well i know mostly everyone is bad mouthing gamestop sorry you have all had bad times with gamestop i've never had problems with the stores i've gone to buy my games and that's before i started working for gamestop i've been working for a couple gamestop store been working for the company for more than a year. i was there on the launch of this game our pc versions were sealed so unless gamestop is magic and made the coupon disappear they should be in there i did read an article online about that square just mentioned the coupon day the game came out i read that on the the comments of the article and some said that on the OnLive site they had a deal to get the game for free if you got a console or something like that. well if people are complaining about some new games being open or gs selling used games for full price well every gs i've been to or worked doesnt sell used games for full price. the opened new games if you are buying a new game and it the last copy the case is the display because gs doesn't send just empty cases to show we just have one tile on the sheilf plus what if u grabbed the display off the sheilf and we were sold out it be faules advertising but the games are still new just behind the counter with the other copies. sorry everyones gs doesnt run this way but i wouldnt play a new copy of a game if i didnt buy it that's not right it is power to the player thats you they have all these deals sometime for trades or used games i'm not saying gs, gs, gs yeah because i still haven't gotten my gameinformer since i've signed up for it 3 months ago but thats gameinformers doing but don't burn the monster and never find out it wasn't a monster just an angry crowd building it into one well nothing is perfect if you hate your gs go to a different one i don't know what to tell you i just get this from the ones that i worked at or shopped at before and while working for gs. maybe gs isn't your store or you need to do your game shopping in more than one retailer. i shop different places on and offline i find the deals that best power me as a player in the life of video games. i know last month gs had trade any games to some of the hottest E3 tiles and i dont trade games but I made off with most of the games that i want that are coming out this year like batman aa, uncharted 3, AC revilation i traded only a handfull of games and with the power-up pro got the 10% + 40% so 50% or credit for my trades and i got more than i paid for the games to trade them so i have 2 games fully paid off and you could say that's better than the best buy deal pre-order 5 select tiles and get a $100 gc but everyone has there own ways of getting games but we should cry about a free download coupon is you buying the game for pc because there is no online multiplayer for this game so why do you need 2 pc copies to play with yourself if you have 2 computers right next to you but you will still be playing the same game portal 2 for ps3 made sence ps3 teamed up with sony to make this multi-platformed so you can play ps3 and pc players together it had a coep online that you needed 2 players so if you had the ps3 and got the pc steam code you still had to link in to your psn id but the ps3 or xbox versions didnt come with a code it was the pc version theres no online play no cross-platforming gameplay so the i have a dream speak can happen in the game world about " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all games are created equal." i have a dream that pc, ps3, and xbox will be not judged by the.... but anyways if the coupon was only in the pc version and it's to download the pc version it's not like they took the game off the dics i would be more upset if i bought the game for pc and only got a download code but is it just me i would rather have a physical copy of the game. I'll leave you with this if you want 2 copies of this game don't hate the gs stores just call up OnLine service and say that you need the coupon to download it or square there the ones that offered the coupn so they should be able to get that for you if you so badly want 2 copies of the same game.
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There are the periods that you forgot in your post! That being said, I love all the people attempting to defend this obnoxious crap they are trying to pull. Honestly, this is just 'shady' I fully understand why GS would not want a packaged coupon for a competitor - but that does not give them the right to de-value a product and then sell it as new.
Originally Posted by
Please stop trying to compare robbing a bank and what GS did with a code for a game. Not even close to the same thing.
Okay maybe you'll like this analogy better, so a person goes in to best buy, slits open a game, steals the onlive voucher, as he is walking out the door gets stopped by loss prevention, he hands the voucher back, he then should be able to walk out the front door like nothing happened. Except in gamestops scenario you need to multiply that by thousands.