Humble Indie Bundle 9 - Bonuses unlocked: Rocketbirds, A Virus Named TOM, Bastion, LIMBO


56 (100%)
Pay What You Want ($1+ for Steam keys)

  • Trine 2: Complete Story
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Eets Munches Beta
  • Brutal Legend

  • FTL: Faster than Light
  • Fez
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Edition*
  • A Virus Named TOM*
  • Bastion*
  • LIMBO*
*Bonuses added on 9/18 at 11 AM Pacific. Unlike previous bundles, you must beat the average at the time of your purchase to get these regardless of when you bought it.
There has been talk of not wanting to support Phil Fish if Fez was ever bundled. Please do not use this as an opportunity to punish the other developers. You can choose to adjust the payment that goes to each. But remember, if you decide that a game is worth redeeming and playing, it's probably worth paying for.

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I've learned (the hard way) to not buy any indie games any more unless they are in some big-name bundle. In fact, like I said in the Steam thread "At this point I'm never buying *any* game again unless it's bundled." I also owned Bastion, Brutal Legend, and Limbo from previous HIBs, and MotN from the Amazon bundle (and would never have thought it would end up in an HIB since it was published by MS). However, for Fez, AVNT, and especially FTL & Trine 2, I just had to be patient despite the multiple sales for them in the past.

So if you can exercise patience and don't need to play a game right now, all good-to-great indies will eventually show up in a bundle.
I usually do the same, Trine 2 and Brutal Legend were the exceptions. Mainly because I liked Trine 2 on PS3 (obtained from PS+) and wanted to play it on PC with a few friends. I knew it'd get bundled, but it was worth it to me at the time because I knew I'd play it immediately. Brutal Legend had already been bundled, I was dumb and didn't realize it'd get bundled again soon after, so that was the only big mistake I made for this bundle lol. The Amazon Microsoft bundle was too good to pass up at $5 IMO.. but I may regret that decision if all of the games from it get Humble Bundled.
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Didn't read the thread but seriously, people are really complaining about this deal and charity. I swear, the internet brings out the inner monster in some of these entitled gaming pricks.

I for one am glad I waited, since I wasn't interested in any of the original games, since I didn't own most of these games on PC. Only games I owned was Brutal Legend and Limbo (both on the 360) and I haven't even played Brutal Legend yet. Can't wait to play the other games in the BTA bundle too.

Just sad that people want to complain about every little thing.
It's not gamers though, it's people. It's kind of a silly example, but if there was some house decoration bundle thing that a bunch of stay at home moms followed you'd get similar reactions.

The great irony is by purchasing most of these games earlier than being bundled I paid more (and compensated the developers more) than the average bundle purchaser.  But carry on with the denouncements

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The great irony is by purchasing most of these games earlier than being bundled I paid more (and compensated the developers more) than the average bundle purchaser. But carry on with the denouncements
New CAG Rules:

Having an opinion = Self entitlement

Telling someone what something is worth and what they should do with their money = Self entitlement, but person so full of themselves they don't seem to see it

Meme = Silenced

Indie Gala = No Happy Hour

I don't like these new CAG rules.

Are Rocketbirds and A Virus Named TOM worth $3.50? I have everything else and put down $1 for Brutal Legend. Not sure if I should BTA now. But both of the games just seem meh and I feel like I'd never actually try them unless someone told me that I'd be missing out. TOM seems better, but that's just because I really enjoyed the trailer for it. I like the sense of humor in it, but the gameplay seems basic. Rocketbirds just looks average all around.
Are Rocketbirds and A Virus Named TOM worth $3.50? I have everything else and put down $1 for Brutal Legend. Not sure if I should BTA now. But both of the games just seem meh and I feel like I'd never actually try them unless someone told me that I'd be missing out. TOM seems better, but that's just because I really enjoyed the trailer for it. I like the sense of humor in it, but the gameplay seems basic. Rocketbirds just looks average all around.

