Huge Restock @ GameStop. Tons of GC GBA Games 75% off + More!


67 (100%)
I remember when GameStop did this a few years back with the GameCube games and I made a thread about it. Thought it may be time to make a post for this restock. This time, they added several thousand items. They went from 8,000 items in stock to over 13,000. Check below for a link to lead you to all the available games for each system. The last time GameStop restocked stuff like this, things kept on coming back in stock throughout the week, so keep an eye out.

All of these are 75% off:

:gba: GameBoy Advance

:gc: GameCube

Below are the systems that were restocked but have no discount

:ds: Nintendo DS

:psp: PlayStation Portable (these are B2G2)

:pc: PC (several new games for $0.97)

:3ds: Nintendo 3DS

:ps2: PlayStation 2

They also have some DVD's & Blu Rays up that are $1 ($0.76 after PUR and cag16)

:dvd: DVD

:br: Blu-Ray (not much in stock now)

Don't forget to use the code SAVER to get free shipping for orders over $24.99 and CAG16 for used games (cag16 is not stackable with the 75% off games).


Here are some of the noteworthy things that are in stock. Keep in mind that things may go oos and be restocked.

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A few weeks back, I ordered 3 Nyko memory cards when the regulars were out-of-stock. Got 3 Yellow ones.

About two weeks ago, I ordered 4 Sony Memory Cards thinking it would automatically knock the order down to 1 quantity as it had been. I didn't this time and got 4 original Sony Memory Cards. One wasn't booting up, but a quick alcohol swab fixed that.

I received my first European DS game. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, as I rarely order DS stuff from them.

Also... head's up... if you order a bunch of PS2 games and you get an email from Gamestop saying they regret to inform you that they had to cancel your order... they likely only cancelled one or two games from your order. About a month back, I ordered 20 or so games and received one of those emails. Everything was listed as "N/A" on the shipment page. But I saw that many were in-stock and re-ordered them.

Come to find out, I received duplicate sets because the order from ONE store was cancelled, while the others all shipped, and they just never updated the shipping page.

To each his own.
Same thing with me a few months ago with Orcs and Elves, they sent me the Euro version. O well at least the DS is region free. I also got the Korean version of Afrika (Hakuna Matata) for the PS3 at a Gamestop once when I put a in store hold on it.

Just got my first 15 DS games, all cart only but no surprise at $1-$2 a shot, sorry meant no surprise cos Gamestop.

On the bright side they all work so I'm happy.


What is this shit. I ordered Racquet Sports and I received Summer Sports.

Close enough right??


Guess I'm collecting DS games now. Was feeling impulsive.
Elite Beat Agents, Trauma Center, and Metroid Prime Pinball are all terrific for what they are, and you are in for a treat. :)

I haven't been charged or gotten a shipping confirm. I ordered Friday. Kinda considering cancelling....hnnnnnnnnnggggggg I just really want cases :C 

DS tho. 

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What game(s) did you add? I think if it doesn't apply means not available even you're able to add to the cart.
The link from the post I quoted was for Ribbit King. He said it was in stock, but it isn't discounted in your cart. Yeah, that means it's OOS.

Also, I just got some of the games from my order. Most of them were right, but some dumbass from Fairless Hills, PA, sent me NAMCO TRANSMISSION instead of Van Helsing and Cabela's Outdoor Adventures instead of Syphon Filter: Omega Strain. How hard is it to read the game disc and see that it doesn't match the label? They're in sleeves so both are very obvious. Morons.

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Wait, so if Gamestop is sending products from stores now, is the product locater still accurate? I missed a game I wanted on the website but a local store shows they have it in stock. It's an hour away, so I don't want to make the trek if it's not there.
Wait, so if Gamestop is sending products from stores now, is the product locater still accurate? I missed a game I wanted on the website but a local store shows they have it in stock. It's an hour away, so I don't want to make the trek if it's not there.
I'd guess it's the same as it normally is. Doesn't the stock update every so often?

You could always call the store.

