KmartGamer 6.0 - Gears of War 3 $20 coupon + Save $30 on 12 Month XBLA

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To receive gaming coupons you must be a Shop Your Way Rewards member. It's free and only takes a couple of minutes to sign up in store.

September 18th through the 24th:
link to blog post

:360: Buy any version of Gears of War 3, get a $20 gaming coupon.
Deal will work with Limited and Epic Editions.
Coupon valid from September 25 to November 5.

:360::ps3: Shadows of the Damned $29.99

Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular - Savings coupon offers effective everywhere)

September 18th through the 24th:

:360: Buy the limited edition Gears of War 320GB Xbox 360 system for $399.99, get Gears of War Triple Pack for free.

:360: Buy any version of Gears of War 3 and a 12-month Xbox Live Gold subscription card, get $30 off the price of the 12-month Gold card.
Deal will work with Limited and Epic Editions.

:360: Turtle Beach Ear Force X12 headset $44.99

:360: Halo ODST $9.99

:360::ps3: Brink $19.99

:360: Halo Reach $29.99

Shop Your Way Rewards:

It's a wiki, please update. This portion of the OP is for anyone who notices a SYWR offer. These offers can be very targeted (Geo, User, etc.) so anything placed needs to be validated.

Coming Soon:

All titles listed below I am working on offers for and the dates I think they are coming out.

9-20 :360: Gears of War 3 $20 Gaming coupon + Buy game & 12-month Gold card, get $30 off 12-month Gold card.
9-27 :360::ps3: X-Men Destiny $15 Gaming coupon
9-27 :360::ps3: FIFA Soccer 12 $20 Gaming coupon
9-27 :ps3: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection $15 Gaming coupon
10-4 :360::ps3: Spiderman: Edge of Time
10-4 :360::ps3: Rage
10-4 :360::ps3: Dark Souls
10-4 :360::ps3: NBA 2k12
10-11 :360::ps3: Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
10-11 :360: Forza 4
10-11 :360::ps3: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
10-11 :wii::360::ps3: Just Dance 3
10-11 :360::ps3: RockSmith
10-16 :wii::360: Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
10-17 :ds: Professor Layton and the Last Specter
10-18 :ps3: Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
10-18 :360::ps3: Batman Arkham City
10-24 :3ds: Pokemon Rumble Blast
10-25 :wii::360::ps3: Disney Universe
10-25 :360::ps3: Battlefield 3
10-25 :360::ps3: Silent Hill Downpour
10-25 :360: Dance Central 2
10-25 :360: Kinect Sports 2
11-1 :360::ps3: James Bond: Goldeneye 007 Reloaded
11-1 :360::ps3: Sonic Generations
11-1 :ps3: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
11-1 :360::ps3: Lord of the Rings: War in the North
11-8 :360::ps3: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
11-8 :360::ps3: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
11-11 :360::ps3: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
11-13 :3ds: Super Mario 3D Land
11-15 :360::ps3: Need for Speed: The Run
11-15 :ps3: Silent Hill HD Collection
11-15 :360: Halo Anniversary
11-15 :wii: Mario and Sonic London 2012
11-15 :3ds: Shinobi
11-15 :360::ps3: Saint's Row: The Third
11-15 :360::ps3: Assassin's Creed: Revelations
11-15 :360::ps3: Rayman Origins
11-20 :wii: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
11-22 :ps3: Tekken Hybrid
11-22 :360::ps3: WWE 12
12-11 :3ds: Mario Kart 7
2012 TBA :3ds: Kid Icarus
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[quote name='gamerdogbert']After having to turn to internet search to find out who Tina Fey even is... Wow, you guys must be part of the same bizarre group of Americans who for some unfathomable reason think Sarah Palin is hot, too. On the standard scale of 6 to 10, Tina Fey is a very low 8, meaning I'd do her for free if she asked me to, but I wouldn't choose her over any other 8 or 9. As for Palin, she's a 7, I'd ONLY do her for at least $500 in cash, nothing less.[/QUOTE]

can we please get off this stupid subject? It's not even remotely game related. Nor amusing in any way. If we're gonna go OT, at least be entertaining.
[quote name='MistaBones']This. I hate to criticize, but what exactly has been going on with the lack of deal-updating lately? Last year, I had all my K-Mart purchases planned out and was in the place spending money (sometimes much more than I wanted to) every week. Lately, it seems like its pulling teeth just to find out exactly what is on sale.

While I don't agree with it, I do see why some may think the deals need to be hidden and given out on short notice. Amazon and others will do what they will regardless, but I can understand it. But this is Sunday, the day that new sales go live, and I haven't seen any mention of sales, aside from Stockboy letting slip the RE 3DS deal fifteen or so pages back. Even the almighty blog hasn't been updated.[/QUOTE]
Maybe there aren't any deals this week besides the 3DS games on sale. Josh had been on vacation so not much has gotten done with deals for this month.

Also there is really nothing new worth buying if you're not into NCAA football. The next (possibly) good game doesn't come out for like a month and a half unless you have a 3DS and want pac man/galaga. Even that's like 3 weeks away.

So people will complain about the lack of deals but it's just as much a lack of interesting upcoming games.

