R rochaeliseo CAG Veteran Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,552 I never win these but it doesnt hurt to try i guess. lol
M Mailman T CAG Veteran Sep 10, 2010 #4,554 I would love to get my dirty hands on one of those consoles!
bdavid81 CAGiversary! Feedback 117 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,560 Almost forgot to enter this! Thanks CAG!
Z zvansolkema CAG Veteran Sep 10, 2010 #4,563 This game is going to be ridiculously awesome, I hope that it explains more of the universe and background of the "war"
This game is going to be ridiculously awesome, I hope that it explains more of the universe and background of the "war"
M mattyg00013 CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,565 This is an awesome contest, congrats to those that win, maybe it will be me. : )
Jinghis Khan CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,566 Good luck everyone, though I'd be lying if I said I don't want to win : )
T34RS CAG Veteran Sep 10, 2010 #4,567 Man o Man, the time has come again for another Halo game... will enjoy campaign and can't wait for Tues!!
Man o Man, the time has come again for another Halo game... will enjoy campaign and can't wait for Tues!!
hereon CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,568 excited can't wait to see how this game turns out
T Terabytes CAGiversary! Sep 10, 2010 #4,569 hope this contest gets CAG lots more listeners! also, cheapyd has lots of gold!
L Littlefields CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Sep 10, 2010 #4,570 Nice to see organized contests like these, I'll be tuning in.
SithKryton CAG Veteran Sep 10, 2010 #4,572 I am ready for the midnight launch. Even took off from work for once.
L lazypunk502 CAG Veteran Sep 10, 2010 #4,573 I am definitely hoping this turns out well for me! I could use the money i plan on spending on this fantastic game!
I am definitely hoping this turns out well for me! I could use the money i plan on spending on this fantastic game!
panasonic CAGiversary! Feedback 151 (100%) Sep 11, 2010 #4,575 where the is the hype train. I feel like no one in this thread wants anything to do with halo but me
K Kooberz CAGiversary! Sep 11, 2010 #4,577 I have no $ right now but I need this game. Any of my fans on here? I do video game animations that I'm sure you've seen on Kotaku. Search: Lego Starcraft, Brick Rush
I have no $ right now but I need this game. Any of my fans on here? I do video game animations that I'm sure you've seen on Kotaku. Search: Lego Starcraft, Brick Rush
iNCREDiPiNOY CAGiversary! Feedback 216 (100%) Sep 11, 2010 #4,579 i can't reach, please scratch my back lol! :lol:
praxus07 CAGiversary! Feedback -1 (0%) Sep 11, 2010 #4,580 Hope I win something, especially the game. Otherwise I'll have to wait till X-mas or my birthday in May to get a copy of Reach for myself.
Hope I win something, especially the game. Otherwise I'll have to wait till X-mas or my birthday in May to get a copy of Reach for myself.
T TheGodfajah CAG Veteran Sep 11, 2010 #4,593 So...are you going to let us know if we win so we can be at the UStream? I work all day on Sunday and would hate to miss the event.
So...are you going to let us know if we win so we can be at the UStream? I work all day on Sunday and would hate to miss the event.