GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Think you have to trade sensor bar, power x av cable and at least the wii mote , maybe nunchuck too
All of this is correct. Don't expect much, $20 range.

Also if either of the door flaps (GC or memory cards) are broken, don't bother as the refurb fee drops it to $5.
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All of this is correct. Don't expect much, $20 range.

Also if either of the door flaps (GC or memory cards) are broken, don't bother as the refurb fee drops it to $5.
Good to know. The stupid cover on the GC ports is broken on mine, so thanks for the info.

That's what I'm doing, plus I have 90 in GS credit. So it will be 110 plus tax. I just hope the trade in value for xbone doesn't change in the next 5 weeks.
just a heads up, it has been bouncing back and forth between $200 and $175. its usually at the $175 value.

Slightly off-topic but with all the Rare Replay talk I thought this might be the place to ask . Does the game come with any download codes? In other words if I buy it used is there a chance I will miss out on anything?
Slightly off-topic but with all the Rare Replay talk I thought this might be the place to ask . Does the game come with any download codes? In other words if I buy it used is there a chance I will miss out on anything?
Nope, everything is on disc

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Last week, during the final days of Boomerangmania 2015, I had a store manager look over one of these adapters and tell me that that I was in possession of a non-OEM accesory and that they don't accept them.  This store was 1 hour away from where I live. I assume they must have a lot of traffic as it's near an urban area.

Of course this is all YMMV and it's up to the discretion of the associate handling the transaction.

Last week, during the final days of Boomerangmania 2015, I had a store manager look over one of these adapters and tell me that that I was in possession of a non-OEM accesory and that they don't accept them. This store was 1 hour away from where I live. I assume they must have a lot of traffic as it's near an urban area.

Of course this is all YMMV and it's up to the discretion of the associate handling the transaction.
Yeah its usually the bitch-ass manager you gotta worry about. Wait until they ain't there to trade it.

I don't think they can legally refuse a trade in purchase as long it's with a receipt and within a time frame.
I want to say someone got banned from making purchases/returning items, during the iPad flip fest a few years back.

I would avoid trading those in, if you plug them in they run really hot and sound very loud. They are poorly made and are definitely a fire hazard. If you keep an eye on on Amazon or eBay you can buy 1st party adapters for just a little more.

Also, you can trade 4 copies of a single item per month. YMMV if a single store will let you trade in multiples in a single transaction.

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I want to say someone got banned from making purchases/returning items, during the iPad flip fest a few years back.

I would avoid trading those in, if you plug them in they run really hot and sound very loud. They are poorly made and are definitely a fire hazard. If you keep an eye on on Amazon or eBay you can buy 1st party adapters for just a little more.

Also, you can trade 4 copies of a single item per month. YMMV if a single store will let you trade in multiples in a single transaction.
I've traded maybe 100 or more OEM over the course of 2 years.
I've traded maybe 100 or more OEM over the course of 2 years.

How many can you trade in? and in a span of how long?

Don't want to get banned or nothing like that.
I also second the "don't use the non-OEM brand ones". Some people have been banned in nearby districts for trading those in because so often the stores will end up having to damage them out when an unknowing innocent person buys one, brings it home and it a) doesn't work b) dies within a short amount of time or c) burns up their xbox. It isn't hard for them to trace back who traded them in originally and if you're the one who traded several in (even if its at several stores) they're likely to throw the ban at you when there's ~40% chance of these failing well within the return period.

Obviously YMMV, but I know for a fact this has happened to a couple of people I know.

As others have said as well, some stores outright refuse non-OEM and you can pick up the OEM ones occasionally cheap enough. Just because you're a CAG doesn't mean you have to be a JAG.

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So I just tried buying something online and the Saver and cag16 codes don't seem to stack anymore. Did that just recently change?

I want to say someone got banned from making purchases/returning items, during the iPad flip fest a few years back.

I would avoid trading those in, if you plug them in they run really hot and sound very loud. They are poorly made and are definitely a fire hazard. If you keep an eye on on Amazon or eBay you can buy 1st party adapters for just a little more.

Also, you can trade 4 copies of a single item per month. YMMV if a single store will let you trade in multiples in a single transaction.
Thats games included right? And different platforms of the same game are different items right?

FYI The Wii U Gamepad stand/cradle chargers (black) are 97 cents at GameStop.
I bought 5 of them at 1.00 and some change a while back. I just use the stand for my Andriod to sit in and other random uses like pictures and such. Nice for a buck.
The reusable b-day coupon is dead. There are only unique ones that are sent out to PUR members in the 1-2 months before their birthday and can be found under Active Offers.
Thanks brother!
I have not bought used anything from there for a while. I guess splatoon will wait for next month when I get one.
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