Entering! Thank you for the Giveaway! :)
TKSJOHN CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Apr 26, 2013 #1,502 GBA, amazing prize giveaways, your an awesome person, and good luck to all that entered!
wing00 CAGiversary! Feedback 71 (100%) Apr 27, 2013 #1,509 In for April. Thanks again for the opportunity.
weaponomega2x CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Apr 27, 2013 #1,512 Entered for April. Thanks for the contest!
iKnowledge CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Apr 28, 2013 #1,517 in for the April giveaway! Awesome man, thank you!
grizbo CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Apr 28, 2013 #1,518 Count me in for April, please. Awesome contests, thanks.
VVulf CAGiversary! Apr 28, 2013 #1,519 All lurked. Wait.. You mean to tell me I actually have a chance to win something on this site? Thanks for the April opportunity!
All lurked. Wait.. You mean to tell me I actually have a chance to win something on this site? Thanks for the April opportunity!
Andami CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Apr 28, 2013 #1,521 In for April, and thanks for the opportunity.
G GBAstar CAGiversary! Feedback 62 (100%) Apr 28, 2013 #1,522 Roster has been updated through post #1513 Spoiler 299 209chromatic 4thHorseman 81ols ActionKazimer AdyCarter Ahkward AionTelos Alba Meira Alyrian00 Anastasia Andami Angel.9 Rakou Cobra anotherpoorgamer arahal88 archangelreb ARsignal11 aSMiLoN atc250es Austieb7 AVacuousSmile AzureSnow Banggoo Barbaric Tomato barrysowders betobuster Bigandtasty bkjohns1 blackhalk123 Blankman boogie4114 Borschelly bossman BossVersion1 Bramblefang bubzers budz Bumslie burritoman bwillis CAGkrazy CAiNiACprime canvasch CaptainJoel carnage666 CGA86 Chac chazmet Chedeng88 Chemicalgamer01 Chrisdarasta ckehvin clay_ghost codeman85 Cody2010 ColFantastic Colorfill commandercody83 Concordal Coper3000 CoruptAI125 CosmosTheMouse Covnam crashday360 crazycatz Crippldogg Crystal Afterlife crzyboy88 csidegamer Cthulhu dabudkrew Daluva danhoo Danimal Dar_k Darklurkr23 Dataless daver16 Decypher deftrance delsus09 Demented77 Demon Soul Desousa93 diazt350 DiceEnergy diegotf30 digital ink Discus Donut2922 doomedtolive Dwarf41 Eanan ebay33 Eden0032 Ekcipher Elevander Elite2693 eliter1 entropic_soul Esper ethomson92 evilcheez86 FEN1XDOWN filmthedead finsfan0210 Flame Killa FlamedLiquid FlashNinja L Fontaine Foxfitness92182 Funbumb GALATIANSv220 GameNChick Gamer SDP Gamer4Life20xx Garg1 Gate Commander Gdark GE7VOCiiDE Geeiishbored geniusman95 GeorgeCostanza ghettoqball ghostsong gkbadboy Glass_Ghost_0 Godfather2 goemon12677 goodbyetonight Gram grizbo GTAERgameing Hestar highoffcoffee496 higuys Hiroshou Hostile hotpocket hotpocketninja IamEvilHomer37 icehouse ifriteffect igame IIBlazer IKillFanboys iKnowledge ilRadd imJustCHEAP imthebongo InfenroIII IronsideGrunt JAgamer jakesmith43 Jalen Oh jbrockssocks JCTango Jnubs JoakimMogren Jogan JohnnySako Josh1billion JPLS Jrittmayer jthm53 juanawoman Judge Magister jukkakhan junkie Justin11 jza1218 Kanokare kaos424 karekano126 kerbacious KGear49 kikyou1 KipKips kitpowers007 Kotomine kouleefoh Kovorkian KrzyHpnKricket Kube00 Kuma kyuby lazyNeighbour levy350 LinenEnd Link2999 lmd LoganDX Lubis Lukiito