AVNT was $2.49 on steam a few weeks back I believe, and I think Rocketbirds MSRP is only $4.99 (-75% would be $1.24), so assuming they hit those prices again you aren't gaining or losing much. Unfortunately I can't actually comment on Tom even though I owned it pre bundle, since it's still in my backlog. It is supposed to be getting steam cards soon though if that matters to you. :)
I played a little AVNT when I got a free key from the devs on Reddit.  It's a decent little puzzle game from what little I played, but nothing about it necessarily stood out or made me come back to it.  It sort of reminded me of the puzzle elements of some of the adventure games I play, just made into its own game and a lot harder in parts. 

Are Rocketbirds and A Virus Named TOM worth $3.50? I have everything else and put down $1 for Brutal Legend. Not sure if I should BTA now. But both of the games just seem meh and I feel like I'd never actually try them unless someone told me that I'd be missing out. TOM seems better, but that's just because I really enjoyed the trailer for it. I like the sense of humor in it, but the gameplay seems basic. Rocketbirds just looks average all around.
I mean, Rocketbirds got like a 74 on metacritic and TOM got a 60 something...unless one looks really interesting, I'd say it's not worth it. Both have been down to 2.49 in Steam sales, so if you think TOM looks interesting, I'd wait until the next sale to pick it up as opposed to spending an extra dollar to get another game you don't think looks like anything you want.


It's a run and gun shooter with a funny story, decent controls, awesome music and graphics. It's not very long - I bought the game and beat it in 5 hours earlier this year. But it's worth it for the BTA price.

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I beat the average day 1, since I usually do just because I like the bundles. Hard to be mad at the bonus games, and people are right, if you don't already have Limbo or Bastion, it's a great deal.  I really just wanted the Fez and Bastion(now that I know it's included) sound tracks, and since FTL is usually 2.50 on sales, I paid 2 dollars a piece for the soundtracks and a couple of other games I'll at least glance at haha.

Why do you care so much? You seem to have self appointed yourself the moral police of the humble thread, if it bothers you so much, go somewhere not called CHEAP ASS gamer.
Not the moral police, but the grown-up surrounded by spoiled children who don't appreciate anything and cry over the first-most of First World Problems. That people will easily spend well over $1000 on gaming rig plus ISP fees and whatnot but act as if they're being bent over a barrel and rogered unlubed because they have to pay half of what an item off a fast food dollar menu costs is shameful. Who went and spent $60 for GTA V yesterday, but is bitching about getting 10 games and 9 soundtracks for 1/12th as much and can earmark it all to charity if they want? Punch yourself in the ear, ya brats!

If you buy games sooner, than later, you're going to pay more. That's the way the world works. If you paid X for a game and it drops to half that price a few weeks later, you weren't ripped off. The world isn't screwing you. It was worth it at the price you bought it at otherwise you wouldn't have bought it, would you? No one twisted your arm or put a gun to your head to buy Game X from this bundle a la carte a few weeks ago.

I'm a CAG because I want to save money. I bought GTA V from the M$ Store because they gave me $20 in Xbox Live credit. I'm not calling out people hunting deals; I'm calling out the entitled whiners who sh*t all over the Humble Bundles when they've actually gotten better AND CHEAPER than in the beginning. When I was trying to hunt down the "missing" HIB 4 upthread, I was surprised to see that I had paid $6-$10 for earlier bundles a couple of years ago while I haven't topped $6 in a year while the bundles have gotten bigger with better games.

But are the babies satisfied? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! They feel they're getting ripped off and bleating about how the Humble Bundle has done fuck ed up because they didn't give the bonus games to the people who only paid a dollar while the numbers show this will probably end up the 4th highest-grossing ever. Or they rage about some developer who said something they didn't like and since they can't reach into his bank account to take his money, they'll not BTA. (Who was the twit who was angry about even having Fez attached to his account, even if he gave away the key? Really? How do you sit down with such a bad case of butthurt?)

