[quote name='DR2K']Why do you keep acting like I care what it's called? I'm sure I'll recognize it in the bargain bin in a few weeks. If you don't constitute that as a palate swap then SFIV has none either, lol.
BB sprites are lower quality animation to make up for that. It's not GG bad, but still poor in comparison to KOFXII or even SF3. KOFXIII (fighting game expansion done right)has like 30+ characters to boot.
Makoto is finished and we're still paying for her. Game isn't even out, all this planned DLC should be on the disc for free.[/QUOTE]
You can call it whatever you want. I don't care, to be honest. I'm just saying- if you want people to respect your opinion and think you know what you're talking about, you MIGHT want to call it by its correct name. As far as the palette swap thing goes, I'm convinced you don't know what Mu or her animations look like. They're completely different than Nu/Lambda's, and not a few tweaks with a head swap like Ryu/Ken.
You've got to be

ing kidding me about that second part. I'm looking at Ragna's sprites from Continuum Shift right now. You wanna know how many hand-drawn sprites there are for him and each animation? One thousand eighty-two. HD Quality, mind you. In Third Strike, Ryu has 928 different SD sprites. Take from that what you will. As far as the roster is concerned, once again, every character is completely different, and it's the second game in the series. You can't be fair in comparing it to KoF XIII because that game has had
12 games before it to recycle content with.
As for the DLC... Your ignorance is mind-boggling. Makoto is in the final stages of development right now. Sure, we've seen gameplay videos of her, but that doesn't mean they have every animation done, damage scaling the way they want it to, etc. Like I said before, just because Makoto will be done close to the U.S. release of the game does NOT mean she came out nearly a week after Arc was done with the game. Deadlines for production and manufacturing have to be completed LONG before games' release dates. So in that time of limbo, a lot of developers work on DLC and updates for games today. Besides, if you're not that big of a fan of the game (which I can tell you're not) you aren't obligated to buy it in the first place. Plenty of people are going to have fun with the $40 game, and decide not to buy the DLC. It's a great game by itself, and you shouldn't NOT buy it because Arc is going out of their way to offer DLC. Sheesh.
You know, there's this game I'm sure you'd hate called Rock Band.