from the raptor facebook page:
New Minecraft Reward 5/10 Folks,
Tomorrow, there will be a new reward on the Raptr website;
we'll be giving away 2500 copies of Minecraft (XBLA). Ever since this was announced, we've been inundated with requests for more information. We wanted to put up a quick post explaining the reward, and what we can reveal about the qualifications you'll need to earn it.
First of all, we want to be extremely honest.
We have over 12 million current users, and more are signing up by the hour. With only 2500 copies of Minecraft to give away as rewards, these will go incredibly fast. Our rewards system is truly a 'first come, first served' type of system, and even if you earned a reward, if we run out of Minecraft codes before you have a chance to claim it on our site, you will have missed your opportunity. This is one of the main reasons we're encouraging users who are truly interested in this reward to keep a close eye on the rewards page. Once these codes are exhausted, there are no more. In the future we will of course strive to get larger pools of rewards, but given what this reward is, we were excited to be able to give away any, much less 2500 copies!
For those of you who already do check the rewards page, you'll notice a shiny new orange button at the top right of the 'eligible' tab that says
'Check My Rewards'. Pressing this button will process your account and enable any new rewards you've earned. When new rewards are released, if you think you are qualified, but don't see a claim button, you can click the
'Check My Rewards' button to re-validate your account and check for new rewards.
The things that you will need to do to earn this reward and claim it:
*You will need a Raptr account
*You will need a valid active Facebook account connected to your Raptr account, you can set this up here:
(though you don't need this to 'earn' the reward, you will need this on your account before you can claim the reward).
*You will need to be someone who loves games like Minecraft. What does this mean? While we don't want to spoil every qualifier, this reward is geared towards the dedicated gamer who's attained a certain rank in either Minecraft for PC (tracked via the Raptr PC desktop app), recent XBLA games, or Minecraft-like games. (More details on this qualification will be released when the reward goes live tomorrow morning).
*You will need to be from a country or region which has Xbox Live Service and have an XB Live account to redeem the Minecraft code. (complete list here:
You should be checking our rewards page at: during the morning (before noon) Pacific Daylight Time (PDT is GMT-7:00) tomorrow, 5/10. If you rely on emails to alert you, you could miss your opportunity for this reward.
Our goal with this rewards program is to reward people for playing games. We don't want you to play massively long sessions or play a certain way, we just want you to play
Our focus is to reward the gamers who constantly play, and maintain their rank and reputation in our community. If your goal is to quickly sign up and get a certain reward, it might be a bit tougher than you think. If you build up your account, add your gamertags, social media accounts and play the games you normally would, you'll soon be getting rewards alert emails and site notifications regularly.
Any questions you might have about this reward can be posted to this thread, posted in our help forum (Community>Forums), in our Get Satisfaction site (Community>Support) or by sending an email to
[email protected] . We'll do our best to answer them as quickly as possible.