Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Oops I fell asleep and missed it!

But I still had the window open on the bm14 page and was able to buy it even after it was over.
Oops I fell asleep and missed it!

But I still had the window open on the bm14 page and was able to buy it even after it was over.
I stupidly refreshed the page for no reason at all and missed the bundle. I really wanted at least the $1 tier and bonuses. Pffft.

Oops I fell asleep and missed it!

But I still had the window open on the bm14 page and was able to buy it even after it was over.
I Missed It. was waiting for dollar days and forgot to purchase it before it ended :(
I stupidly refreshed the page for no reason at all and missed the bundle. I really wanted at least the $1 tier and bonuses. Pffft.
Shaq Fu! I missed the Be Mine bundle. Gah. I wanted those coins!
Mmm your pain feels so good~


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I know just enough to not be able to do this.

How? Please explain some more details.

For those who do not know how to do this.

1. Search for groupees be mine 14 in google.

2. Click on the downward arrow next to webpage title in google to pull up options "cached or share".

3. Click on cached and you are there.

Edit: Meh internet is slow showing the buy button. Putting it back up for those that need it. Get it while you can.

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Guess I made the right decision by tossing in a buck a few minutes before it ended. Not all that great of a bundle but the dollar tier was probably worth it.

Cached site wants you to login and once you do you're no longer on the cached site

Bing's cache is slower to update than Google's but it doesn't help much if you can't actually buy from the page.

I don't know maybe there's some way to cut the cache page code and live edit paste it into the live page bit that's beyond my understanding.
Control+shift+C for Element inspector which lets you edit html.

Copy code from google cache & paste into live page. As long as order form is included it's ok,

might as well copy whole page to be safe. you can use anonomyous checkout & buy as gift.

I already have a copy of the BM14 page source code saved (with the buy button still intact). Again, I don't know WHAT you're talking about. There's no code (in the HTML page that I saved) that works on the live site.

So, please give us a direct example of which code to copy and paste. Were you able to purchase one bundle this way, from google cache?
Seems like you need to select anonymous purchase before copying, otherwise you copy selection form which doesn't work.

Starting form

<div class="purchase-form" data-amazon-min="0.35" data-fav-amount="5.0" data-min-amount="1.0" data-paypal-min="0.2">

until matching </div>

copying whole page should work too.

I already have a copy of the BM14 page source code saved (with the buy button still intact). Again, I don't know WHAT you're talking about. There's no code (in the HTML page that I saved) that works on the live site.

So, please give us a direct example of which code to copy and paste. Were you able to purchase one bundle this way, from google cache?
If you are still having problems, I bought an extra $5 tier bundle but did not buy it as a gift (silly me). I or others can sell you keys if you want. Are you looking for all or just some of the keys?

I like that some of you guys were able to figure this shit out. It's protection in case they try to troll us with a significant discount after the clock winds down. I'm looking at you Indie Gala.

I actually bought well before the clock winded down (they had me at Winter Wolves lesbian mother/daughter) but it's still good to know that we can get bundles after the clock is over next time. Maybe. We hope. Who knows? We'll see. :p

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I think it's hilarious that people figured out how to buy after the sale was over.

I wonder how long it'll last... if it's anything like how long it took to recover from the crash, we should be good until Be Mine 62.  Then they'll ask for volunteers to code a fix.

Are people buying older bundles via cached pages and actually getting the receipts and emails? Or just the BM14?

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Wow, the live edit trick worked.  Had to use the Bing cache, because the Google one is already showing the bundle ended, but I copied the purchase HTML code from the cache, edited the live page using the Developer Tools window, and

I screwed up the gifting stuff, but Groupees merged the BM14 purchase into my regular account when I logged in on the BM14 key page.

Now I'm genuinely curious about buying an old bundle or two I missed.

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It actually works
Twin Sister + Max $0 on August 31, 2014

haha. security++ (thought it's missing files for both so...)
That's the 'Please give us your backups to help us restore the files we lost a year ago because were were dumbasses and didn't back them up and only now got the balls to ask our customers for them' part.
just buy bundles cause amazon is only good during glitches or big sale maybe end of summer maybe winter maybe blakc friday that mabye cause i have no idea my boss wont let me do it  when i want cause he only cares bout the mobile/tablet craps and  screwing the ocol people  who loves video games and willing to give money but we done donwload i talk to my boss or i take my money build new amazon call amazon 2.0 hehehhe

Does someone who figured out the cache trick have an extra copy of the dollar tier? Just Pm me and I'll give a code for the amazon giftcard for it :) would really appreciate it!
Hey guys, so there's a website called Groupees. It's cool.

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The only problem is that their bundle IDs haven't been recorded. If anyone finds a way that doesn't involve almost going through the whole checkout process before finding out what you're buying, please post it here.
Wayback Machine?

Their snapshots are pretty sporadic though. For example there's a bunch in early 2012 and late 2013/early 2014 but then not much anywhere else.

bread's done