**If you want to buy instead of trade - make me a $$ offer - not just "how much for XX"**
*Photos provided on request*
I love checking lists!
I will trade & Paypal. Lower feedback ships first. In the event of a tie, we'll RPS for it.
And now, on with the list:
Dreamcast Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - disc only with rental place sticker on it - this is for a friend of mine, so PM me offers and I'll mediate! It's not pretty, but it runs like a champ.
PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics (GH)
PS1 Metal Gear Solid (GH)
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (one open and one sealed)
La Pucelle Tactics
Growlancer Generations
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater (disc only)
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike Demo - preorder bonus
Paper Mario - 1000 year door
*all are cart only unless specified - I'll check label condition/extra stickers upon request
Super Battleship
Separation Anxiety
F Zero
Steel Talons
Promo stuff/Comic stuff
Star Wars Episode III ROTS Press kit includes "Essential Star Wars" booklet, with a family tree, press release, media information booklet, DVD press kit full of images, and the coolest part, when you open the folder, there's a little soundchip with Vader breathing on it! *MAKE OFFER!*
For these buttons - they're original promo items from 20 some years ago. I'm not letting them go cheap, but if there's a collector out there looking for them...they've been in my basement all this time.
"Toe Jammin'" promo button from Genesis
Watchmen Button - the smiley face w/ blood splatter logo
*Photos provided on request*
I love checking lists!
I will trade & Paypal. Lower feedback ships first. In the event of a tie, we'll RPS for it.
And now, on with the list:
Dreamcast Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - disc only with rental place sticker on it - this is for a friend of mine, so PM me offers and I'll mediate! It's not pretty, but it runs like a champ.
PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics (GH)
PS1 Metal Gear Solid (GH)
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (one open and one sealed)
La Pucelle Tactics
Growlancer Generations
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater (disc only)
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike Demo - preorder bonus
Paper Mario - 1000 year door
*all are cart only unless specified - I'll check label condition/extra stickers upon request
Super Battleship
Separation Anxiety
F Zero
Steel Talons
Promo stuff/Comic stuff
Star Wars Episode III ROTS Press kit includes "Essential Star Wars" booklet, with a family tree, press release, media information booklet, DVD press kit full of images, and the coolest part, when you open the folder, there's a little soundchip with Vader breathing on it! *MAKE OFFER!*
For these buttons - they're original promo items from 20 some years ago. I'm not letting them go cheap, but if there's a collector out there looking for them...they've been in my basement all this time.
"Toe Jammin'" promo button from Genesis
Watchmen Button - the smiley face w/ blood splatter logo