Not this last winter, but the one before Milwaukee just got hit with this crazy snow storm, I mean up to the knees over night. A buddy of mine had been forced to crash at my place due to the storm so when we got up we knew we were going to have to dig our cars out (the snow was up the freaking window on my car which sat kind of low!). So we went out and dug our cars out. We then decided to do the sidewalk and front porch of my house even though it was actually the upstairs neighbors job (it was a family and usually the kids did it but we couldn't imagine them moving all this snow).
We then saw a neighbor trying to dig her car out with a broom (she didn't have a shovel) so we helped her. Figuring why not, we then went and dug out a couple of apartment buildings bottom driveways that had been made completely impassible due to the snow plows and then started going down the block digging cars out. Before we knew it the two of us had dug out almost half the cars on the block. (at least 2 dozen) In the process we also helped get 4 cars trying to drive around unstuck. Literally spent the entire morning and afternoon moving snow (easily 6 hours). But most of my block was families and college age girls with no shovels to move the snow so if we hadn't done it most of these people would of been stuck. The really cool part though was after a while other people in the neighborhood saw us hard at work and decided to help out. Just cool to think how me and my friend helping a few people out turned into a block full of people who mostly hadn't met each other (it being a college area most people didn't stay in one spot for much more than a year at a time) all pitching in and helping each other out.
I honestly don't know how many cars we dug out that day, or how many pounds of snow we moved, but between that and the fact my job actually closed down for the day due to the snow, we drank heavily that night and felt pretty good about it too.
Just want to add after reading the thread that whoever the winners end up being, this was one of the better contest ideas I've seen on here.