Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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FF XII Steelbook back up on Amazon. $50 or $40 with prime. Grabbed a copy and I can't wait because it will give me something to play until late august. Plus I always did like the battle system, being a former WoW addict.

I have a question about Dead or Alive 5 Last Round DLC / Season Passes if someone can answer. You have to go through and also purchase all the 'packs' individually as well after buying a Season Pass (which makes their price 'free') right?

Is the same true for the 'Ultimate Content Set'? When I look up those packs like 'DOA5LR Hot Getaway' etc the price isn't 'free' so is just having the 'Ultimate Content Set' purchased enough unlike the Season Passes?

I have a question about Dead or Alive 5 Last Round DLC / Season Passes if someone can answer. You have to go through and also purchase all the 'packs' individually as well after buying a Season Pass (which makes their price 'free') right?

Is the same true for the 'Ultimate Content Set'? When I look up those packs like 'DOA5LR Hot Getaway' etc the price isn't 'free' so is just having the 'Ultimate Content Set' purchased enough unlike the Season Passes?
From what I can remember a lot of the ones for the Ultimate Content Set only showed the individual versions for Free and not the pack versions (so you'd have to download Kasumi Hot Getaway Costume then Ayane, etc). To make things easier I recall downloading them via the games store and going through the option where you can look at each of the characters individual costumes.

Thank you based SEGA. A physical release that I've been waiting for. If it doesn't get brought over to the West, I can just import it.

Day 1
If Future Tone DX has a separate trophy list (or even better, a platinum trophy), I'm also in.

Ditto on the .hack//G.U. remaster. :drool:

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Sega has officially given up on doing anything new with the series so they'll just keep selling us the same songs over and over. Next year they'll do Future Tone DXX which includes all the songs from Project Diva X as well... :shame:
PDX did some new things. This just seems like a definitive version situation. No big deal and it's something people want.
I bought Future Tone digitally on JP PSN right around 1 year ago, wasn't worth rebuying when it got announced for US release just to have song names in english. If this gets physical copy makes it here, then I will double dip (physical + english = sweet)

14 minutes of Ace Combat 7 gameplay

Wow, you can finally dispense chaff/flares in an Ace Combat game. I'll never understand what took them so long to implement that basic feature. As much as I like the Ace Combat series, this was one of the reasons I enjoyed HAWX's gameplay more.

Really excited to play this. Hopefully it captures the grandeur of AC 4, especially with the incredible music and memorable missions (that final Megalith mission...).

If you have Twitch Prime, they are giving out a free Legendary Loot Box this month for Overwatch. Pretty much guarantees a legendary item in that box. Hope they have event versions of these in the future.


They are also giving out 5 lootboxes in August and 5 in October. So a total of 10, and 1 legendary box, free.

This announcement got me going like:


They haven't gotten the license yet, but I really hope they would localize it.

Sega has officially given up on doing anything new with the series so they'll just keep selling us the same songs over and over. Next year they'll do Future Tone DXX which includes all the songs from Project Diva X as well... :shame:
I wouldn't mind them taking this route if we get the eventual Hatsune Miku Future Tone DXXX *wink wink*.

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For those interested it looks like VALKYRIE DRIVE -BHIKKHUNI- launched on Steam today.



The game is apparently remastered in 1080p at 60FPS, with native support for higher resolutions like 4K.  Also if you already own Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus on Steam you should have received a 25% off coupon for the "Complete Edition" of Valkyrie Drive, dropping the subtotal to $26.99.

Picked up a copy of Cave Story Plus at Gamestop, lucked out and got the Keychain of the main character. Feels good man

My amazon copy came in today. It was heat sealed which I'm pretty sure I saw on another Switch game (can't remember which). Doesn't matter anyway since I open all my Switch games.

That instruction manual & inside cover art tho, A++.

The lil mini CD soundtrack it came with is pretty neat too.
If you have Twitch Prime, they are giving out a free Legendary Loot Box this month for Overwatch. Pretty much guarantees a legendary item in that box. Hope they have event versions of these in the future.


They are also giving out 5 lootboxes in August and 5 in October. So a total of 10, and 1 legendary box, free.

This announcement got me going like:


They haven't gotten the license yet, but I really hope they would localize it.

I wouldn't mind them taking this route if we get the eventual Hatsune Miku Future Tone DXXX *wink wink*.
Date A Live Localization will be nice.

