GameStop TIV/Promos XXVI: Values available on Android/iOS app. Games with guaranteed $40/$30 and more!

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181 (100%)

First post contains promo information & useful information and frequently asked questions. Second post has the values for games/hardware for Microsoft devices. Third post has the values for games/hardware for Nintendo consoles and the fourth post has the values for Nintendo handhelds. Fifth post has the values for games/hardware for Sony consoles and the sixth post has the values for Sony handhelds.

Instructions on finding games in the database and inputting the values from different sections can be found in my blog post here: I would put the entire post in the thread but this is already kind of a large post.


Please try to follow the example below if possible. If you feel the need to use the system icons, please only use them once at and at the top of the list. Also always post the system it's for even if it's only on one system or the value will not get updated. I don't always know it and I'm doing these updates from work to keep them as updated as often as possible so I can't spend time searching for that info.










Current Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:

$125 in credit on PS3/360 traded towards New PS4 (Ends 11/9/14) said:

These trade-in values are really low!
While that may be true, if you combine the games with the right promotion they can work to your advantage. There are knowledgeable people in this thread that are normally willing to help.

Is there any way to look at what the previous values reported on a game?
You can search through this thread and previous ones to see what a game has been reported in the past. With the TIV Tracker you can sort by date and then go through the list of past updated values through that as well. Here are the previous GS TIV Threads: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22,23,24,25

Can I trade-in sealed games?
No. You might come across the rare GameStop that would let you do it, but they are going to open them anyway.

I don't want to get hassled about the values I post, how can I get the information out there?
If you do not feel comfortable or willing to put the values in the thread you have two options available. You can input them in the TIV tracker or you can send them to me via PM. Either way the database and these lists will be updated. Putting them into the TIV tracker does save me some time later on.

Do trade-ins have to have their original case, insert and manual?
No, however it will be YMMV on if they charge you a refurbish fee for them in that condition. Most GameStops wont charge a fee but there are some that charge for incomplete games.

Will they accept my game if it is really beat up?
YMMV. It really all depends upon the employee you get. Some will charge refurbish fees, some wont, some wont accept the game and others just take them without a second glance.

What are the refurb fees on games?
There appears to be set prices for set value ranges. We aren't 100% certain on the splits just yet. Here is what we have currently:
$0.25-$2 Value: $0.75 Refurb Fee
$2.01-$4 Value: $1 Refurb Fee
$4.01-$7 Value: $2 Refurb Fee
$7.01-$10 Value: $3 Refurb Fee
$10.01 & Higher Value: $4 Refurb Fee
This information isn't guaranteed by any mean and we are still working on nailing it down.

What are the refurb fees on consoles?
They are listed in the hardware TIV section, highlight in red.

I have a Collector's/Limited/Special edition of a game, do I have to trade-in all of the extras?
No, but there are a handful of games that their variations have separate listings at GameStop: Madden 09 Anniversary Edition, Battlefield: Bad Company Gold Edition, and a few others.

Why didn't the percent bonus go for my accessory for a system that was included?
Unless stated otherwise, and they are rarely included, the bonuses never apply to accessories. Except the PowerUp Rewards card of course.

I traded in a bunch of games for the "Trade X, get $X bonus" promo and it gave me the percentage bonus instead?
I can't give concretes on why this happens. GameStop computers are normally pretty good at giving you the better promo. In the case of a percentage bonus being run at the same time as a "Trade X, get $X" promo, things can get messy. The system appears to only give one promo on games per transaction so if you had a few games that you want to go to the percentage bonus and a stack for the "Trade X, Get $X" it will regularly apply the percentage to all of the games. Your best bet is to do all "Trade X, Get $X" games in one transaction on their own. The GameStop clerk may say that the system will figure it all out, tell them you want a separate transaction anyway. As always, check your receipt before you leave the store.

Can I trade in multiple copies of the same game?
YMMV. The official policy is no, but there are some GameStops that overlook that rule.

What all do I have to trade in for a console trade-in?
Xbox 360: Console Unit, power brick, A/V Cables, Controller (wired/wireless)
Wii: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cables, Wiimote, Nunchuck, Sensor Bar
Playstation 3: Console Unit, Power Cable, A/V Cable, Controller, USB Cable
PSP: Handheld, A/C Adapter
Nintendo DS/DSLite/DSi: Handheld, A/C Adapter, Stylus

Can I trade in a defective/broken console?
For the most part yes. If it powers on but doesn't play games, they will take the console as a refurb unit and put a refurb fee on the console. The refurb fee on the console will vary on the price of the console so those numbers will change. You are still required to trade in everything required listed in the question directly above.

