[quote name='Kapwanil']Only one of those shots across that minute have him as beaming, and that was from one of the 10+ cutaways from another camera and angle that focused only on the faces of the individual competitors. In every single shot with Kevin, Tennille, and Ramsay in the same frame Kevin has a neutral expression at best.
Considering that the facial closeups could have been taken at any point between when Ramsay called them downstairs and dismissed them (Dave's injury, Tennille's leaving, announcement of the Top Three and special surprise) whereas the shots with the trio (K, T, Ramsay) are only from Tennille's send-off...it makes a difference.[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry but that's the biggest BS I've ever read on CAG. He is clearly smiling ear to ear in the shots with all of them around Tenille. If you do not see that I just don't know what to say. Some of the other shots throughout the season could've been edited, but based on his overall behavior and his comments, it fits up with his expressions in the shot with all of them, of being egotistical and manipulative and out for himself at all costs while trying not to show it, using others without them knowing. I've met a lot of people like him and they make me sick.