Halo Reach: Wheel of Halo Contest - Winners Posted!

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Awesome contest, but I REALLY hope the multiplayer makes up for the stale boring campaign and the repetitive firefight. 11 missions is way too short for a campaign and the firefight mode can be altered so each player is invincible - kind of defeats the purpose. Forge World wasn't anything special either simply because the area was very small and there wasn't really anything new/creative to do. I wasn't a terribly big fan of the beta but I am sure some adjustments and tweaks have been made.
I have actually been not that into Halo recently even though I absolutely loved 1-3. Too much Modern Warfare has taken me out of the Halo zone. I hope that this game is good and gets me back into it.
This would be immensely helpful to win the grand prize. I just moved out of state and had to leave my consoles behind :(. Here's to an awesome contest!
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