H: Braid, Osmos, Groove Coaster

Curleh Mustache

18 (100%)
Braid (Onlive Version)
Osmos (Onlive Version)
Groove Coaster (iOS Game)*
Will trade All Items for either one of these:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade (XBLA)
Hexen (Steam Version)
iPhone Games
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Steam version. Only $1.24 as of this post)
Reasonable offers

Note: If you bump this thread I'll return the favor by bumping yours.

*NOTE: if you want Groove Coaster you need to create a UK iTunes Account.
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Alright, for a limited time I'll be willing to trade all three codes listed above (Bulletstorm Online Pass, FIFA 10 Virtual Performance Boost and the Brutal Legend Rock Band Song Code) and a promo code for the iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) game called Orbital Jumper for $10 paypal.
NOTE: The Online Pass for alone costs 800MSP ($10) on the XBL Marketplace.
NOTE 2: The FIFA 10 Code is For the PS3 version of that game.
i'm just saying out of curiosity why don't you buy the TMNT game yourself? Isn't the TMNT Arcade game 400 points? Anyway, here's a free bump for you regardless.
[quote name='videogamsta']i'm just saying out of curiosity why don't you buy the TMNT game yourself? Isn't the TMNT Arcade game 400 points? Anyway, here's a free bump for you regardless.[/QUOTE]

Because it's delisted now and I don't have a credit card.
bread's done