find a person who has actually been able to play through it), a sale on the digital makes it a no-brainer.[/QUOTE]
What are the problems? The main thing stopping me from purchasing it seems to be because I rather get it on my HDD to play whenever and because download games to disc always seem to HAVE to be played on the disc as oppose to install on the HDD.
[quote name='bardockkun']What are the problems? The main thing stopping me from purchasing it seems to be because I rather get it on my HDD to play whenever and because download games to disc always seem to HAVE to be played on the disc as oppose to install on the HDD.[/QUOTE]

And you're right, you can't install it to the HDD.

Cliff's Notes for the link: Stuttering and freezing problems that are so bad that people can't complete the QTEs. Also, some people are having problems with episodes reverting back to episode 1 in the middle of gameplay.
[quote name='simmias']http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=83

And you're right, you can't install it to the HDD.

Cliff's Notes for the link: Stuttering and freezing problems that are so bad that people can't complete the QTEs. Also, some people are having problems with episodes reverting back to episode 1 in the middle of gameplay.[/QUOTE]
I Feel all the more glad I didn't pick this up now. Thanks for the link though and sucks for people who got it, especially using the Amazon $5 off $25 promo on this.
[quote name='Kerig']If it's like every other free offer that MS has ever done, it will be a zero point purchase to keep.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah. Now this is what you call free and I mean real free!
[quote name='arbailey']Are the issues ONLY with the disc version, or is the digital version flawed too?[/QUOTE]
I Think the only problem the digital had was around chapter 4 or 3's release it deleted all the progress prior, but has since been patched. So digital should be fine now, disc though seems like you can wait if that's your thing.
I'm guessing asura's wrath will not be on sale. I've been holding off on playing it for a sale on the eps.
[quote name='s2k']I'm guessing asura's wrath will not be on sale. I've been holding off on playing it for a sale on the eps.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I don't even want to buy the game. People complain about DLC all the time but to put the fucking ending as paid DLC is about the worst situation possible.
[quote name='simmias']http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=83

And you're right, you can't install it to the HDD.

Cliff's Notes for the link: Stuttering and freezing problems that are so bad that people can't complete the QTEs. Also, some people are having problems with episodes reverting back to episode 1 in the middle of gameplay.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up. I normally prefer buying physical discs but the rampant problems plaguing the disc version are ridiculous! I guess I know where my Target BF MSP will be used for!!!
My potential purchases.

The Simpsons Arcade Game
SONIC 4 Episode II
Fruit Ninja Kinect - 8-bit Cartridge
The Walking Dead Episode 1 (FREE)
[quote name='s2k']I'm guessing asura's wrath will not be on sale. I've been holding off on playing it for a sale on the eps.[/QUOTE]

Shouldve got it for 10 during Micro's flash Black Friday sale :3
I might need to buy a point card or two in the next couple of weeks.

Still wondering if I should keep the copy of The Walking Dead I ordered Tuesday. It will definitely be cheaper now digitally, and the problems on the disc version are worrying, but then it really seems like Telltale and/or retailers were wholly unprepared for the demand of the game.

AND PLEASE CAN DEATHSPANK'S SEQUEL BE INCLUDED. I've been waiting for it to be discounted ever since I completed the original a long while ago.
Very nice sale. Too bad I picked up Dust: An Elysian Tail, last week and haven't played it yet. Otherwise, I knew there was a reason to wait on Fez and Mark of the Ninja; the 20th sounds good to me.

Probably pick up the Borderlands 2 Season Pass (stupidly bought the first DLC and not pass) and Skyrim DLC if they're at the right price.
Dang no Mass Effect DLC.

Oh well, this should combine well with the 100 point rebate on 2000 spent in December.

Mark of the Ninja

Hmm need to find more stuff to get.
Hah, I literally bought Walking Dead Ep 1 two days ago. Goddammit. Glad I waited on buying all the episodes though...figured we'd see some kind of sale.

Won 4000 points in their 10 year anniverary contest, so this is good timing. In for Walking Dead 2-5, the Trials Evo DLC pack, and possibly Jet Set Radio. Disappointed that Double Dragon Neon isn't in there, thought for sure it would be. Oh well, I can wait.
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bread's done