*rubs lucky rabbit foot
Magikarp830 CAGiversary! Jul 28, 2010 #9,353 Is the contest still going on??? I thought it was over...
electronicthroat CAGiversary! Jul 28, 2010 #9,356 Do I need to be posting in here every week? **Post**
urmomlikesme CAGiversary! Feedback 19 (100%) Jul 28, 2010 #9,360 Can't believe I haven't commented in this thread already. Awesome contest cheapy
moojuice CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Jul 28, 2010 #9,367 Could have sworn I already commented on this thread since it's on my subscribed threads but apparently I havent yet. So there it is.
Could have sworn I already commented on this thread since it's on my subscribed threads but apparently I havent yet. So there it is.
Kaelestis CAGiversary! Feedback 32 (100%) Jul 28, 2010 #9,372 Damn, that's a lot of gift cards. Would be nice to win one and finally get a PS3.
V vanilleslegs CAGiversary! Jul 28, 2010 #9,373 Thanks Cheapy! Looks like I have a chance on winning since someone from the Bay has already won. ^^
P Pwnage94 CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Jul 28, 2010 #9,374 I hope I win! :d And good luck to everyone!
DrMunkee CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Jul 28, 2010 #9,375 This is one of the longest - awesome contest I've seen...
Superfluential CAGiversary! Jul 29, 2010 #9,388 Good luck everyone. Definitely could use this since my MW2 console red ringed
shieryda CAGiversary! Feedback 50 (100%) Jul 29, 2010 #9,392 I thought I had already posted in this thread, but I didn't have the tickets on my account yet. Good luck to all!
I thought I had already posted in this thread, but I didn't have the tickets on my account yet. Good luck to all!
M mercenar1e CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Jul 29, 2010 #9,393 I really hope im lucky enough to earn one.. i need to buy some new games and good luck to the rest of you =D
I really hope im lucky enough to earn one.. i need to buy some new games and good luck to the rest of you =D