Knowing my luck and shitty RNG, I'll probably get a dupe of Roadhog AGAIN. Or another one of his skins.

chapter 26 map for prokect xzone 2 sucks.  It sucks soo very much.   Complete fluke from the ai deciding not to give me a game over and attack chrom instead.  Got like 5 game overs because of that horrible chapter.  If you want to do a defense map you either need to 

A. provide choke points or

B. let me use all my units.

glad I procrastinated with miku future, now I'll definitely pick up the physical release.
ehhh...I already brought the psn version

What sucks is I still haven't played it (due to massive backlog, brought it mainly to maximize the value of my PSN coupon a while back)

I really want a physical copy, I'll rebuy/import if needed.

1st world problem

Street pass would be great except it's completely dead where I live. There are exactly 2 locations I know of out of about 10 that used to work so that just sounds like a feature I'll get locked out of now.

You know, I almost forgot Lady Lay - err....Layton's Mystery Journey (what a mouthful!) is out on mobile in a month from now.

And evidently Level-5 is wondering how to implement Layton on the Switch.

Would any of you buy a remastered collection of the Layton games on Switch? I would. Trouble is they'd need some new puzzles or else those math problems that took you like...I don't know...an hour to figure out....is gonna be done in a minute.

Wow, you can finally dispense chaff/flares in an Ace Combat game. I'll never understand what took them so long to implement that basic feature. As much as I like the Ace Combat series, this was one of the reasons I enjoyed HAWX's gameplay more.

Really excited to play this. Hopefully it captures the grandeur of AC 4, especially with the incredible music and memorable missions (that final Megalith mission...).
I know right? Assault Horizon's use of flares was pretty stupid. Most of the time I launched them I'd get hit anyway.

My bad double post but I missed this...

Sega has officially given up on doing anything new with the series so they'll just keep selling us the same songs over and over. Next year they'll do Future Tone DXX which includes all the songs from Project Diva X as well... :shame:
PDX did some new things. This just seems like a definitive version situation. No big deal and it's something people want.
So you're telling me...that I threw $75 at Sega in January for...no reason? fuck . Better use that for Sonic Forces.

And I should have waited on PDX. Really didn't feel like it had $50 worth of content in it. Definitely my (NOT) favorite moments were when they'd be asking for stuff that I didn't have after I finished a song. I'm like...Stop bein' a gold digger way down in town and dig on me. -_-

for a second I thought a user got banned for posting a deal then I realized its a mod.  Not used to seeing them with the weird colored user name.

I've got all of the main story line manga, aren't the blus pretty expensive?
Nah, not at all. The collections are composed of two cours, or two volumes, each. They had been on hiatus for awhile but now Funi is releasing 6,7,8, & 9 all within a short time frame (They are up to vol. 22 as of dec 16, 2016). So you get ~24 episodes for ~$25-30 apiece when you wait for a sale. I'd say 600 minutes for that price is a pretty good value proposition.

You can't just binge watch the series. It gets formulaic and arc-y. But when you just want to unwind with good solid fantasy adventure anime right before going to bed, it's perfect.

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Is the meatball gonna move the thread because it doesn't have manga in the title now?

I jest, since I'm obviously 100% fine with topic detours and initiate plenty myself, but couldn't resist.

They definitely look more like they should in this new game. The change on the guy though is pretty crazy considering what he looked like in Cold Steel II.

Also for those interested in some extra Cold Steel III info, it has been confirmed that [customspoiler='Cold Steel Characters']Laura, Fie and Elliot[/customspoiler] will be party members, but no idea if it's temporary or permanent. Considering who has been revealed so far enemy wise, it's no surprise the first one is there but a bit disappointed in the last one since they were a pretty bland character.

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They definitely look more like they should in this new game. The change on the guy though is pretty crazy considering what he looked like in Cold Steel II.

Also for those interested in some extra Cold Steel III info, it has been confirmed that [customspoiler='Cold Steel Characters']Laura, Fie and Elliot[/customspoiler] will be party members, but no idea if it's temporary or permanent. Considering who has been revealed so far enemy wise, it's no surprise the first one is there but a bit disappointed in the last one since they were a pretty bland character.
Agreed. I wonder...
If Alfin will try to drag Rean in again for her debut.
And my bro is clamoring for me to preorder an import so he can use Google Translate and try to spoil Sen III for me.

My concerns about the ever-expanding cast though seem to have increased over time. No clue how Falcom is going to tie up all these loose ends.

Speaking of loose ends, I finally got to the last dungeon of Trails 3rd. Oh man, I'm 55 hours in I think. Took it slow grinding and got through the "subplot doors." The 3rd also reminded me why I like the old battle orbment system better than the simplified Cold Steel one. I think this could be my favorite Trails game? I may have missed your post Drake but did you finish 3rd yet?

bread's done