[quote name='McCHitman']It's not there. There isn't a store in the Kroger strip, but there is a Flea Market across the street, so I'm assuming it's a booth in there. We stopped in the Flea Market and I only saw a few booths that had very minimal amount of games. The one with the most had an 360 for $50 (no hard drive), a couple slim PS2s for $5 (for parts), a big ps2, a wii, a few 360 games for $16.50, and some original xbox games and ps2 games.
It's worth checking out I guess, but it was a worthless trip to me, except for finding TMNT: Coming out of our Shells on VHS, along with the making of for $1 each.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I went over around noon yesterday and saw much the same lack of stuff. Didn't see the 360, but saw the slim PS2s, the Wii ($20 with no cables, that doesn't seem like a bad deal for someone), and the assortment of games. There were a handful of PS1, Genesis, and SNES games there, but the only one that seemed notable to me was Killer Instinct. That same booth also had a couple PSPs for parts and a 'slim PSP' - couldn't tell if it was a 2000 or 3000 - for $75.
There were a couple other booths that had several Gamecube games each slid in with their DVDs, but nothing particularly notable.
I also drove down to Columbus Pawn in Whiteland - if anyone in the area is looking for Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, they had it for $15. That was their most notable title, though they did have a few 'Atlus/Aksys/XSEED' type games; Nostalgia, Spectral Force Genesis, and Pangya were the most notable things I saw.
On a side note, I wore the hell out of a tape of 'Coming Out of Our Shells' when I was a kid and now have 'Sing About It' stuck in my head.