CAGs who crap on the Humble Bundles bring shame to all CAGs. No one else is offering pay-what- you-want/no DRM/give to charity bundles of quality games at ridiculously low prices like they are and the babies would really be sad if they went away, so perhaps they should nut up and STFU about how dissatisfied they are. If the kiddies can't cope with this level of disappointment over frivolous luxuries, I'd hate to see them attempting to survive in the real world behind their parents' homes.

The only spoiled child here is you Dirk.  You alone have typed out more raging and whining and complaining about imaginary brats than EVERYONE else combined who expressed dissatisfaction about the bonus games.  And at least they were able to express their dissatisfaction without resorting to name calling. 

Not to ask this again but what games on here work with a 360 controller
Since nobody answered: The only game that isn't gamepad compatible is FTL, since it requires a good amount of keyboard and mouse input to use weapons, change what is powered and what isn't, etc.

Trine 2 has gamepad support, but if it's anything like the first game, you're better off playing with a mouse and keyboard since it's easier to aim with the mouse than a stick. Rocketbirds, Limbo, Bastion, Brutal Legend, A Virus Named Tom, Fez and Mark of the Ninja all have native 360 pad support since they were also on consoles.

Eets Munchies should have gamepad control as well, but I haven't tested the game yet.

About the bonus games: It sucks that there's repeats but come on, there's been a lot of bundles already and this was bound to happen at one point. I'm just glad that Rocketbirds will likely finally get the co-op and cutscene bugfixes it's needed for several months.

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Not the moral police, but the grown-up surrounded by spoiled children who don't appreciate anything and cry over the first-most of First World Problems. That people will easily spend well over $1000 on gaming rig plus ISP fees and whatnot but act as if they're being bent over a barrel and rogered unlubed because they have to pay half of what an item off a fast food dollar menu costs is shameful. Who went and spent $60 for GTA V yesterday, but is bitching about getting 10 games and 9 soundtracks for 1/12th as much and can earmark it all to charity if they want? Punch yourself in the ear, ya brats!

If you buy games sooner, than later, you're going to pay more. That's the way the world works. If you paid X for a game and it drops to half that price a few weeks later, you weren't ripped off. The world isn't screwing you. It was worth it at the price you bought it at otherwise you wouldn't have bought it, would you? No one twisted your arm or put a gun to your head to buy Game X from this bundle a la carte a few weeks ago.

I'm a CAG because I want to save money. I bought GTA V from the M$ Store because they gave me $20 in Xbox Live credit. I'm not calling out people hunting deals; I'm calling out the entitled whiners who sh*t all over the Humble Bundles when they've actually gotten better AND CHEAPER than in the beginning. When I was trying to hunt down the "missing" HIB 4 upthread, I was surprised to see that I had paid $6-$10 for earlier bundles a couple of years ago while I haven't topped $6 in a year while the bundles have gotten bigger with better games.

But are the babies satisfied? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! They feel they're getting ripped off and bleating about how the Humble Bundle has done fuck ed up because they didn't give the bonus games to the people who only paid a dollar while the numbers show this will probably end up the 4th highest-grossing ever. Or they rage about some developer who said something they didn't like and since they can't reach into his bank account to take his money, they'll not BTA. (Who was the twit who was angry about even having Fez attached to his account, even if he gave away the key? Really? How do you sit down with such a bad case of butthurt?)

CAGs who crap on the Humble Bundles bring shame to all CAGs. No one else is offering pay-what- you-want/no DRM/give to charity bundles of quality games at ridiculously low prices like they are and the babies would really be sad if they went away, so perhaps they should nut up and STFU about how dissatisfied they are. If the kiddies can't cope with this level of disappointment over frivolous luxuries, I'd hate to see them attempting to survive in the real world behind their parents' homes.
Holy balls who cares not worth the aneurysm you're putting yourself at risk to have.

