You will put the game in and beat it within a week at least. I got the campaign done in one night, and i wasnt rushed or anything...
I would wait til 12.99 at gamefly sale. or cheaper. Amazon had this for 20 dotd last week, and it's only gonna get cheaper. I did everything I could possibly do with this game. I hate trading in games I might play or get some fun out of, but I did every possible thing and I am done with it. It isn't bad, but it isn't good. It defines mediocrity, like just getting it done. on my last night I thought about trading it in for 22 at bestbuy, I listened to all the audiologs, I played with the character customization some more, but then I was like, let's do this, let's play a game online.
and, more often than not, there is no one playing this game. I just wanted to go online and kill a few people with my turret, or revive some folks, or just buff anyone, but it was just more and more bots. The worst part is the more you play the more limited you get with other real people. The search options are 'my rank' or 'my rank or higher' well, im level 24 max level so it is hard to find anyone to even play with.
I played around some more but it just felt like work. I even had two copies of the game and was playing with my wife, but it just felt like work/masturbation, lol. why jerk off by yourself when you can put in blops and be screwing everyone over for real and feel like something is getting done. This game came down to choke point clusterfukcs and everyone trying to fight for a foot of space infront of the objective. I don't know, even for free it just left a bad taste in my mouth. when the game brags about the parkour and character and gun customization, but the gameplay is lacking, you know something isn't good.
end rant.
and i must have thought it was 'ok' at least, i mean, i got the plat and the 100% dlc within a week, so it has some pull, but after spending a week Im fine if I never play it again. and the new dlc did nothing. 2 more levels of the same clustering. and the new abilities are worthless, pyromine, napalm grendade, regen unit, uav and buffer sight, all lame. bayonets and weapon shields that don't work. new level cap. oh well
hey if you are gonna play tho and you wanna level up superfast tho, check out the method I created. usually I was making 4-9k xp a game, but with this method you can set the controller down and walk away and be max level in an hour or so.
I legit leveled up to 20 on my own and getting audiologs naturally, but I was not gonna grind xp for days just for the Ark King level 24 trophy. I set it up, walked away, and came back to 80,000 xp, LOL!
Easy plat/100%, and if you get it now you can probly flip it for a free rental.