H: COMPLETELY INSANE List for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PS3, Rare Stuff, & MORE! W: HYRULE WARRIORS, Sword Art Online Vita

Hello, do you still have Zelda, Monster Hunter 3, and Mario Land for the 3ds? interested in all 3, if so will you do a deal?

So, I've got a copy of Luigi's Mansion and I've got the Paypals and other currencies. This is what I'm interested in:
Viva Pinata
NBA 2K13
Katamari Forever
Metroid Prime 3
How much on top of Luigi's Mansion is it going to take for me to take home a Fudgehog et al? My daughter so loves Fudgehogs. When I told her SativaSam was going to sell us his Fudgehog, well, you can imagine how excited she was.
Send me an offer. Make it high so I can act offended and counter with an equally offensive low offer. Then, all good will completely evaporated, we'll grudgingly give each other a semi-fair price, after which I'll point out that I don't even have a daughter.
That's a lie. I have a daughter. And she wants a fudgehog. 
bread's done