[quote name='lilboo']Sorry to sound shady, but I don't have it.
Here's a quick story:
I cashed out a $34 Amazon Giftcard on Gaminglagoon. I'm waiting for it to arrive anyday now. I moved to my own apartment and my address on Gaminglagoon was my old address (parents house) and when I signed up for this.. I ALSO used my old address.
I sign onto AIM and I ask my brother if it came. (The giftcard from Gaminglagoon)..he says "it's really weird. It says "To Dad From Ben..but it has your name on it too!"..So yeah. I have no idea what it is. He gave me the code, and it was for $20! So either Gaminglagoon really made a weird error, OR..this IS from this site.
I'll be over my parents house in a day or so to actually see this thing. All I know is that I now have $20 in my Amazon account. Hopefully it IS from this..and not an error on Gaminglagoon![/quote]
Eh Good enough for me, hopefully I get mine soon. That Absolute Watchmen is calling me.