GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Yeah I'd love to know what that extra promo is as well. Definitely not Pokemon because it just added a flat 10% to each trade.
Could it be something related to Pokemon Go? I remember an employee at one of my stores mentioning a possible promotion, but I forgot the details.

That's kind of an amazing idea, actually... I wonder if something like that is on YouTube. Pay for the protection plan and break the disc right there on the spot, getting a new game. I may try that one of these days. "See everyone? This is how the protection plan works!"
I'm sure there's some clause that would allow them to say no. Instead you have to go outside, just out of sight, and throw it under a passing truck.

Anyone know of a cashbk site for Target that will work on L4D2? Shop@Home & TCB & Ebates excludes video games gahhh :( I need to get rid of excess Target GCs & online orders is the only way to get 5% off using GCs =/
Walmart will def not match that Marketplace seller's $11 rofl, lucky 4 those who got that to work Walmart won't match anyone anymore except for =(

Holy shit people, don't try to trade more than one of the same title/platform at the same time. I thought this was common sense at this point....
Only time I've gotten away with trade 2 of the same game on same platform at same time was Smash Bros on 3DS, only coz of the multiplayer aspect of it & coz it wasn't a Download Play title. Only tried it 2 other times last yr & were denied hahaha said I had to come back tomorrow rofl

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Was able to flip a total of 8 metal gears between 4 stores

68 cash to 156 credit

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Anyone try pre-ordering the Pikachu Pokken Pro Pad to get the Pokemon bonus? I think it's the only pre-order item on the list, so if it actually works, it might be a good option if you don't want any of the games or merch on the list.

Only time I've gotten away with trade 2 of the same game on same platform at same time was Smash Bros on 3DS, only coz of the multiplayer aspect of it & coz it wasn't a Download Play title. Only tried it 2 other times last yr & were denied hahaha said I had to come back tomorrow rofl
Maybe it is a multiplayer 3DS thing then? Lol. I traded in 2 Zelda Triforce Heroes for 3DS and both were accepted. Honestly, I didn't even know you couldn't trade more than one title on the same platform. I always thought there was like a 2-3 limit. I don't trade that often, but enough for the manager to know me. I used to work at one like 12 years ago though, but I guess there weren't those restrictions back then.

Seen this on, seems like a decent deal. Guess they gotta get rid of stock somehow.,28zu0


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Man I'm bummed I could get some pickup orders for l4d and mgs before the values changes last night. I had them in my cart and was waiting for a gift card to come via email and when it got here the prices bumped up. Oh well.
Not the summer sale, that has been running sunday-saturday.
really? wow that is dumb, especially since the weekly ad has the pop figures in it and advertises the summer sale. doesnt surprise me though, they seem to prefer when nobody knows what the price of things in store is suppose to be.

Are you sure? I can't find it on the site or the app
I had a different experience trading in Star Fox for cash yesterday. I brought the bundle box along with the games. The employee scanned each game and it seemed like nothing happened. I showed her the bundle box and she scanned that and the $30 value for Star Fox Zero appeared on the screen. I told her they were bundled together but she told me that Star Fox Guard had no value and let me keep it.

You can find the titles that will be on sale by searching summersale16wk3, but none of the prices are any different yet
well, at least you can look at that list and not worry about it. looks like its 90% ubisoft games (that will have been cheaper elsewhere) and a bunch of old sports titles. classic gamestop sale.

there is an important note here though, mgs v is on sale, as well as rainbow six seige, so those stealth bumps may not last past today

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Rise has a $25 base and L4D2 $20 base.

Do these stealth bumps normally only last through the weekend? Lucked upon some stuff, but there's no way I can go before tomorrow morning. 

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Another dumb question, when an item  is eligible for two promos (such as Star Fox Wii U), does the POS give the customer the better promo? I have some things that I'd want to trade in for the $25 pokemon credit, but don't want Star Fox to get kicked down to that level. Also don't want to look skeevy doing two trade ins at one store and really don't have the time to hit one, let alone two separate stores today. 

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Another dumb question, when an item is eligible for two promos (such as Star Fox Wii U), does the POS give the customer the better promo? I have some things that I'd want to trade in for the $25 pokemon credit, but don't want Star Fox to get kicked down to that level. Also don't want to look skeevy doing two trade ins at one store and really don't have the time to hit one, let alone two separate stores today.
Yes, the register automatically applies the better of two promos, but I'd be safe and break it into two transactions and give them that reason.
So what games are still good for flipping now from BB to GS since prices has changed?

Also is there anyway I can take advantage of he 20% off pre-owened game coupon from GS?

Thank you
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Starting Monday, July 25, GameStop will be entering week three of its summer sale with prices of games like Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Grand Theft Auto V slashed. In a press release, the retailer provided some of the deals as follows:

Games under $40:
o Uncharted 4
o Grand Theft Auto V
o Dirt Rally
o Dark Souls III
o Street Fighter V
o Tom Clancy’s: The Division
Games under $30:
o Just Cause 3
o The Witcher 3: Wild hunt
o Far Cry: Primal
o Battleborn
Games under $20:
o Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
o Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
o NBA 2K16
o Just Dance 2016

So an employee just warned me that corporate will lock my account if I trade in too many games and then asked a weird question "where do you work"

These were only my 4th and 5th trade ins in 2 days and I hadn't traded in anything in awhile before this.

I've been going to this GS for over a decade and this is the first nosy employee I've ever come across. I've encountered a few assholes over the years but not the JR detectives I've read about on here.

Starting Monday, July 25, GameStop will be entering week three of its summer sale with prices of games like Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Grand Theft Auto V slashed. In a press release, the retailer provided some of the deals as follows:

Games under $40:
o Uncharted 4
o Grand Theft Auto V
o Dirt Rally
o Dark Souls III
o Street Fighter V
o Tom Clancy’s: The Division
Games under $30:
o Just Cause 3
o The Witcher 3: Wild hunt
o Far Cry: Primal
o Battleborn
Games under $20:
o Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
o Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
o NBA 2K16
o Just Dance 2016

What!!! GameStop being the first retailer to have a real sale on Uncharted 4??
So an employee just warned me that corporate will lock my account if I trade in too many games and then asked a weird question "where do you work"

These were only my 4th and 5th trade ins in 2 days and I hadn't traded in anything in awhile before this.

I've been going to this GS for over a decade and this is the first nosy employee I've ever come across. I've encountered a few assholes over the years but not the JR detectives I've read about on here.
He was an idiot.

Yeah I'd love to know what that extra promo is as well. Definitely not Pokemon because it just added a flat 10% to each trade.
Maybe that 10% bonus is the one for PUR Day next weekend and the employee somehow got it early? Or he just added another 10% for whatever reason (but that wouldn't explain the Promo #).
Maybe it's Song of the Deep Promo?
Could it be something related to Pokemon Go? I remember an employee at one of my stores mentioning a possible promotion, but I forgot the details.
Can a GameStop associate tell us what Promo# 18526 is?

I would thank you 100 times.

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