Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

This has been what has kept be from ordering from the website (oh, how I miss the EB days...).

There's a lot of games that my son wants that I kinda hate going into the store to buy - things like Iron Man for the 360 and some of the Spider-Man games. Personally, I still need to pick up Fable 2 or even Oblivion.
I'd like to get older games that have sort of faded out of circulation. Perhaps 2Xtreme, Tony Hawk 2, and Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer.
Oh and Quest 64. I'd like revisit the atrocity that is that game.
-Uncharted 1
-Tales of Vesperia
-Eternal Darkness
-Shadow of the Colossus
-Metal Warriors
-Demon's Souls

$100 worth of games sure would be awesome about now.

Stuff like that.
I want to pick up MK vs DC, which I never got a chance to.

Also finding a copy of Brutal Legend used would be pretty great.
I want to pick up MK vs DC, which I never got a chance to.

Also finding a copy of Brutal Legend used would be pretty great.
Might pick up NFS:MW...though even with the stacked promos it seems a bit high. You'd think a CAG could find a four year old game at a decent price without trying so hard. :D
I have to say this is a fantastic change of policy. I used to shop at EBGames exclusively when they had this policy. I'd be interested in picking up Animal Crossing City Folk, Final Fantasy Dissidia, GTA IV, and Little Big Planet--among others.

[quote name='CheapyD'][IMG-R=5198]9502[/IMG-R]GameStop has announced their new guarantee which ensures that all pre-owned Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP and DS games will include their original cover art and manual when ordered online at Don't forget that you can also use your Edge Card to get an additional 10% off and coupon code CAG16 gets you another 16% off. Coupon code SAVER gets you free shipping on orders over $25.

Thanks to this GameStop sponsorship, we are giving away 10 x $100 GameStop gift cards! Simply post in this discussion thread and list some pre-owned games you would be interested in picking up to enter the contest. Multiple postings will not increase (or hurt) your chances of winning. Contest ends 10/18.

icongs_r1.gif's Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee[/QUOTE]
still skeptical about the condition of games from They always come in refurbished condition but still very worn. I'll be looking forward to my next orders to see if its improved.
In case you guys haven't read the OP, the contest ended 10/18, so posting used games you'd like is a bit of a waste of time...

And yet, the poster below me is going to post just that. I can feel it.
Congratulations to all the winners of the $100 GameStop gift cards!

  1. dan3067
  2. hudhawk
  3. DarkGamer11
  4. aerialkabuki
  5. FishPillow
  6. daringone
  7. rhymetimesfine
  8. alissima
  9. Amazingmuzmo
  10. koruwa
[quote name='CheapyD']Congratulations to all the winners of the $100 GameStop gift cards!

  1. dan3067
  2. hudhawk
  3. DarkGamer11
  4. aerialkabuki
  5. FishPillow
  6. daringone
  7. rhymetimesfine
  8. alissima
  9. Amazingmuzmo
  10. koruwa

dan3067 is in my gameshare group! I feel like I won.. indirectly. :lol:

Congrats everyone.
[quote name='Jackie Chandler']In case you guys haven't read the OP, the contest ended 10/18, so posting used games you'd like is a bit of a waste of time...

And yet, the poster below me is going to post just that. I can feel it.[/QUOTE]
lol don't you feel like a fool now?
[quote name='heatison777']congrats to the lucky winners. gotta give props to the 'stop on this one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Congrats to the lucky winners, who aren't ME. :bomb: Then again, I'd probably use the free credit to renew my Edge card, which is up next month, since otherwise I'm gonna let it lapse.

Speaking of that, the one chick promised me 6 extra months of the rag known as Game Informer since it took them 3-5 months to start sending me my issues. I should call back on that, since I didn't get an issue for this month as of yet. Damned lying CSR's.
Eenie Meenie Minie Moe? Throws a dart at a board with all the names? random number generator?

Your guess is as good as mine, though I think it would've been kinda funny if I won, considering all of the anti-Gamestop sentiment I've spewed over the past 4 years I've been here.:roll:

Though the win may have changed my view of them. ;);) Probably not though. :razz:
i don't think it's base on the # of posts... otherwise this thread will be flooded with tons of short posts.

congrats to the winners, man, talk about some sour grapes...
bread's done