D dougtron 3030 CAGiversary! Sep 7, 2010 #3,558 Fun Contest, This would be a great excuse to revisit the Haloverse. Thanks Cheapy!
Regnisab CAG Veteran Sep 7, 2010 #3,561 this is such a great competition, I wish there were more websites like this!
M matth00lt CAGiversary! Sep 7, 2010 #3,563 So looking forward to Reach that I've started collecting Mega Blok Halo sets. My wife thinks I've lost my mind...
So looking forward to Reach that I've started collecting Mega Blok Halo sets. My wife thinks I've lost my mind...
G g0internetg0 CAG Veteran Sep 7, 2010 #3,564 This contest is pretty great. Halo's that religious game, right?
iNFiNiTE HORiZON CAGiversary! Feedback 95 (99%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,565 Preordered the game, wouldn't mind getting the custom controller to play it with
CandyCaptain CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,567 It's amazing how many people have already entered and I just found out about the contest
I izual1 CAGiversary! Sep 7, 2010 #3,570 I hope I win, but even if I don't this site is cool and I appreciate it.
theEchness CAGiversary! Feedback 94 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,573 No way in h-e-double hockey stick I have a chance but might as well enter anyway.
A AceOfBam CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,585 You guys have the best contests! CAG RULES!
mcginnis CAGiversary! Feedback 54 (98%) Sep 7, 2010 #3,593 Just broke up with my girlfriend to make time for Halo:Reach! ^_^