GameFly Nightly Deals II: Crysis 2 $10, Transformers DotM (360) $13, Cartel (PS3) $15

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
UPDATE: November 2011 Under $10 Blowout Now in Progress!

[img-r=1]1372[/img-r]GameFly's nightly deals feature low prices and free shipping on the below titles. GameFly's games come complete with manual, case, and online passes. The games are guaranteed and are usually in excellent condition.

This is the last nightly sale for the week. Monthly sale hits next week.

:360: Crysis 2 $9.99
:ps3: Crysis 2 $9.99
:360: Transformers: Dark of the Moon $12.99
:ps3: Call of Juarez: The Cartel $14.99
:360: Dynasty Warriors 7 $17.99
:ps3: Dynasty Warriors 7 $17.99

Expired deals [hiddenlist]

:360: The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout $9.99
:360: Yoostar 2 In the Movies $9.99
:360: Kinect Sports $12.99
:ps3: MAG $9.99
:ps3: PlayStation Move Heroes $7.99

:360: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction $9.99
:360: James Bond: Blood Stone $12.99
:360: WWE All Stars $12.99
:360: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters $14.99
:ps3: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters $14.99
:ps3: Infamous 2 $19.99

:360: Medal of Honor $9.99
:360: Operation Flashpoint: Red River $12.99
:360: NASCAR 2011: The Game $12.99
:ps3: Dungeon Siege III $12.99
:ps3: Yakuza 4 $14.99

:360: Apache Air Assault $9.99
:360: Shift 2 Unleashed: Need for Speed $9.99
:360: Call of Juarez: The Cartel $14.99
:ps3: Heavy Rain $14.99
:360: Kung Fu Panda 2 $14.99
:ps3: Kung Fu Panda 2 $14.99
:ds: Kung Fu Panda 2 $9.99
:wii: Kung Fu Panda 2 - uDraw $9.99

:360: Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos $9.99
:ps3: Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos $9.99
:360: MotionSports $9.99
:ps3: WWE All-Stars $12.99
:360: Shadows of the Damned $14.99

:360: Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom $9.99
:ps3: Top Spin 4 $9.99
:360: You Don't Know Jack $9.99
:360: F.E.A.R. 3 $14.99
:ps3: F.E.A.R. 3 $14.99[/hiddenlist]
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All you have to do to determine the Nightly Deals is do a little homework; any title that was marked "Free Shipping" last night or previous nights/weeks, etc. (eg: Alan Wake :360:, SWFU2 :ps3:, etc.) is not a deal. Any other game that has "Free Shipping" amongst the Used titles from recent (within 7-10 days...or so has been my experience) Nightly Deals is/are a deal. It's pretty simple...
[quote name='fishwaterjohn']All you have to do to determine the Nightly Deals is do a little homework; any title that was marked "Free Shipping" last night or previous nights/weeks, etc. (eg: Alan Wake :360:, SWFU2 :ps3:, etc.) is not a deal. Any other game that has "Free Shipping" amongst the Used titles from recent (within 7-10 days...or so has been my experience) Nightly Deals is/are a deal. It's pretty simple...[/QUOTE]
I've seen several of your posts, n the things u bold/underline makes no sense.
[quote name='Kelegacy']Great deal on SotD. $15![/QUOTE]

I'd be all over it if I hadn't snagged it from GoHastings last week for about the same price. Just starting it now after beating Reach on Legendary, can't wait!
From their twitter

Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos (PS3) For Only $9.99! Offer Good While Supplies Last or Until 5pm PST 10/27

WWE All Stars (PS3) For Only $12.99! Offer Good While Supplies Last or Until 5pm PST 10/27

Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos (X360) For Only $9.99! Offer Good While Supplies Last or Until 5pm PST 10/27

MotionSports (X360) For Only $9.99! Offer Good While Supplies Last or Until 5pm PST 10/27
[quote name='fishwaterjohn']All you have to do to determine the Nightly Deals is do a little homework; any title that was marked "Free Shipping" last night or previous nights/weeks, etc. (eg: Alan Wake :360:, SWFU2 :ps3:, etc.) is not a deal. Any other game that has "Free Shipping" amongst the Used titles from recent (within 7-10 days...or so has been my experience) Nightly Deals is/are a deal. It's pretty simple...[/QUOTE]

OR you could just check the GameFly Twitter feed.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Bit on SotD but now I don't even remember why I was so eager to grab it used. Ah well, here's hoping it's decent.[/QUOTE]

It was one of those games that bombed commercially that got favorable reviews by critics. They even released it at the perfect time of the year as there was little competition.
Dang, I didn't know these deals were back. I wish they weren't. I have other stuff I need to buy.
I bought Shadows
I'm an idiot
Looking at Fear 3 reviews, It doesn't look that good plus what you guys are saying. I think I'll just pick up Dead Island at Amazon for $40 then. I might rent later, maybe...
I lucked out I went to my local Family Video over the weekend they had shadows of the damned for 9.99. so picked up 2 copies one to trade in at best buy got me 25.60 with preorder and bonus. Pretty decent game. Showing 19.99 on the site but check in store. Might be a ymmv
[quote name='Darker']Looking at Fear 3 reviews, It doesn't look that good plus what you guys are saying. I think I'll just pick up Dead Island at Amazon for $40 then. I might rent later, maybe...[/QUOTE]

Well sale on that ended anyway lol
[quote name='kouleefoh']I've seen several of your posts, n the things u bold/underline makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

Thanks...I'll take a look at it.

