[quote name='Trueblade']3.
Kindly and
calmly explain your situation like
bg2001 did.
4. Remember, yelling at the people on the phone will not make this better. They are not at fault.[/QUOTE]

THIS is the proper response, not 'zomg I'M OWED SUCH AND SUCH'. If you give them an attitude on the phone and think that you're owed the world for an obvious error in their ad, then you will likely get NOTHING.
Act like an entitled asshole on the phone to the CSR and/or their manager and you'll get treated like the asshole you are being.

[quote name='Guerrilla']I'm a bit surprised that they've yet to come to a formal refund for everyone yet. We all know it was a mistake but it was essentially bait and switch and that's not acceptable, and I'm sure someone higher in the company is aware of this by now. Perhaps they're trying to hold out for people that haven't caught on...[/QUOTE]
Yet again, the misuse of the term 'bait and switch'. Bait and switch is when a company/store offers a product for a cheaper price and then says they're 'out of stock' of that one and then offers another similar product at a higher price. The bait part being that they got you to come into the store for X item and the switch they're trying to get you to buy Y item by saying the first one is out of stock or otherwise unavailable.
Nowhere has Amazon said that item is unavailable, but rather that it was an error with their ad.
In the case of this bundle deal it was a simple error in the ad where someone placed a copy of the GOTY edition of Uncharted 2 in where the standard edition should have been. Should they honor it? Sure. But only if people are nice and don't act like entitled assholes.
There are far too many people on both threads relating to this that are demanding more than the price of the game in compensation just because 'someone else got offered that'. Did you think that perhaps maybe they weren't shooting off emails every half second to Amazon and using words like 'compensated for my time' and so on?
Be nice and you'll get a decent resolution. Be an asshole and you'll likely only get the $10 pre-order credit thing. Simple as that.