This has been a great site to find fellow Mainer Gamers.
7aylor3rown CAGiversary! May 26, 2010 #5,601 This has been a great site to find fellow Mainer Gamers.
T thisisnottravis CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,603 good luck to everyone, but especially me! ha.
M murphyspub CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,606 I would now like to declare myself the winner. I can't do that? I have to wait for a drawing? Oh... Ok.
I would now like to declare myself the winner. I can't do that? I have to wait for a drawing? Oh... Ok.
M Mythran CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,608 Hm.. thought I commented in here already
ghost1082 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,610 Same here, thought i already left a comment. maybe its a weekly thing?
S Sileed CAG Veteran May 26, 2010 #5,615 Great contest! - Nice to see there will be a lot of smaller winners instead of 1 or 2 big winners, spreads it around some
Great contest! - Nice to see there will be a lot of smaller winners instead of 1 or 2 big winners, spreads it around some
joshnorm CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,617 Well here is hoping that I can get a ticket pulled.
pROvIs CAGiversary! Feedback 190 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,622 hmm i thought i already did this but it's not showing up that I did. Anyway. Hope I win
thejake CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,624 $200 would help pick up a copy of Alan Wake and other various goodies; good luck to everyone!
WatTsu CAGiversary! May 26, 2010 #5,633 Boy, I'd sure love to win this. Honest-to-goodness! No foolin'!
flynsk CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 26, 2010 #5,634 green clovers, purple horseshoes, c'mon luck!
S Squall_L_FF8 CAGiversary! May 26, 2010 #5,637 Definitely would help out for the games I want to get.
tomshelley CAGiversary! May 26, 2010 #5,641 This is the best contest! I hove I win; I want to get myself the Playstation Move.
N ninjabullet CAGiversary! May 26, 2010 #5,648 Congrats on the Gamestop deal Cheapy! Keep up the good work!