Wow. Epic giveaway, Cheapy. Much thanks!
TheHiei CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #410 Cheapy, that Halo avatar of you is amazing. As are you for holding this contest in the first place. Fun times.
Cheapy, that Halo avatar of you is amazing. As are you for holding this contest in the first place. Fun times.
Vrylakos CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #412 Hope Halo Reach stays true to the years of fun I have had with previous Halo games... and good luck to everyone taking part in this contest! Vrylakos
Hope Halo Reach stays true to the years of fun I have had with previous Halo games... and good luck to everyone taking part in this contest! Vrylakos
JawboneINC CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #414 WooHoo...Thanks Cheapy!!! Good Luck Everyone!
DanHammett CAG Veteran Sep 6, 2010 #421 i feel that this is a great idea and that the contests are a great way to get users to me more active=)
i feel that this is a great idea and that the contests are a great way to get users to me more active=)
super_nerd CAGiversary! Feedback 42 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #426 Thanks for the contest! I already preordered the regular edition on Amazon but if I win a copy I can cancel that!
Thanks for the contest! I already preordered the regular edition on Amazon but if I win a copy I can cancel that!
FanosSlapVt CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #434 Well I've never played a Halo Game, so I'd love to see what happens to this Reach place. It IS a prequel right?
Well I've never played a Halo Game, so I'd love to see what happens to this Reach place. It IS a prequel right?
tcolberg CAGiversary! Sep 6, 2010 #435 Wonder if they've put more into the story than they did with Halo 3?
F FreeStuffFan85 CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #440 Wow. 22 pages already. NICE. Good luck, everyone.
dynafire CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #441 This seems like a fun contest. Looking forward to the stream!
S s_doolan CAG Veteran Sep 6, 2010 #443 Game looks pretty sweet. Swear every time I see the "remember reach" tv ad, I totally want it right now. Probly shoulda played the beta a bit more :\
Game looks pretty sweet. Swear every time I see the "remember reach" tv ad, I totally want it right now. Probly shoulda played the beta a bit more :\
brewin CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #444 Wow you folks keep on upping the ante on these contests! Awesome!
The Holy Pretzle CAGiversary! Feedback 41 (100%) Sep 6, 2010 #448 This is awesome, thanks CheapyD!! *crosses fingers*