Halo 4 out November 6th!!

If there's still an interest in playing through the campaign(s), my Live has expired.  I'm not sure if I'll renew it, but I have several 48 trials to use.  I just would need to know when people were playing so that I don't waste the 2 days.

That's fine.  I'll also move my 360 back to my wired internet connection.  I'm hopeful that will eliminate the lag for everyone (not sure if my being wireless is what caused it, but just in case).

Sorry guys,

I've had something come up at the last minute.

I should be back at around 11-12am EST, but totally understand if that's too late.
I saw this and wanted to be on later but couldn't. I'll be away visiting family over the holiday this week, but if you want to play next week I should be on.

Just a heads up, the Champions bundle will be on sale the 29th for 50% off.  I know this is what I've been waiting for to pick it up finally.

Just a heads up, the Champions bundle will be on sale the 29th for 50% off. I know this is what I've been waiting for to pick it up finally.
I'm very glad I didn't buy this when they initially released it and claimed it was truly limited, and that it would be removed soon after release. I wish companies would stop trying to use fear as a motivator to buy things.

If you're considering buying the Game of the Year release, remember that it also includes the DLC from the Series 2 action figures, which features armor and weapon skins not included with any map packs. That's if you're interested in further customization.


Hope you had a good one, they added Speed Slayers for 343 day, it was fun.

They also had a stream up on Twitch with a number of things shown including a new Griffball mode and Spartan Assault. Read about it here.

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I've been playing this online the last few nights and am having issues with turning.  In close combat it just feels like I turn too slowly.  I've increased the X-Axis sensitivity speed up two notches, hoping that will help. 

Also, the last few nights have been very laggy, with lots of people quitting out of whole matches with high frequency (I'm playing Big Team).  Is there a CAG team who play?  I'm not an amazing player, but I'd like to play with people who I can hopefully count on.  

Ahaha, oh wow I've never gone through Action Sack, well I think once a long time ago, but they have some pretty interesting game modes. Mini-Slayer, where you guessed it you're tiny, on specially limited maps so the play space is just enough running and gunning (it's always been about the flow for Halo). Rock n' Rail, where everyone starts off with rockets and railguns with jet packs, turns Halo into Tribes and might just be my favorite Halo mode right now. Binary Slayer is everyone has the Binary Rifle with infinite ammo, plasma sword too, along with infinite Thruster pack. Then finally you have Fiesta Slayer which was the game mode they had on 343 day I believe. That mode is random weapons and can be quite entertaining. I always do Big Team Battle or normal slayer so these modes are new to me.

What time works for everyone tonight.

11pm EST? Or is that too late?
I'll try to be on around then.

Sure, I'll be on then.
Just know that IcedBlue and I have been playing through the Campaign on Legendary Cooperatively (with Ryuukishi joining in for the last level). We're up to level 4, which means we could potentially go for Bros to the Close if other people are looking to get it. I'm fine with playing multiplayer with others, but I'm pretty sure he's asking if people want to play the Campaign tonight. We usually get a level done each session.

If people do want to get a CAG crew going, though, that would be amazing. Too often I find myself alone or without a reliable team in BIg Team Slayer. I'd play any other gametype, but Big Team is usually what I play most (just because of scale and intensity).

And the pulse grenade is so deadly during King of the Hill matches in Big Team. I'm flying through the commendations for it.

Sure, if I'm on then send an invite. I'm down for being a co-op Spartan.I need to get the co-op achievements for the game anyways, been working on getting all the terminals solo on Heroic.

I'll try to be on around then.

Just know that IcedBlue and I have been playing through the Campaign on Legendary Cooperatively (with Ryuukishi joining in for the last level). We're up to level 4, which means we could potentially go for Bros to the Close if other people are looking to get it. I'm fine with playing multiplayer with others, but I'm pretty sure he's asking if people want to play the Campaign tonight. We usually get a level done each session.

If people do want to get a CAG crew going, though, that would be amazing. Too often I find myself alone or without a reliable team in BIg Team Slayer. I'd play any other gametype, but Big Team is usually what I play most (just because of scale and intensity).

And the pulse grenade is so deadly during King of the Hill matches in Big Team. I'm flying through the commendations for it.
Ya, sorry,
I meant the campaign on legendary.

Would be nice to get a normal crew together.

Anyways, I'll come on at around 11ish tonight and we'll do 1 level, maybe 2 depending on how fast we go.

And I apologize in advance if I accidentally shoot/kill someone! :(

We got through the 4th level, and managed to hold onto a Marine while going for Bros to the Close.  Since we were playing on Legendary and encountered lag, we could probably get it with no issue since it only requires Heroic difficulty.  If other CAGs want to try for it, and/or play through the remaining Campaign levels, we can try to nail a time down.  I'm totally fine going back to previous levels to help people get through Cooperative as well.  The 4th level is just such a long level.

We're also getting the Terminals, but I forgot to get the one in level 4, so we'll have to go back and get that one.

Dude,  exactly just did that mission in the campaign and yeah that terminal is super easy to get, just turn around before the big LZ firefight.

We got through the 4th level, and managed to hold onto a Marine while going for Bros to the Close. Since we were playing on Legendary and encountered lag, we could probably get it with no issue since it only requires Heroic difficulty. If other CAGs want to try for it, and/or play through the remaining Campaign levels, we can try to nail a time down. I'm totally fine going back to previous levels to help people get through Cooperative as well. The 4th level is just such a long level.

We're also getting the Terminals, but I forgot to get the one in level 4, so we'll have to go back and get that one.
Ya, lag was a pain in the butt. I felt useless shooting at what felt like trees hoping I'd hit something.

Damn you lag!!!

Ya, lag was a pain in the butt. I felt useless shooting at what felt like trees hoping I'd hit something.

Damn you lag!!!
Heh, I was hoping you'd take the Mantis when we got to that point because I was having lag issues and thought you might have a better time in it. We blew through that Tank part, though. When you got in that Wraith and I had that Scorpion we were just blasting by.

bread's done