GameFly March 2012 Sale - Under $15 Blowout


4 (100%)
[img-r=1]1372[/img-r]GameFly's monthly used game sale is returns with under $15 prices and free shipping on sale items. GameFly's games come complete with manual, case, and online passes. They are guaranteed and are usually in excellent condition. Out of stock items sometimes return later. Sale ends 3/26.

L.A. Noire $8.99
Homefront $9.99
Crysis 2 $9.99
:ps3: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:ps3: Portal 2 $12.99
:ps3: MLB 11: The Show $12.99
:ps3: Rage $12.99
:ps3: Killzone 3 $14.99
:ps3: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:ps3: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:ps3: Dungeon Siege III $9.99
:ps3: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:ps3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:ps3: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:ps3: Dead Space 2 $12.99
:ps3: Alice: Madness Returns $14.99
:ps3: SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs $14.99

:360: Bulletstorm $7.99
:360: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:360: Dead Space 2$12.99
:360: Driver: San Francisco$12.99
:360: Portal 2 $12.99
:360: Alice: Madness Returns$14.99
:360: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:360: L.A. Noire $7.99
:360: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $8.99
:360: Captain America: Super Soldier $8.99
:360: Transformers: Dark of the Moon $8.99
:360: Crysis 2 $9.99
:360: Deus Ex: Human Revolution $9.99
:360: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron $9.99
:360: F.E.A.R. 3 $9.99
:360: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:360: Major League Baseball 2K11 $9.99
:360: Medal of Honor $9.99
:360: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:360: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:360: Dragon Age II $12.99
:360: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $12.99
:360: Rage $12.99
:360: Shadows of the Damned $12.99
:360: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year $14.99

:wii: Call of Duty:Black Ops $14.99
:wii: Disney Epic Mickey $14.99
:wii: Hasbro Family Game Night 3 $14.99
:wii: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $7.99
:wii: Nicktoons MLB $7.99
:wii: Santa Claus is Comin' to Town $7.99
:wii: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:wii: Cars 2 $9.99
:wii: Driver: San Francisco $9.99
:wii: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $9.99
:wii: Smurfs Dance Party $9.99
:wii: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 $12.99
:wii: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars $12.99
:wii: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit $12.99
:wii: Phineas & Ferb: Across the Second Dimension $12.99
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[quote name='emperordahc']Put the seller in the title, please.[/QUOTE]
I don't have enough room in the title, that is why I put the
instead. :mrgreen:
[quote name='htz']I don't have enough room in the title, that is why I put the
instead. :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]
You can't see that icon on the mobile site though.
sometimes it's really hard to say thank you for making a useful post

thanks op, thinking of getting brotherhood...cheapest i've seen personally
[quote name='Brother Daz']You can't see that icon on the mobile site though.[/QUOTE]
Oh... Didn't know. Any suggestions on how I should change the title? I am truly out of room. I added (GF Used) temporarily.
[quote name='htz']Oh... Didn't know. Any suggestions on how I should change the title? I am truly out of room. I added (GF Used) temporarily.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I think putting used in the title should be enough. Don't know why anyone would care who is selling the game or doesn't have 1 second of time to click on the thread to find out for themselves.
Not a sale just the prices for at least the past week. I found this last week and was pondering purchases. Good idea is to periodically check their store under the bargain bin section.
[quote name='chimpmeister']Should put "used" in the thread title. Though I hear Gamefly games are usually in great condition.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Not all of them have free shipping either...[/QUOTE]
I added the list of games that don't have free shipping for non-paying rental members.
[quote name='Luxuria']This can't be the End of the Month sale. D;[/QUOTE]
I don't think this is either, just a list of good games I found on gamefly's website for a good price.:)
Gamefly website -> Buy -> Free Shipping -> Show List -> View 78 per page -> Sort by used price.

Sorry, kinda complicated, but the best way to see everything on sale. Make sure it says FREE SHIPPING under used.
[quote name='htz'] I don't think this is either, just a list of good games I found on gamefly's website for a good price.:)[/QUOTE]

Ha ha! Well, sweet! Thanks for the heads up, man. Was totally looking forward to El Shaddai for $10 and if it wasn't fr this, I wouldn't have noticed it!
Random question - I ordered a used game from the last gamefly sale and didn't realize (until last night) that it sent it to the wrong address. I'm hoping that my address forwarding sends it to me, or that the new family that moved into the old house just does a return to sender. How screwed am I?
Didn't Gamefly do this before? Where their sale price is updated the day before? I hope some of these games aren't sold out before tomorrow.
Thinking about biting on Shadows of the Damned and Crysis 2, but I'm still holding out for Catherine or Dark Souls being sub 20 so I don't have to order again.
[quote name='o2012o']Random question - I ordered a used game from the last gamefly sale and didn't realize (until last night) that it sent it to the wrong address. I'm hoping that my address forwarding sends it to me, or that the new family that moved into the old house just does a return to sender. How screwed am I?[/QUOTE]

Well from what you typed it sounds like it wasn't their fault it was sent to the wrong address, it was your fault you didn't update/change the shipping address? If that's the case and you moved recently, the mail forwarding should work out just fine. If the mail forwarding expired on it, either the other family will return to sender and you will get a refund or they might just keep it. Who knows. You could try to email GF customer service to see if there is anything they could do on their end, who knows they might just refund you even though it was your mistake, but they certainly have no obligation to do anything.
Can't pass up Portal 2 at that price. I've been waiting ages for it to go sub $15. Also picking up Captain America and Deus Ex since I missed out on those last time.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Well from what you typed it sounds like it wasn't their fault it was sent to the wrong address, it was your fault you didn't update/change the shipping address? If that's the case and you moved recently, the mail forwarding should work out just fine. If the mail forwarding expired on it, either the other family will return to sender and you will get a refund or they might just keep it. Who knows. You could try to email GF customer service to see if there is anything they could do on their end, who knows they might just refund you even though it was your mistake, but they certainly have no obligation to do anything.[/QUOTE]

Oy. At least it was only a 17 dollar mistake.
Anyone know if El Shaddai is good as a game itself? I mean not for the art or sound but if it plays well. I keep hearing it was underrated but I'm thinking it's like the Ico thing where the people who like it think Art>Gameplay
[quote name='tylerh1701']Gamefly website -> Buy -> Free Shipping -> Show List -> View 78 per page -> Sort by used price.

Sorry, kinda complicated, but the best way to see everything on sale. Make sure it says FREE SHIPPING under used.[/QUOTE]
Added your tip to the OP, and credited you. Thanks.
How long does it take to get games from them? I don't think I will order from them again I ordered dark souls and tomorrow it will be a week since it is shipped and nothing from them.
[quote name='kiwimonster']How long does it take to get games from them? I don't think I will order from them again I ordered dark souls and tomorrow it will be a week since it is shipped and nothing from them.[/QUOTE]

If you order 1 game, it comes via media mail. If you order multiples, it comes first class. At least, I think so. I could be wrong. That's probably why your 1 game is taking so long to get to you though.
Ussually only the titles with free shipping on used are part of the nightly deals. That means that of your ps3 list, only portal 2 and la noire are tonight's deals.
picked up crysis 2, alice madness returns, driver sf, ac brotherhood, and el shaddai for the price of 1 brand new game
I'm fine if this is the end of the month sale. I picked up Portal 2, Deus Ex, and Captain America. I've already played/beaten/owned/have no interest in most of the others.
There are a lot more sale items - not all with free shipping. It is worth jumping to each console specific sale page to see...
bread's done