[quote name='mietha']
It's a shame you have no idea what Chinese food is supposed to taste like... This is, literally, one of the worst restaurants I've ever eaten at in my life. My wife, son and I ate there. Literally, everything all three of us ordered was horrible. And I don't mean bad. I mean godawful, puke in your mouth, rather eat at McDonald's horrible. My son, yet again literally, puked 4 times in the restaurant, once in the parking lot, twice more on the way home, and, if I recall correctly, several more times once we were home. The really sad thing is: I don't think it was food poisoning. I think it was just that bad. Normally, I would say at least thanks for the OP's sentiment but getting people to eat at this shithole, even for free, is detrimental to mankind. If I've ever eaten anywhere worse, I honestly don't remember it.[/QUOTE]
So just because you don't like Panda Express, I don't know what Chinese food is supposed to taste like?

Have you considered that perhaps chain restaurants can vary in quality from location to location? No, really-- that can actually happen! The Panda Express near you might be worse in quality than the Panda Express near me. Mind-blowing, I know!
But since you made it into a personal attack against me, supposing that I don't know "what Chinese food is supposed to taste like".. yes, I do. If you're speaking about the American variety of Chinese food (which, you might be surprised to know, is nothing like "what Chinese food is supposed to taste like"), I've visited many. If you're speaking about Chinese food that's actually meant to be reminiscent of
real Chinese food (which I doubt you are), know that I lived in NYC summer of last year, five blocks away from Brooklyn's Chinatown, and so yes, I have eaten Chinese food as it's "supposed to taste like."