[quote name='ITDEFX']
That reminds me, Cloverfield...I know a lot of people hated it, but some people had that motion sickness in the first 20 minutes (rob's party). Did anyone get a refund for that motion sickness?[/QUOTE]
My girl got a refund due to motion sickness for cloverfield and avatar imax 3d.
Only movie I walked out on was Twilight (first one). My girl just kept hearing me sigh over and over and just said ,"yea this sucks, go watch transporter 3 and i'll meet you when its over." she knew it sucked but had to watch it because she was a fan. Man, did the most recent one suck balls, too. The fight time in this movie was like 5 minutes or less. Seriously.
Someone said they walked out of happy feet...Why?! this movie was soooo good!