Gears Of War - General info and Discussion #1 (MODS LOCK PLS)

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[quote name='jer7583']Anyone else noticing a ton of team stacking in ranked maches? I don't know how I feel about this.. it pisses me off to see these elite players all sticking together in games, giving you no chance against some random hicks from kentucky or something who don't even talk.. i hate that.

My opinion is either they should let you invite friends to ranked matches, or take the host names off the server list for ranked games. Let it happen for everyone or take it away.[/quote]

I agree. I think they should set up a separate area for ranked teams and prevent them in the other area by blocking host names. I don't have a group of people I always want to play with, and it's really annoying when you play against 4 guys who team up constantly. They just kick the crap out of you.
The team ranked thing is a great idea. Why didn't epic think of this? People are obviously going to do whatever it takes to gain an advantage..

Funny thing is i played against a guy ranked #4 at the time on the warzone leaderboards(I checked afterwards) and he wasn't even team stacking.
I had fun earlier pistol whipping people and was being called noob left and right.

This game is simply wonderful and It's only main problem is how the games are set up, that and the count down glitch is annoying as hell.
[quote name='zewone']They should have had a party system like Halo 2's and none of this would be a problem.[/quote]

put me on your friend's list already. Oh and GoW is incredible. I can't believe it took so long for the over the shoulder camera angle to come into play in games. I've been playing this game since I opened it late last night.
[quote name='jasonlives13']Anyone want to play some hardcore co-op?[/QUOTE]
I'm up for some. Just send me a friend request, and invite me when you want to play.
The smacking someone with a gun thing is cool, but needs to be altered. It's impossible if the guy smacks you first with the gun to get back up and hit him with anything, two smacks and you're down. If you smack each other at the same time, you're both down. But the first time, which won't down you, needs to not slow you down that much because it basically gives the kill to the person who hits you.

And it seems more and more teams on ranked matches are just rushing to your side... some very easy to kill that way and some with pure dumb luck
I totally saw this coming and I'm glad...

In a thread at the official Gears of War forum that discusses a potential GoW action figures line, Epic Games’ Mark Rein has confirmed that the company is working in a Gears of War action figures line, although he said it is "too early to give details."

Hope they look great like the Halo 2 ones did. If they were to use McFarlane that would kick so much ass!
Ok I hate to bring this issue up again, but I'm really curious about it.

I noticed at the end of the credits, it mentions Bink video. This is a tool used for creating FMV. Now it is possible that it was only used for the Epic / Microsoft logo screen, but I'm starting to wonder.

Do you think it's possible that some of the cutscenes are FMV? One reason I'm starting to wonder - After the initial long cutscene after the tutorial mission ends, the screen goes black for a second, and when you can play you can notice the engine is reloading all the textures on the characters.

So I figure this means one of two things:

1) The cutscene was FMV.
2) The cutscenes swap in higher res and more detailed character models.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Ok I hate to bring this issue up again, but I'm really curious about it.

I noticed at the end of the credits, it mentions Bink video. This is a tool used for creating FMV. Now it is possible that it was only used for the Epic / Microsoft logo screen, but I'm starting to wonder.

Do you think it's possible that some of the cutscenes are FMV? One reason I'm starting to wonder - After the initial long cutscene after the tutorial mission ends, the screen goes black for a second, and when you can play you can notice the engine is reloading all the textures on the characters.

So I figure this means one of two things:

1) The cutscene was FMV.
2) The cutscenes swap in higher res and more detailed character models.[/QUOTE]

When you kill the last enemy in the game his death scene for 5-10 secs is FMV.
Is there ever a time when you get to play as Baird in the game? I haven't run through co-op, but I think I remember a Baird/Marcus section, so I'd assume playing through on co-op means that you're playing as Baird at that time?