I really don't know what to say to Dirk. I don't want to be the one responsible for his next heart bypass. So... Hi Dirk!
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Since I buy TONS of games, I namely use Humble Bundles, Groupees, and things like that to pick up stuff I'm missing - whether it be games for DRM-FREE versions, Steam versions, Origin versions; Soundtracks; and/or any other Extras Goodies.

If I pick up extra keys of games I already own in the process - well, oh well...

{shoulder shrug}

It's hard to figure out what might or might not be bundled and when, so - kinda got to let these 1's go. Especially since these are normally for charity and that we're getting games on the INSANELY RIDICULOUSLY cheap.

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Awaiting the next DirkBelig essay.

Nah, just kidding his ludicrous run-on rants are ten times worse than the posts he complains about.

I was pretty happy to score Limbo. I've been wanting to play it for a long time but never ended up getting it the several times it's been on sale.

For what it's worth... A Virus Named Tom is a nice little puzzler. 

I already own all the BTA games except for 1 so I'm pretty glad I didn't kick in for the bonus games. 

The funny thing is.. the Bastion keys were leftovers from HB5. They activate as "Humble Indie Bundle 5 Beat the Average".

Third time for Bastion. Is the humble magicka
Two repeats.  Request denied.   Anyway, pretty sure you could buy a Bastion key off of someone for under $1 at this point.

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Bumped up to $4 to get all the rest of the games, specifically the Bastion soundtrack. Forget to adjust the sliders to give all the money to Phil Fish to pour salt on the butthurt of the haters. Oh well.

Newb question here.  I've never bumped my order on a previous $1 order to get the BTA bonus.  When I click on the "increase your order" button it says "make sure order total is $4.06" to get BTA.  Does that mean an additional $4.06 or literally $4.06 total including the $1 I already gave so increase by $3.06? 

From the above response it seems maybe only $3.06


Newb question here. I've never bumped my order on a previous $1 order to get the BTA bonus. When I click on the "increase your order" button it says "make sure order total is $4.06" to get BTA. Does that mean an additional $4.06 or literally $4.06 total including the $1 I already gave so increase by $3.06?

From the above response it seems maybe only $3.06

You add the difference between what you paid and what the BTA price was when you locked in your price. For me, the BTA was $3.97 and I'd paid a buck, so I entered $3 in the Custom Amount and cashed out. I received an email saying, "Thanks for boosting your Humble Indie Bundle 9 purchase! We sincerely appreciate your generosity. Your bundle is currently valued at $4.00." Returning to my account page showed it filled with all the rest of the games and stuff.

So, yes, you just need to add at least $3.06 to BTA.

It'd be kind of cool if they gave the Chrome Store version of Bastion to those who already picked up HIB 5. I have been wanting to try that out but it never (hyperbolically speaking?) goes on sale.

It'd be kind of cool if they gave the Chrome Store version of Bastion to those who already picked up HIB 5. I have been wanting to try that out but it never (hyperbolically speaking?) goes on sale.
I'm not really sure why someone would choose the Chrome version over Steam/DRM-Free versions, but if you want to try it you can download the app for free on the Chrome store and play a few levels in it. I tried it out just for novelty's sake, and while I guess it's cool if you wanted to play it on something like a Chromebook, it's missing some features like gamepad support and video settings. Interesting, but I don't see the point if you have it on some other way.

A quick question , If i bought the Bundle the first week for below the average , and i want to increase my payment now to BTA , will i get the bonus games (A virus named , tom , rocketbirds ,etc. ; I know i will at least get Fez and FTL) 

A quick question , If i bought the Bundle the first week for below the average , and i want to increase my payment now to BTA , will i get the bonus games (A virus named , tom , rocketbirds ,etc. ; I know i will at least get Fez and FTL)
Yes. This is why if you're on the fence about the initial BTA games it's a good idea to wait til the bonuses get announced to BTA.

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For you veteran bundle followers and sleuths: I see a lot of those Focus bundle games (Sherlock, Blood Bowl, GoT, RAW, etc) popping sales now. Does that mean anything for the bundle's imminence?
bread's done