BUT (while I'm "taking a look at it"), I encourage you to ponder "JUST" how much of this "life" we live in, does, "actually" , make sense?

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I haven't played a wrestling game in, literally, years. I think the last one I played was SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth. Think I'm gonna jump on WWE All-Stars.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Bit on SotD but now I don't even remember why I was so eager to grab it used. Ah well, here's hoping it's decent.[/QUOTE]

This is why:

"A demon with a goat's head is riding a horse that defecates pure darkness. Then the demon eats the horse's heart, grows to the size of a ten-story building, eats the rest of the horse and proceeds to urinate more darkness into a gigantic fountain.

That's just the first boss.

Welcome to Shadows of the Damned." - Jim Sterling's review intro (Destructoid)

I personally broke my
[quote name='Kerig']This is why:

"A demon with a goat's head is riding a horse that defecates pure darkness. Then the demon eats the horse's heart, grows to the size of a ten-story building, eats the rest of the horse and proceeds to urinate more darkness into a gigantic fountain.
That's just the first boss.

Welcome to Shadows of the Damned." - Jim Sterling's review intro (Destructoid)[/QUOTE]

SOLD! I keep buying games I have not intention of playing this year...I need help.
Shadows of the damned kicks ass. Got the ps3 version last week from GF, about 6 hrs in, fun game.

I love the tone of the game.. Very dark and gory but doesn't take itself seriously.. The gameplay feels very last gen but in a good way..

Great game for halloween
Yessssss, glad I didn't jump for the PS3 version of SotD for GF's earlier sale. Was waiting for this price point for the 360! :')
Went ahead and bit on WWE All Star even though I still keep telling myself to put time into WWE Legends of Wrestlemania. The inclusion of the Macho Man was too tempting even though I don't care about any of the newer wrestlers.
Definitely in for Shadows of the Damned, but why does :360: All-Stars insist on never dropping? I guess it's not dropping like a rock like a typical sports game because it's not based on today and therefore outdated before it even comes out. I loved the demo, though, I got my ass beat but was laughing the whole time at the hilarious moves. Incidentally, I'd love to see Wrestlefest on XBLA, but I can put that next to Saturday Night Slammasters on my list of pipe-dreams.

PS - I had huge hopes for Dead Island and was hurt by it. In my heart and in my wallet.
Bought SoTD on launch, beat it once, 7 hours, don't regret it.

If you're a fan of Shinji Mikami (resident evil 4), suda51 (no more heroes, killer7), Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill composer), you can't go wrong for $15.

Just realize that it was 7 hours without rushing, and that there are no unlockables and no real replayability aside from difficulties.

EDIT: Also for the achievements fans; difficulty achievements don't stack. You'll need to beat it 3 times to get all the achievements. Ex. beating Hard mode will only get you the achievement for Hard mode, not Normal or Easy.
[quote name='The Holy Pretzle']Bought SoTD on launch, beat it once, 7 hours, don't regret it.

If you're a fan of Shinji Mikami (resident evil 4), suda51 (no more heroes, killer7), Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill composer), you can't go wrong for $15.

Just realize that it was 7 hours without rushing, and that there are no unlockables and no real replayability aside from difficulties.[/QUOTE]

So its a rental.
Picked up WWE All Stars i couldnt pass up the good price.I wanted SotD but i dont know if it was gonna keep my attention long enough until i beat it.
Grabbed AllStars. I was hoping a good price would pop up with WWE 12 so close.

fuck you GameFly, and your irresistible pricing. Another one for the backlog.
Bought WWE All-Stars. Haven't had a wrestling game since Nintendo 64, which is probably around the last time I watched wrestling. Looks like fun and I like that it has all the old wrestlers in it that I will actually recognize.
I thought I was finally done with buying games for a while after You Don't Know Jack yesterday, and passing on Fear 3. Couldn't resist Shadows of the Damned for $15 though. I am done now though... right? For real this time.
I've been first in line for WWE All Stars on Goozex since the game was released in March and still haven't gotten it, so I immediately jumped on this deal. For $14.XX shipped, I can save my 1000 points for something else.
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