I say that because I was watching the special features DVD (not half bad, worth more like $2 then $10 though) and noticed a scene where Baird kills someone, and then there's a subtitle "and stay down," so I'm pretty sure it's not multiplayer. Is this from singleplayer co-op, or is Thrust right and they're planning on releasing Baird playability?
[quote name='getmyrunon']

I say that because I was watching the special features DVD (not half bad, worth more like $2 then $10 though) and noticed a scene where Baird kills someone, and then there's a subtitle "and stay down," so I'm pretty sure it's not multiplayer. Is this from singleplayer co-op, or is Thrust right and they're planning on releasing Baird playability?[/QUOTE]

There are multiple times during the game, even when playing co op, where you split up into teams of two. This might be what you are seeing?
I love this game except for their delivery of the story. Epic could use a few lessons from Valve or Bungie. I can tell there's a good story to be told, they just can't get it out of their mouths. The part that bugs me the most is:

Enter rant/spoilers:

The transition from Act 4 to Act 5 and the beginning of act 5. It's just like "We're at a train station. Oh look! A train!!! Let's jump on board! Sorry Cole and Baird. Oh no, the Locust on board with a light mass bomb!?! Plant the co-ordinates to blow them up! It's General Raam!!!! (Who's apparently too stupid to shove the bomb over the edge or detach the train cars? Why the hell are the locust on board an out of control train with a human weapon? That whole weird energy ooze wasn't talked about much either. I know it's talked about some in the CE (which I didn't buy), but they really need to talk about it in the actual game.

End rant/spoilers.
[quote name='AshesofWake']im going through GRAW withdrawels

*panic attack*[/quote]

You mean GOW withdrawals? If not, GOW shits all over GRAW.
[quote name='Trakan']You mean GOW withdrawals? If not, GOW shits all over GRAW.[/QUOTE]

hah yeah Gears, i haven't slept in 3 days working on my legal brief, i need Gears like I need sleep right now...badly
[quote name='Trakan']You mean GOW withdrawals? If not, GOW shits all over GRAW.[/QUOTE]

And, although off topic, the new Rainbow Six pinches a fat loaf on G.R.A.W.
[quote name='Brak']Totally.

And, although off topic, the new Rainbow Six pinches a fat loaf on G.R.A.W.[/QUOTE]
Just got Rainbow Six Vegas and I second it.
If you're playing on hardcore...
At the start of the encounter - grab the sniper rifle, grenades, and ammo from both sides of the train. You should have a full gun, and 20 (maybe even 30, can't remember) shots of the rifle. Go out and immediately duck behind that first wall platform. Dom will do his thing (i.e. get shot & die) in a matter of seconds. As long as Dom doesn't die at Raam's feet, you have nothing to worry about. Whenever the Krill leave Raam, give his exposed body a sniper shot (preferably in the head). Keep repeating this as Raam advances on you. You should not take enough fire to kill you from the guys firing on the side, so don't worry about them. Once Raam starts coming around the corner of the block you're on, jump over it and sprint to the other side (revive dom if he's on the way, doesn't really matter, just make sure he doesn't die if you do). Get behind the opposite barrier and repeat. When you're out of sniper rounds, start chucking grenades and popping up to use your rifle. He should fall soon. I beat him on the second or third try after I started this method.
I'm doing that just fine but the problem is the kryll always turn me into salsa everytime i'm running away.

ugh i can't beat him.
This thread is massive! I ordered a 32" LCD to play the game in HD, and I can't freaking wait. How awesome is the difference between standard and HD for this game, anyone?
this makes no fucking sense the fucking kryll up my ass during the fight wtf. I want to break this fucking disc more than anything right now

as soon as i make the run for it the first fucking time the kryll always kill me when i get to the other end of the fucking train


jesus christ that was a retarded fight, all i used was the lancer.
I'm renting the game right now. The graphics are fantastic, the controls are excellent, and the gameplay works well.

