That's a lot of gift cardage
B bmsdaddy CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #402 Over six-years since I joined this site, maybe I can finally win one of these contests!
djplasmid CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #407 Dude... these contests just keep getting better! Hopefully one of these days I will actually win something. Love the site, love the Cagcast. Keep up the good work guys.
Dude... these contests just keep getting better! Hopefully one of these days I will actually win something. Love the site, love the Cagcast. Keep up the good work guys.
Evil Herbivore CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #416 Winning FTW! Now I just have to figure out how to circumvent the government's new-ish firewall, and I can check CAG at the NIH again...
Winning FTW! Now I just have to figure out how to circumvent the government's new-ish firewall, and I can check CAG at the NIH again...
H homern3d CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 11, 2010 #418 Wow, I have to say this is very generous and clever!
spidey193 CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) May 11, 2010 #431 I could sure use a $200 gift card. There are alot of games I want coming out between now and the end of the year.
I could sure use a $200 gift card. There are alot of games I want coming out between now and the end of the year.
imamanwithaplan CAGiversary! Feedback 63 (100%) May 11, 2010 #434 awesome contests this year! thanks!
P poopyjim CAG Veteran Feedback 5 (100%) May 11, 2010 #438 Peeeeeeeeennnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
J JamesFerguson CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #439 So looking forward to this! Great contest! Good luck to everyone, but mostly me.
N NomadicWanderer CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #441 Wow, and so soon after the last contest too. Thanks!