Congrats to @genxsis83 for winning a copy of Monday Night Combat (Steam)! Thanks to all who participated and come back next week for another giveaway. Go enjoy some football and vidya games.
New giveaway is up and for a copy of Bunch of Heroes on Steam. Entree is open until 1/28 at 12PM CST and details can be found in OP or HERE. Good Luck.
Congrats to @wildbillhickock for winning Bunch of Heroes on Steam. Thanks to all who entered and I'll see you all next week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Brand new giveaway is live and for a copy of Renegade Ops on Steam. Entree ends on Sunday (02/05) at 12PM CST and you can find all the details in the OP or HERE.
Congrats to @DHGFAileen for winning Renegade Ops on Steam! Thanks to all who participated and soon (the coming weeks), I'll be having a few giveaways for CAGs only to show my thanks to all you guys and gals. Now go get yourself ready for some football!
New giveaway is live and for a copy of Nuclear Dawn on Steam! Details in OP or found via THIS BOLD TEXT. Good luck everyone.
P.S. There will be a special V-Day giveaway for a certain pinball table releasing next week. I have multiple codes for each platform and one of each will be going exclusively to CAG members. I just thought I'd let you guys know.
Congrats to @ramdomwolf for winning Nuclear Dawn on Steam! Thanks to all you lovely people who entered. Remember to come back Tuesday for details on the Epic Quest pinball table giveaway: 4 codes in total--two per platform and one code for both XBLA and PSN will be exclusively for CAG members.
Special Valentine's Day giveaway is live and for a copy of the new "Epic Quest" pinball table for both Pinball FX2 (XBLA) and Zen Pinball (PSN). Details can be found in OP or HERE.
And as stated previously, two codes--one per platform--are part of a giveaway exclusive to CAGs. Details on this part of the giveaway can be found in the OP. Basically, you just have to be a member of CAG since at least 2011 and then just leave a comment in this thread with your preferred platform (XBLA or PSN). Best of luck and have a great day.
Is Zen Pinball basically the PSN version of Pinball FX/2 ? Cause if it is, i'm pissed i didn't donwload it and get the free paranormal table on PSN back during halloween.