Wait, so if Gamestop is sending products from stores now, is the product locater still accurate? I missed a game I wanted on the website but a local store shows they have it in stock. It's an hour away, so I don't want to make the trek if it's not there.
A Gamestop manager I was chatting with a few months ago said the stores were going to begin sending out in-store stock to website orders so maybe this is the beginning of it? Our conversation specifically was referring to CE and other big box games and hard-to-find items that are sold out on the website but available in stores. So don't be surprised if you start seeing some older CE's go in stock on the website but just be aware that they are likely being sent from B&M locations and are very possibly gutted.

The link from the post I quoted was for Ribbit King. He said it was in stock, but it isn't discounted in your cart. Yeah, that means it's OOS.

Also, I just got some of the games from my order. Most of them were right, but some dumbass from Fairless Hills, PA, sent me NAMCO TRANSMISSION instead of Van Helsing and Cabela's Outdoor Adventures instead of Syphon Filter: Omega Strain. How hard is it to read the game disc and see that it doesn't match the label? They're in sleeves so both are very obvious. Morons.
I have very low expectation from them. Any interaction with them is always a gamble.

Is 'SAVER' no longer working?  It's giving me "Oops!  The coupon you entered is not currently valid. Please check the spelling of the code and the expiration date of the coupon."

UPDATE:  Looks like it won't combine with CAG16; it's one or the other.  When did that start?

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The link from the post I quoted was for Ribbit King. He said it was in stock, but it isn't discounted in your cart. Yeah, that means it's OOS.

Also, I just got some of the games from my order. Most of them were right, but some dumbass from Fairless Hills, PA, sent me NAMCO TRANSMISSION instead of Van Helsing and Cabela's Outdoor Adventures instead of Syphon Filter: Omega Strain. How hard is it to read the game disc and see that it doesn't match the label? They're in sleeves so both are very obvious. Morons.
Which namco trans|mission did you get? I ordered Popcap Hits Vol. 2 a few months back and I received one of the those as well in the wrong sleeve.

Back in 2012 during the beginning of the Gamestop purge, I managed to find a Kibbit King in-store. For those that do order one, I will be curious to know how many include the extra bonus disc.

Which namco trans|mission did you get? I ordered Popcap Hits Vol. 2 a few months back and I received one of the those as well in the wrong sleeve.

Back in 2012 during the beginning of the Gamestop purge, I managed to find a Kibbit King in-store. For those that do order one, I will be curious to know how many include the extra bonus disc.


Got another shipment in today. 2 Wii games were complete, ther rest of the games were disc or cart only. In a few instances theY shoved the Wii disc was in the bubble mailer by in nothing but a DVD sleeve. Luckily they weren't damaged though.
Got the first couple of games from my order, and they sent me FF IV instead of FF: The 4 Heroes of Light. Not sure whether I'm happy or mad. FF IV does cost $20, so I got it for a decent price. Annoyed that I didn't get the right game though.

I got a bunch of games from all over the fucking US. These mailers are flimsy as shit, especially when you're sending me loose PSP games assholes.
[quote name="mariodog" post="12921623" timestamp="1442360180"]Make sure you check your credit card statements. I was charged almost $80 more than what I paid.[/quote]

So glad I went to my local Walgreens and just bought a GameStop gift card in the amount I needed.

I tend to do that when available. The less companies with my debit card info the better, lol.
I got a bunch of games from all over the fucking US. These mailers are flimsy as shit, especially when you're sending me loose PSP games assholes.
I had a loose Wii disc in one of their sleeves in a Bubble Mailer. Luckily it was fine but they keep that up and it's obvious they will have some damaged games being returned.
So I got one game. Another was supposed to be delivered too. I'm not gonna get charged separate shipping for all else am I? I still haven't been charged for my order either.
So I got one game. Another was supposed to be delivered too. I'm not gonna get charged separate shipping for all else am I? I still haven't been charged for my order either.
They charge you once. No matter how many packages they deliver to you.

Hell, I got 6 packages each with a game or two :-({|=

as previously mentioned, I've ordered about 80 something PS2 games... one single game arrived yesterday lol

However I do have about 20 tracking numbers (crazy right?) packages currently expected to arrive literally every business day now through Wednesday for me.

bread's done