Unfortunately, the game just isn't for me at all. I'm not a fan of shooters, but ones where I can take a lot of hits and just shoot like crazy, I can find some fun in it (like I can pretty much do that in Halo). In Gears of War, I have to do a lot of covering, which I don't like to do (one reason I despise most stealth games). I'm not doing too well with the game, where I'm having trouble getting past the initial mission. Definitely not a buy for me. I just prefer sticking to my mech based and samurai/ninja style action games instead of shooters (like squad based, FPS, etc.).
[quote name='Mex25']Just got Rainbow Six Vegas and I second it.[/quote]

Im unfamiliar with the used terminology... is it better than GRAW?
I beat this game a while ago on casual, RAAM was even hard then...

Played co-op with my friend on split screen, we beat RAAM in less than 30 seconds
[quote name='help1']Im unfamiliar with the used terminology... is it better than GRAW?[/QUOTE]
"Pinches a fat loaf" = "shits"

So, yes. R6: Vegas is better than GRAW.
1st time, beat him with Lancer on Casual. Took about 30 seconds. 1 attempt.

2nd time, beat him with Lancer on Hardcore. Took about 2 minutes. 1 attempt.

3rd time, beat him with a mix of Sniper, Bow, Grenades, Lancer on Insane. Took about 4 minutes and 13 attempts.

Me and my WIFE just beat Insane co-op, all acts. That was fustrating, but I have the best woman in the world by my side :) I've gotten all the achivements now for single player except for the COGs, as we have yet to use a FAQ. So I guess I'll have to go back in casual mode and look for the remaining COGs.
Has anyone else experienced this ... A friend and I are playing through the game in insane mode and we are at the part where we fight the corpser. We keep getting killed simultaneously even though it doesnt appear that anything is happening to us.
Bungie calls bullshit on GoW lack of a party matchmaking system:

Gears developer Epic has stated that the reason its title lacks a clan-friendly matchmaking system for ranked play is Microsoft's certification process. Bungie producer Allen Murray counters that notion in the interview, however, by explaining that Microsoft does allow parties of friends in ranked matches but does "not provide that feature as part of the core set of matchmaking services." In other words, it's up to the developer to program the system, and Bungie feels it has learned enough from its Halo 2 experience to optimize the system they already have in place.
[quote name='Maklershed']Has anyone else experienced this ... A friend and I are playing through the game in insane mode and we are at the part where we fight the corpser. We keep getting killed simultaneously even though it doesnt appear that anything is happening to us.[/QUOTE]

Yeah happended to me and the wife when we were close enough to it, even though we weren't even attacked.

Yay I got ALL the single player achivements, as I just used a FAQ to find the remaining 3 COG Tags I was missing.

Now onto killing 10,000 people and using the weapons in uniques ways to get all the achivements for multiplayer by tomorrow (not)
[quote name='ph33r m3']I just bought the game, anyone up for some co-op niggas?[/quote]I'm up for it if you're willing to play hardcore.
I can get on in like 5 min.
I've beaten the whole game on Insane (all of my gamer score comes from GoW :p I need more games) and I can give some tips on how to kill Raam.

Rule #1: forget the sniper rifle, keep reading. Rule #2: forget Dom. Rule #3: never "continue" to fight Raam. Once you get to him, quit and reload the chapter "Pale Horse". You start with the bow/arrow and there is a bow in the train near one of the ammo boxes - that's 12 total shots you have with the bow. HOLD ON TO YOUR LANCER and fill up your ammo and grab the frags. I'll split it into 3 parts (I beat Insane using this system) WARNING very long read but I feel it necessary as it took me many many tries to find this system that works:

1. Try your best to score 1 arrow hit to scare off Kryll armor, then 1 arrow for damage on Raam. Make sure to fully charge so they stick. Charge them while you are ducking, center Raam on screen, press L, target, fire, and hide right away again or you won't survive his gunfire. Once he closes in, blind fire the arrows - it won't hurt you even if he is standing on top of you. Do not leave the concrete slab yet. Stay away from the edges since they are dark.

2. If you run out of arrows, start blind firing with the Lancer - the sniper rifle would be shit in this situation. He will eventually get smart and start to circle around the concrete. Timing is everything. Don't let him fire on you while you jump over the concrete slab. He doesn't fire continuously so watch for the opening. As soon as you jump over DO NOT RUN. Instead, as soon you land on the opposite side, pull back your joystick and press "A" - you slam right back into the same concrete slab but on the opposite side of Raam. Start blind firing again.