What is the difference between PowerUp Rewards and PowerUp Rewards Pro?
The basic card is free and only allows you to acrew points when spending money. The Pro card costs $14.99 and is basically the same as the previous EDGE program.

How much does a PowerUp Rewards Pro subscription cost?
It costs $14.99 and is good for a year. It also comes with a 1-year subscription to Game Informer magazine.

What bonuses come with having an PowerUp Rewards Pro card?
You will get an extra 10% trade-in credit on the base value of the game, extra 10% off the purchase of pre-owned games and 10% off new strategy guides.

Does the Power Up Rewards Card give me a bonus on hardware trade-ins?
No. You will only get the bonus for games and accessories.

What if I want cash instead of credit, what do they deduct?
If you decide that you want cash instead of credit, they will take 20% off the base values and promos will not apply.

Does promo "....." have a minimum trade-in value?
If the promo has a minimum trade-in value requirement, it will be listed in the promo. If it isn't there, then there is no limit. However, as with all trades, they are subject to manager approval so the manager could have setup his own little rule-set requiring a minimum of whatever.

I used a Power Trade promo for a pre-order, can I cancel that pre-order and get the credit or move it to another game I want?
Yes on both accounts. However, if you do a bunch of the power trades and just straight drop the pre-order you could create some ill-will between yourself and the employees you cancel on. However, if you look at the wordings on promos, they can remove the bonus trade-in value if they decide to.

I just tried to use a promo that has a select list of games eligible, but they say my game isn't eligible anymore, what gives?
Basically they have the right to change the eligible games at any time. They tend to update these frequently so as to lock out any easy/cheap games. It's best to check the eligible list the day of your trade.

Can I stack two different trade-in promos?
No. The only thing that will stack with trade-ins is your PowerUp Rewards card. Some will report success, but this requires a manual override and is very YMMV.

If I pay for an item using all credit on my card, do I have to pay sales tax?
This varies depending upon the state you live in.

If I buy a used copy of a game that requires an online pass for multiplayer, will it come with an online pass?
If you purchase a used title published by either Sony or WB you get an online pass from GS on your receipt. That's also why the used copies are $55 instead of $48 when the MSRP is $60. No GS issued passes of games published by EA, THQ, etc. On those titles you're totally dependent on the previous owner not using the code.

What states charge sales tax on purchases paid in full with credit and which ones don't?
Charge Sales Tax on Credit Purchases: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia
Does Not Charge Sales Tax on Credit Purchases: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
May or May Not Charge, Depending Upon County: Florida,

My state doesn't charge sales tax on purchases made by credit, why is charging me tax?
It is just the way they have designed their system. The best theory we have seen is that since you are only inputting the number off of the back of the card, it isn't going to pick up the programming from the specially tagged EDGE cards. Some kind of programming that gets input from their system that wont show up when only inputting the number off the back of the card.


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Is there any indication that Gamestop is going to have any new trade deals next week?  I know they said there wouldn't be any more but then they did the current ones and well, I badly want a Vita and I can get just enough for a used one now.

Anyone know what Destiny is worth? I'm thinking of grabbing that PS3 bundle from Amazon and trading Destiny PS3 to maybe get the 360 version. I'm also wondering why the hell Gamestop doesn't have the Destiny PS3 console bundle.

Anyone know what Destiny is worth? I'm thinking of grabbing that PS3 bundle from Amazon and trading Destiny PS3 to maybe get the 360 version. I'm also wondering why the hell Gamestop doesn't have the Destiny PS3 console bundle.
Because gamestop is usually a pretty stall storefront and bases how many they are going to get by how many people preorder

Anyone know what Destiny is worth? I'm thinking of grabbing that PS3 bundle from Amazon and trading Destiny PS3 to maybe get the 360 version. I'm also wondering why the hell Gamestop doesn't have the Destiny PS3 console bundle.
:ps3: / :360: base: $30/$33(PUR)
:xb1: / :ps4: $40/$43.50 (guaranteed $40 promo + 10% PUR base)

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I'll probably trade my copy from the PS4 bundle this week. Have no interest in online gaming (yes, one of the few) but wanted the white PS4. Will recoup some of the costs for the bundle. Also used the $50/25/10 any purchase coupons to further drop the price.
The game with the system is a download code.
Quick question : For anyone who has recently traded in an Xbox 360 to Gamestop, do they check if the console is banned from Xbox Live? I know they check the disc slot and for any visual errors but the last time I traded my Xbox 360 to them, I don't remember them connecting to wifi and logging into an account to check the console. I'm just wondering if they have changed their policy since 2-3 years ago. Thanks!

