awesome contest hope I win this time
CheapyD Head Cheap Ass Staff member Feedback 14 (100%) Sep 5, 2010 #11,552 Week 17 winners: tylre212 & 125125
Y yohimbine CAG Veteran Sep 5, 2010 #11,556 Great site, but I cant log into twitter to enter parts of the contest.
paulwekiva CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Sep 5, 2010 #11,557 It's been many years since I won a stocking full of games from a Lob's restaurant in MA. Now's the time, now's the time.
It's been many years since I won a stocking full of games from a Lob's restaurant in MA. Now's the time, now's the time.
Kotomine CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Sep 5, 2010 #11,559 I've never won anything before, hopefully that changes with this contest!
A AYSORob CAG Veteran Sep 5, 2010 #11,560 Maybe I'll have some luck in this contest. Lots of opportunities and staying opptomistic!
S SSJMies CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Sep 5, 2010 #11,561 Congrats to the winners so far. Good luck for the coming weeks.
E Emphaticz CAG Veteran Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #11,565 Congrats to the past and future winners! (hoping that I'm one haha)
Sephiroth1089 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #11,570 I completely forgot about this contest. Good to see its still going on.
Priority Seven CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #11,582 [quote name='shorty213']How did I not see this earlier?[/QUOTE] Yeah I missed it too.
G galaknight CAGiversary! Feedback 32 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #11,586 Finally becoming active in these contests. Hope I win one of them.
SV11bucksfan CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #11,589 Hopefully I can win a contest like this! Have a lot of ideas for how I would spend the money!
ElBlueGuey CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #11,590 Hmm, I thought I had already posted here, guess not. Good luck to all, and especially me1
J J Bling Blang CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #11,592 Hope I get lucky and win one. Would like to build up my wii collection.