EDIT - If you see any deals in your local Kmart post it in this thread. Spread the love. This post is no longer being curated so check the last post for YMMV local deals.
I am no longer affiliated with Kmart, so this isn't getting any future updates. Stay tuned to the latest post in the comment section. THANKS!
I looked into the plan for this fire-sale, and apparently they'll be rolling out clearance deals for the whole section. So 20% off, then 50%, or whatever comes to pass. Looks like different regions are getting different sales sooner than others, as well as higher volume stores getting different sales than lower ones. IF YOU HAVE INSIDE INFO, POST IN THIS THREAD SO CAGS IN YOUR AREA CAN GET A HEADS UP.
Background Info
YMMV DEALS - Post below if you find a deal in your area! Post here if you find a deal in your area!
Xbox 360 DEALS 
Select titles 20+% off
Xbox One Deals 
Select titles 20+% off
Select titles 20+% off
Select titles 20+% off
Select titles 20+% off
Wii U / Wii DEALS 
3DS XL - @190 @ 20%off
[+..••] Accessories DEALS [+..••]
Afterglow Universal Headset - $30
Xbox One Charge Kit - $20
Giotek EX-05 Universal Headset - $20
Thanks again. Remember to post your deals in the comment section.
EDIT - KMART CLEARANCE 2.1 thread, added consoles, added tips, condensed backstory down into spoiler, erected a sofa, planted seeds for world domination. Just check the last post for local deals.
I am no longer affiliated with Kmart, so this isn't getting any future updates. Stay tuned to the latest post in the comment section. THANKS!
I looked into the plan for this fire-sale, and apparently they'll be rolling out clearance deals for the whole section. So 20% off, then 50%, or whatever comes to pass. Looks like different regions are getting different sales sooner than others, as well as higher volume stores getting different sales than lower ones. IF YOU HAVE INSIDE INFO, POST IN THIS THREAD SO CAGS IN YOUR AREA CAN GET A HEADS UP.
- All deals are YMMV.
- Kmart bases it's clearance on how long an item has been in stock. It takes a few weeks, but even the most expensive items go on clearance.
- ALWAYS ASK SOMEONE TO SCAN AN ITEM FOR YOU. Most older games are on clearance, but have not been labeled as such.
- Lookout for "penny items", items that have been on shelf for so long they've been clearanced down to 0.01. They won't sell for that, but it's a great way to get GTA IV for $2.00, for example.
- TAKE A PICTURE AND PRICE MATCH. For Walmart and other retailers, this is all they need to price match. Make sure the label is clearly visible and don't forget to post it here and share the love.
Background Info
So I am an employee of Kmart and happened to see this memo pass through my local store. I can't repeat it verbatim, and I couldn't get a picture of the message due to being constantly on camera.
Basically the memo stated the "exit strategy" for the games section in retail stores. Stating that this was in essence brought on by having overstocked shelves (bwa hahaha) and not enough customers. However,, and, would continue to sell games and consoles to meet peoples needs. So they're switching focus from retail to online.
The message continued to explain to sell down merch and fill the empty space with other merch. Eventually to clearance out the whole section if it didn't sell down.
So firstly, wait. Just wait and deals will come.
As a customer I have to say that Kmart has had nothing but crappy deals for the past few years. (On games) Focusing on SYWR points and mediocre sales to bring in customers rather than staying competitive with Amazon, Walmart, and pretty much any retailer that will actually give a deep discount. Therefore they have shot themselves in the foot and driven away most business. As a result of that they face what I call "the burger problem".
When Kmart doesn't get games in to sell, they can't sell them. But instead of getting more stock I guess they just say "X person doesn't want Y game". This is just like a survey of a small town saying no one in the town likes burgers, because no one eats burgers. Only to find out there is nowhere to eat burgers in the first place.
Why doesn't Kmart get games to sell? I don't know if Kmart as a whole does this, or just my store, but we don't get games on a truck. We get them in sporadically via UPS, and never before release date. We get limited quantities and then get restocks oddly. Over the holidays I got dozens of calls for titles we wouldn't get in for weeks. During Christmas we only got a handful of Xbox Ones and no PS4s, and since then only one Wii U and one 3DS XL, which may have been returns. In short they could be making money, but there is just some really bad policies in place that leave plenty of customers walking out the door.
Then on top of that we barely make any money in markup. We buy games basically at cost, given only a few dollars. I've seen games we bought for 58.50 selling for $60. Same for all peripherals, a 20 charger may have costed 12 for us. I was really shocked about this when I first started looking into it. Whereas other sections of the store have a markup that's understandable.
So now after all this poor management, they're getting rid of what has always been the best part of the electronics section - games. I remember there being something said about "better serving our customer's needs", the problem in the first place was that they didn't serve our needs. For the most part they were poorly stocked, AND THIS HAS KILLED THEM THE MOST.
Basically the memo stated the "exit strategy" for the games section in retail stores. Stating that this was in essence brought on by having overstocked shelves (bwa hahaha) and not enough customers. However,, and, would continue to sell games and consoles to meet peoples needs. So they're switching focus from retail to online.
The message continued to explain to sell down merch and fill the empty space with other merch. Eventually to clearance out the whole section if it didn't sell down.
So firstly, wait. Just wait and deals will come.
As a customer I have to say that Kmart has had nothing but crappy deals for the past few years. (On games) Focusing on SYWR points and mediocre sales to bring in customers rather than staying competitive with Amazon, Walmart, and pretty much any retailer that will actually give a deep discount. Therefore they have shot themselves in the foot and driven away most business. As a result of that they face what I call "the burger problem".
When Kmart doesn't get games in to sell, they can't sell them. But instead of getting more stock I guess they just say "X person doesn't want Y game". This is just like a survey of a small town saying no one in the town likes burgers, because no one eats burgers. Only to find out there is nowhere to eat burgers in the first place.
Why doesn't Kmart get games to sell? I don't know if Kmart as a whole does this, or just my store, but we don't get games on a truck. We get them in sporadically via UPS, and never before release date. We get limited quantities and then get restocks oddly. Over the holidays I got dozens of calls for titles we wouldn't get in for weeks. During Christmas we only got a handful of Xbox Ones and no PS4s, and since then only one Wii U and one 3DS XL, which may have been returns. In short they could be making money, but there is just some really bad policies in place that leave plenty of customers walking out the door.
Then on top of that we barely make any money in markup. We buy games basically at cost, given only a few dollars. I've seen games we bought for 58.50 selling for $60. Same for all peripherals, a 20 charger may have costed 12 for us. I was really shocked about this when I first started looking into it. Whereas other sections of the store have a markup that's understandable.
So now after all this poor management, they're getting rid of what has always been the best part of the electronics section - games. I remember there being something said about "better serving our customer's needs", the problem in the first place was that they didn't serve our needs. For the most part they were poorly stocked, AND THIS HAS KILLED THEM THE MOST.
YMMV DEALS - Post below if you find a deal in your area! Post here if you find a deal in your area!

Select titles 20+% off

Select titles 20+% off

Select titles 20+% off

Select titles 20+% off

Select titles 20+% off


3DS XL - @190 @ 20%off
[+..••] Accessories DEALS [+..••]
Afterglow Universal Headset - $30

Giotek EX-05 Universal Headset - $20
Thanks again. Remember to post your deals in the comment section.
EDIT - KMART CLEARANCE 2.1 thread, added consoles, added tips, condensed backstory down into spoiler, erected a sofa, planted seeds for world domination. Just check the last post for local deals.
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