[quote name='joshythegreat18']Don't forget when one of the customers went up to the kitchen to bitch about her food. Priceless.
I don't remember Jimmie (I know the name, just don't remember anything specific about him on these boards), but so far he's my favorite. He's a nice mix of level-headed and smart ass, which is ok in my book. Hopefully he or Robert will win, because everyone else needs to be locked up.[/QUOTE]
OHHHHH YES...YESSS!!! How could I forget that scene. My Lord, even some who come in for the free and hopefully high quality meal have an ulterior motive. That bitch was as fake as a three dollar bill.
Yeah, Robert and Jimmie are light years ahead of everyone, none of the women seem all that interesting this year, and the three trainwrecks in waiting (one is in mid wreck right now - Joseph) are Joseph, Van, and the deer-caught-in-the-headlights little gay guy, what's his name. Runs a food store or something. You know THAT guy is just going to get shat on by Gordon this season. What did he call him? Goggles? My wife missed the second half so I'm going to watch it again with her right now, it was so damn good.
[quote name='CheapyD']Heh, nice theory, but I know nothing! I like Vancouver because it happens to be a beautiful city and is
relatively close to Japan. I went there a few years ago too.
However, if Jim does happen to win, you can be damn sure I will be there![/QUOTE]
Well, the finale is in LA, at least it's been that way all the seasons I can remember. So if you come out for that, I'll buy you and Jimmie a drink!