*For anyone concerned : I'm not trying to exploit Gamestop(although I do here and there) and screw the next customer who buys it, but I'm purchasing an Xbox 360 from someone else and there's no way for me to check whether it's banned from XBL. I can only check if it turns on and if the disk drive is properly functioning. It's a 'all sales final' type of transaction so I was curious if GS would check during the trade in if it really does turn out to be banned.  

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Quick question : For anyone who has recently traded in an Xbox 360 to Gamestop, do they check if the console is banned from Xbox Live? I know they check the disc slot and for any visual errors but the last time I traded my Xbox 360 to them, I don't remember them connecting to wifi and logging into an account to check the console. I'm just wondering if they have changed their policy since 2-3 years ago. Thanks!

*For anyone concerned : I'm not trying to exploit Gamestop(although I do here and there) and screw the next customer who buys it, but I'm purchasing an Xbox 360 from someone else and there's no way for me to check whether it's banned from XBL. I can only check if it turns on and if the disk drive is properly functioning. It's a 'all sales final' type of transaction so I was curious if GS would check during the trade in if it really does turn out to be banned.
They check to see if the console is banned from online play. At least they did when I traded a 360 a few months ago.

Do you need a controller for system trade in?
Yes you need a controller & the power/video cables. For the Sony consoles you also need a charge cable & on 360 you should have the default battery holder for the controller.
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I am under investigation for using Kongregate coupons. His exact words. I'm guessing I will not be the only one.
My many bogus Pro accounts have been wiped, sometimes 3 at a time, and the last time it was two accounts. All wiped for High Volume trades. The account is perma-banned, i'm pretty sure, you're PRO Sub has been taken away as well.

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I am under investigation for using Kongregate coupons. His exact words. I'm guessing I will not be the only one.
What did you think would happen? That was fraudulent use of those coupons. It was only supposed to be one TOTAL per person. Anyone who abused this (and the last one) is going to be in trouble. I would think a perma-ban is a given and would be the least of your worries. The ones who really abused it should worry about GS going after them. I hope it turns out ok for you (and the others that will follow), but this may get real bad.
I am under investigation for using Kongregate coupons. His exact words. I'm guessing I will not be the only one. I didn't even use my account for that many. He said "illegal activity" and I said "excuse me? I used your promotions theres nothing illegal about that" he quickly changed his tone and said "sorry thats not what I meant, your account is being investigated". Well goodbye to that account, guess my wife will be doing much more trades.
Did you redeem a lot of those $5 Tyrant coupons? I thought that was impossible since it was only one per each PUR email account.

I couldn't even get one. It was so annoying.
What did you think would happen? That was fraudulent use of those coupons. It was only supposed to be one TOTAL per person. Anyone who abused this (and the last one) is going to be in trouble. I would think a perma-ban is a given and would be the least of your worries. The ones who really abused it should worry about GS going after them. I hope it turns out ok for you (and the others that will follow), but this may get real bad.
Gamestop isn't gonna chase you down for exploiting the system, they'll just ban your account and flag all your account details., My Bogus accounts get flagged faster and faster lately.

[quote name="Royal High Knight" post="12078413" timestamp="1410237567"]For anyone that has the Destiny PS4 Bundle where is the $10 PSN voucher?

Sorry for the spam but this seemed like the best place to ask.[/quote]
That was only for the first batch of ps4s. I got mine in April and no longer came with it. I even contacted Sony about it. And that's what they told me.
What did you think would happen? That was fraudulent use of those coupons. It was only supposed to be one TOTAL per person. Anyone who abused this (and the last one) is going to be in trouble. I would think a perma-ban is a given and would be the least of your worries. The ones who really abused it should worry about GS going after them. I hope it turns out ok for you (and the others that will follow), but this may get real bad.
the coupon said ONE PER PESON.. never said you could not return every 2 mins and use another coupon

You absolutely can if it used against the terms, fraudulent use or abuse.
In 'Murica, I haven't received any legal things from gamestop. They do this to you when you Violate ToU. I sent an email about why my account was wiped and they said violation of ToU, I can always make more account but Jashuaa cannot since he lives in an ID state.

dont see why they are raising a fuss over this when people abuse the hell out of the birthday coupon
At least with the b-day coupon you have to spend some money. with the Kongregate thing you were getting free digital credit and people exploited that. Two different scenarios and situations.

ID requirements vary by district actually, not state. I happen to trade mainly in a district that requires it. The next district 30 minutes over does not.
Sucks to lose the points on those accounts. Since my last temp ban I no longer hoard points as I'm afraid they will get wiped. I wonder if they will go after credit ?

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