3. Start moving away from him as he will once again circle around. Make sure he hasn't sent the Kryll out and start running towards the two little stone blocks until you slightly past them. Stop running and slam into cover to the nearest stone block. STAY TO THE INSIDE WHERE THE LIGHTS SHINES and you will not get attacked. Now, Raam is forced to walk around those metal poles in the middle to get to you. Keep blindfiring with the Lancer as your arrows should be done by now. See how useless the Sniper rifle would be?

4. Draw him to your position by the stone block. Once he gets close, Swat Turn to the opposite block, slip out of cover, and start running through the middle again to the first concrete slab you started. Jump over, slam into cover, and fire away. But won't he just shoot you into pieces, you ask? Nope. Because those metal poles in the middle will block most of his bullets. From here, start blind firing again and he should be dead soon.

It's confusing, but the two little concrete blocks and those metal poles in the middle are the keys to winning. Make him walk all around everything.
I don't know why everyone is hating on the sniper. Me and brother raped Raam with it. He had torque bow to scatter the krill while I sniped his face off.
[quote name='Mechanix']I don't know why everyone is hating on the sniper. Me and brother raped Raam with it. He had torque bow to scatter the krill while I sniped his face off.[/QUOTE]

I think alot of people are playing Raam on insane. When dumbass Dom goes out and gets killed, leaving you and Ramm 1 v 1, it's not all that fun. Having another human player makes it 1000x easier.
[quote name='Mechanix']I don't know why everyone is hating on the sniper. Me and brother raped Raam with it. He had torque bow to scatter the krill while I sniped his face off.[/quote]

You are telling us the obvious. Why don't you load up the game on Insane and try your face shot tactic against Raam by yourself. Dom gets downed within 15 seconds after which Raam's focus is all on you. What will you do with a sniper rifle when Raam is less than 3 feet away.

[quote name='Mechanix']
btw the cole rap rules. stay cool baby[/quote]

I hate rap and I hate the Gears of War rap ending even more. Here, we have an average, acceptable orchestrated soundtrack with an eerie mood. Then, with a bang, we get a crappy rap song to end such an epic adventure. Not trying to offend anyone, but this black hip-hop urbanisms revival/discovery fad has got to stop.
[quote name='nintendokid']You are telling us the obvious. Why don't you load up the game on Insane and try your face shot tactic against Raam by yourself. Dom gets downed within 15 seconds after which Raam's focus is all on you. What will you do with a sniper rifle when Raam is less than 3 feet away.

I hate rap and I hate the Gears of War rap ending even more. Here, we have an average, acceptable orchestrated soundtrack with an eerie mood. Then, with a bang, we get a crappy rap song to end such an epic adventure. Not trying to offend anyone, but this black hip-hop urbanisms revival/discovery fad has got to stop.[/QUOTE]

I still say the game's soundtrack would have been alot stronger if it stuck to something eerie mixed with something that sounds like Killzone... example of a good killzone song that would fit:

I found a loophole to easily get the Triple Kill 10 Time achievement.

Load up Act 1: Fork in the road. Play through as usual until you meet up with Dom and Kim again in a building. Take out the spotter and get the grub off the Troika but don't kill all of them yet. Fall back to the building where all of your comrades are hiding. Now, take the rest of the grubs out and it will trigger an Emergence Hole right inside the building, right behind you. Start cooking a grenade. Target and time it correctly so that it hits the three initial drones right when they are out of the hole. You can just keep reloading the chapter and perform it over and over. It helps to play on casual for sake of ease.

Also, it's quite hard but if you can target it correctly, you'll kill only the drones and won't seal up the hole. 4 more drones will come out from there so you can get a total of two
triple-kill counts. I was able to only do it once and it was intentional
I found it easier to tag the first one who comes through the door and block the doorway so they all get stuck and you all explode.
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