macjz212 Mad D magillicutty23 MajorasMoon78 makaiokioni MalakianXVII Marauder7 marjincharge maxpower0965 mebegod metaldrummer mguiddy MigueelDnd MiNuN MiraiLink Mirpkered MisterLemon mitch079 Mixer236 mokmoof Moopderp morrodox mowmow Mr Medicinal Mr Unoriginal MrNinjaSquirrel mvpcrossxover MykelxKnight mysticfail NeedleInTheHay neonlights326 neoshadow Nick45 NoDAK oakafanforlife omgmoosetracks OrangeRingo Orga OrionBrando patcrazystar64 perdition(troy po00op poisonedpawn45 pooh07 popular penguin PR Mega X Psycosis86 Puppet Master Quintessence RabbitSuit ragingst0rm6 RainFall randomdud rangerdanger rapfan211 Rapid Shot RAY16 retromonkey revenge ritchardf Rockgamer Rockinjs rofljeff Roninalchemist Rozz rpnguyen RubbaBandMan Rusty23 ryanclive SackManBoy SaiF sdragon SeanAmI Sephiroth1089 SephirothWF SeverusMeowkins shadowneko003 ShadowX Sharp Katana Shifty Effect shimmadubba515 Shinra_Soldier7 shurija Shuyinion Sindroam Sion sippycupz sirdan357 sir-fly sm04as sokoto SolarUxie spectre456 Spuratis starman9000 Steampunk Jin stinkytick StryderOmega TaylorM06 taylynne technom22 tenang Teujip Thatpoorguy The Chop Suey The Dark Enforcer The Lord of Awesome TheChaosWithin thefurrypanda TheHapaOne theradocaster ThunderChunky62 TKSJOHN tossup Trogdor469 tumor20 twinked7 underdog878 vashtheowner VideoGameCollector17 Viperking27 Vivacious Fox voken Vvulf weaponomega2x whodat4lyfe WilsoXU wing00 WolfmanASTN WViking Xacradin xoJaimexo XT14 xtoxicxrarrz y2jd yokuo ZanyBB Total = 330 If you have posted (entered) in the month of April prior to post 1513 and DO NOT see your screen name please send me a PM and I'll manually add you. I will be updating the roster once more after the entry period closes on April 30th at 11:59 PM PST. The drawing will be sometime this week. Good luck!
Roster has been updated through post #1513 Spoiler 299 209chromatic 4thHorseman 81ols ActionKazimer AdyCarter Ahkward AionTelos Alba Meira Alyrian00 Anastasia Andami Angel.9 Rakou Cobra anotherpoorgamer arahal88 archangelreb ARsignal11 aSMiLoN atc250es Austieb7 AVacuousSmile AzureSnow Banggoo Barbaric Tomato barrysowders betobuster Bigandtasty bkjohns1 blackhalk123 Blankman boogie4114 Borschelly bossman BossVersion1 Bramblefang bubzers budz Bumslie burritoman bwillis CAGkrazy CAiNiACprime canvasch CaptainJoel carnage666 CGA86 Chac chazmet Chedeng88 Chemicalgamer01 Chrisdarasta ckehvin clay_ghost codeman85 Cody2010 ColFantastic Colorfill commandercody83 Concordal Coper3000 CoruptAI125 CosmosTheMouse Covnam crashday360 crazycatz Crippldogg Crystal Afterlife crzyboy88 csidegamer Cthulhu dabudkrew Daluva danhoo Danimal Dar_k Darklurkr23 Dataless daver16 Decypher deftrance delsus09 Demented77 Demon Soul Desousa93 diazt350 DiceEnergy diegotf30 digital ink Discus Donut2922 doomedtolive Dwarf41 Eanan ebay33 Eden0032 Ekcipher Elevander Elite2693 eliter1 entropic_soul Esper ethomson92 evilcheez86 FEN1XDOWN filmthedead finsfan0210 Flame Killa FlamedLiquid FlashNinja L Fontaine Foxfitness92182 Funbumb GALATIANSv220 GameNChick Gamer SDP Gamer4Life20xx Garg1 Gate Commander Gdark GE7VOCiiDE Geeiishbored geniusman95 GeorgeCostanza ghettoqball ghostsong gkbadboy Glass_Ghost_0 Godfather2 goemon12677 goodbyetonight Gram grizbo GTAERgameing