These would be AWESOME to win!!!
T TheRealSickboy CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,002 [quote name='qwpeoriu']hola halo reach. Confession: I've never beaten a Halo game before.[/QUOTE] LOL I've only beaten the 1st one.
[quote name='qwpeoriu']hola halo reach. Confession: I've never beaten a Halo game before.[/QUOTE] LOL I've only beaten the 1st one.
P Punky Bruiser CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,012 please please please let me let me get what I want this time
A AblativMeatshld CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,013 I so, so badly need a new console. This would be sweeeeeeeeeet...
L Limet CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 12, 2010 #5,019 I'm soo excited! CAG always does the best giveaways. Even though i have never won anything its still the best. CAG IT UP!
I'm soo excited! CAG always does the best giveaways. Even though i have never won anything its still the best. CAG IT UP!
P Prototype072 CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #5,027 Glad this contest led me to this site. Interesting stuff.
C crustyspot CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,032 Been looking forward to Halo reach. Truly enjoyed the originals.
C coolguygot CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,033 Wait, I didn't get any more tickets posting on here. Whaa?
bshawnm CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 12, 2010 #5,037 Can't wait for this game. And this is one awesome CAG contest!
jonac13 CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #5,043 Gotta give this contest a go, I'm so ridiculously pumped for Halo: Reach I can barely stand it.
D darkjarna CAG Veteran Sep 12, 2010 #5,045 Well I've never been much of a halo fan, bu I do love free stuff!
Kolma CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #5,048 Weird i commented in this thread and it wont give me my ticket D: I need all 16, 14 just won't cut it
Weird i commented in this thread and it wont give me my ticket D: I need all 16, 14 just won't cut it
N Nickz123 CAGiversary! Sep 12, 2010 #5,050 hopefully this will get a coiple people into halo that havent played before, i know it would for me