The way Cheapy has structured this contest is extremely intelligent. I've discovered several extremely useful facets of the site that I never bothered to check out before.
[quote name='nckillthegrimace']The way Cheapy has structured this contest is extremely intelligent. I've discovered several extremely useful facets of the site that I never bothered to check out before.[/QUOTE]
Same here; I've been here a while and not sure how much of this stuff has been built over time and how much has always been here but it's good to have a bit of a refresher!
I've heard of this site once or twice but only recently checked it out. Can't believe it has taken me so long to check out. Seems like a lot of people like it.
These are the contests that make me excited. Especially with Christmas coming up. I can pick up a few games for family and one for myself. Always nice to see stuff like this.