Hestar highoffcoffee496 higuys Hiroshou Hostile hotpocket hotpocketninja IamEvilHomer37 icehouse ifriteffect igame IIBlazer IKillFanboys iKnowledge ilRadd imJustCHEAP imthebongo InfenroIII IronsideGrunt JAgamer jakesmith43 Jalen Oh jbrockssocks JCTango Jnubs JoakimMogren Jogan JohnnySako Josh1billion JPLS Jrittmayer jthm53 juanawoman Judge Magister jukkakhan junkie Justin11 jza1218 Kanokare kaos424 karekano126 kerbacious KGear49 kikyou1 KipKips kitpowers007 Kotomine kouleefoh Kovorkian KrzyHpnKricket Kube00 Kuma kyuby lazyNeighbour levy350 LinenEnd Link2999 lmd LoganDX Lubis Lukiito macjz212 Mad D magillicutty23 MajorasMoon78 makaiokioni MalakianXVII Marauder7 marjincharge maxpower0965 mebegod metaldrummer mguiddy MigueelDnd MiNuN MiraiLink Mirpkered MisterLemon mitch079 Mixer236 mokmoof Moopderp morrodox mowmow Mr Medicinal Mr Unoriginal MrNinjaSquirrel mvpcrossxover MykelxKnight mysticfail NeedleInTheHay neonlights326 neoshadow Nick45 NoDAK oakafanforlife omgmoosetracks OrangeRingo Orga OrionBrando patcrazystar64 perdition(troy po00op poisonedpawn45 pooh07 popular penguin PR Mega X Psycosis86 Puppet Master Quintessence RabbitSuit ragingst0rm6 RainFall randomdud rangerdanger rapfan211 Rapid Shot RAY16 retromonkey revenge ritchardf Rockgamer Rockinjs rofljeff Roninalchemist Rozz rpnguyen RubbaBandMan Rusty23 ryanclive SackManBoy SaiF sdragon SeanAmI Sephiroth1089 SephirothWF SeverusMeowkins shadowneko003 ShadowX Sharp Katana Shifty Effect shimmadubba515 Shinra_Soldier7 shurija Shuyinion Sindroam Sion sippycupz sirdan357 sir-fly sm04as sokoto SolarUxie spectre456 Spuratis starman9000 Steampunk Jin stinkytick StryderOmega TaylorM06 taylynne technom22 tenang Teujip Thatpoorguy The Chop Suey The Dark Enforcer The Lord of Awesome TheChaosWithin thefurrypanda TheHapaOne theradocaster ThunderChunky62 TKSJOHN tossup Trogdor469 tumor20 twinked7 underdog878 vashtheowner VideoGameCollector17 Viperking27 Vivacious Fox voken Vvulf weaponomega2x whodat4lyfe WilsoXU wing00 WolfmanASTN WViking Xacradin xoJaimexo XT14 xtoxicxrarrz y2jd yokuo ZanyBB Total = 330 If you have posted (entered) in the month of April prior to post 1513 and DO NOT see your screen name please send me a PM and I'll manually add you. I will be updating the roster once more after the entry period closes on April 30th at 11:59 PM PST. The drawing will be sometime this week. Good luck!
Blankman CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Apr 29, 2013 #1,527 Count me in for April & thanks for the opportunity!
kalmah CAGiversary! Apr 29, 2013 #1,528 I'm in for sure. I've got my eye on that copy of Prototype 2!
fableflav CAGiversary! Feedback 209 (100%) Apr 29, 2013 #1,530 I didn't even know the mini portal gun was a thing. Now I want it.
enemyofusall CAGiversary! Feedback 76 (100%) Apr 29, 2013 #1,539 Entering in for April, thanks again op
Fallen_Shadow94 CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Apr 29, 2013 #1,540 In for April. Good thing I saw it just in time.
ferencz CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Apr 29, 2013 #1,544 Very nice!! Writing for giveaway. Good luck everyone!
st4nd4u CAGiversary! Apr 30, 2013 #1,550 in for april if it's still going and i haven't already i don't remember lol.