F1 2010 ps3 amazon gold box @ 2pm

horrible game, it has more bugs than the amazon jungle "NO PUN INTENDED", terrible presentation, the F1 championship edition that came out 4 years ago plays and looks better then this, dont waste your money on this
I say get it, the game is very good. I have it for the PS3 and it is a lot of fun and I bought it for $39.99 so anything less than that is a good buy. I also have F1 2006 when Sony released it it for the PS3 and that game wasn't perfect either. If you like simplistic driving F1 2006 gives you that whereas F1 2010 feels more like driving an F1 car.

No game is perfect and i've had fun with both F1 2006 and F1 2010. I think the OP would have fun with F1 2010. If the price is right I may pick it up for the 360 IF by chance they include the 360 version in the deal. :bouncy:
Yeah it's a good game for sure. It is one of the better Championship based racing games to come out in years imo. If it's $30 or less I would tell people without hesitation to pick it up if they are into racing games at all.
Great game, but it is buggy. Also the lack of support from Codemasters on this game has not been acceptable...
[quote name='dEvAnGeL']horrible game, it has more bugs than the amazon jungle "NO PUN INTENDED", terrible presentation, the F1 championship edition that came out 4 years ago plays and looks better then this, dont waste your money on this[/QUOTE]

Talking out your ass it seems. The only major issue with the game is that races of 20% results in slower pitstops because the game tries to prevent you from entering in front of traffic. Other than that, this game is one of the best F1 games to come around in quite some time, especially at the Amazon price.
[quote name='SynGamer']Talking out your ass it seems. The only major issue with the game is that races of 20% results in slower pitstops because the game tries to prevent you from entering in front of traffic. Other than that, this game is one of the best F1 games to come around in quite some time, especially at the Amazon price.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but if your this SynGamer http://community.codemasters.com/forum/f1-2010-game-1316/456344-2011-forum.html#post6919052 then we expect you to say that. :applause::lol:

Still recommend F1 2010 for a discounted price although I think it'll be around $30-35.
I'm a moderator, yes, but I haven't once been paid a single cent from CM, so I have no reason to deceive people. It is genuinely a fun game with a few rough edges, but overall, still fun, especially at $29.99 or less. As for releasing patches, I haven't run into a bug since they released the first patch, which improved the pit road issue and a number of other issues, thankfully.
$29.99 is a terrific buy for this game. I bought it at $40 and have gotten my monies worth. Besides TIV is $30 so if you don't like it you net 0.01 :)
The game has its issues, nothing major since they patched it. It's a very solid and fun game. Even though I've playing GT5 more, I still occasionally go back to F1. I would say for $30 it is well worth it.
[quote name='VaultDweller']meh...its a 2010 sports game, should drop to $20 pretty soon[/QUOTE]

Probably will when F1 2011 comes out, if they're still planning on doing the one game a season thing.

But yeah, as said on the first page, F1 Championship Edition for PS3 was a much more enjoyable experience for me. I bought F1 2010 the day it came out for $45 and still traded it back in because it just wasn't fun compared to F1CE.
F1 console games are weird in that they rarely drop that much. I don't think I'm enough of an F1 fan to pay $30, but don't be surprised if it never hits $20.
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