On the plus side if anybody actually wants to buy any of the crap 3DS games available (imo..) but has no kmart nearby, the deal is in the ad with price so you can PM wherever.
The only games that had sale tags this week were RE: Mercs, Rayman 3ds, ghost recon 3ds, Lego Pirates of the caribbean 3DS, Transformers 3DS, and the transformer games for the DS, and one other DS game I forgot. and they were all just $10 off. Looks like only handheld sales this week.
[quote name='ShockandAww']So people will complain about the lack of deals but it's just as much a lack of interesting upcoming games.[/QUOTE]
That's why it's the perfect time to clear out older games. It's why Best Buy, Amazon, Steam, et al. are having some big sales on older games, so as to keep sales up during a lull where people wouldn't otherwise purchase something new (nothing's coming out) or something old (it's still high priced.) It also helps clear room for the deluge of titles to come in the next two quarters. Big releases aren't the only good time for a deal.
Seriously, the main post hasn't posted this week's deal? It's Sunday already. I didn't check this thread as often as before and just look through main post now.
It's the summer time. Don't expect much as far as deals go. Expect plenty of price drops and clearance in preparation for the fall lineup.
Give Josh time. Maybe something came up. I hope not, what with all else he's been through lately, but surely we can be patient for an update.
I'd like to see Apache Air Assualt hit $19.99. My store surprisingly has multiple copies of it. I'm just waiting for the price to be right LOL.

Since there's not really many (or any?) new releases I'm considering for the next few months, my best hope is some wicked deals on games released earlier this year or last year. I noticed Vanquish has finally hit that $19.99 mark as well (at Best Buy/Toys-R-Us at least), so I'm liable to pick that one up at any day.

Time to make a bunch of those $19.99 games hit the $9.99 mark as well. The KMART store I go to has BOATLOADS of old games (3+ years old). I'm not sure even $9.99 price would make them move en-masse, but at least I'd buy a few. :whistle2:k
[quote name='handsome_bitch']So last night I went to a 24 hour kmart to use up my LA noire coupons. Unfortunealty, they had zero wii cards, zero 3ds cards, and only a couple psn cards. I tried to buy 2 psn cards and they would not ring up. The cards could not scan. This was at 10:45pm. So i drove to the other kmart store that was open 24 hours to find out they change their store hours and are no longer 24 hour stores. So I couldnt use my coupons at one store and then the other store change their hours and now i am out of luck.[/QUOTE]You should have bought a game or something... and not waited until the 11th hour on an offer that was valid for 45 days.
Why cant they just give out giftcards that dont expire in a month.
I think expiration dates on gift cards are illegal in some states... and Kmart (like every other store) doesn't sell game-specific gift cards.
[quote name='Gerry P.']You should have bought a game or something... and not waited until the 11th hour on an offer that was valid for 45 days.I think expiration dates on gift cards are illegal in some states... and Kmart (like every other store) doesn't sell game-specific gift cards.[/QUOTE]

Plus. (and this is not directed to u, but the person u quoted) kmart doesnt want u touse that coupon. generates business from those who want the games and to save using the coupon, but comes wit that chance for kmart to get all the money if ppl forget to use or dont find somethin to use it on
Yep, probably the only way Kmart will even agree to allow the deals that they do is because it is in an expiring coupon form and not a gift card. Anyone that complains they can't find something to waste their coupon on is ridiculous. It sucks that it is only about 45 days, but I guarantee I won't throw away free money. A $20 PSN card is pretty much like a $20 bill.

Some majorly lame deals recently with a lot of other sites stepping up there game for the 4th of July sales.
In a different question, has anyone determined whether all the games that were placed on clearance for the LA Noire deal still ring up as those old values??? Or is it completely a store-to-store situation now that requires them to manually fix the prices??
Some of those clearance prices were erroneously entered into the system as sale prices rather than permanent price changes, so there are some cases where games have since reverted to earlier prices. It may be that it is up to individual stores to remedy this.
[quote name='handsome_bitch']Why cant they just give out giftcards that dont expire in a month.[/QUOTE]
It was discussed in depth in one of the first 2 Kmart threads, but basically the distributors will only give SHC their blessing on certain types of promotions to be associated with their products during their life cycles. There is a lot more flexibility in establishing a video game specific, expiring coupon over a giftcard i can go use on toilet paper.
[quote name='DPsycho']Please tell me you didn't base your assessment of Ms. Fey on photos and a few video clips. Her work on Saturday Night Live over several years, particularly the news reports, have established her as being very smart, witty, and funny. This does more for her attractiveness than looks alone.

Without going into it, Palin is nowhere near a 7 for the same reasons.

[quote name='HakurenKyo06']Tina Fey is hot for the same reasons Helen Hunt is hot. Palin is like a 4, loses points for being retarded.[/QUOTE]
You guys failed to notice that I said "on a scale of 6 to 10". It is official unofficial practice that girls should always be rated on a 5 point scale that SOUNDS like a 10-point scale so as not to hurt feelings. That way, if a girl asks you how she rates, you can give an honest answer and she'll be none the wiser. A 6 is a girl that you'd say no way, not ever, not even for any amount of money. A 7 is a girl you'd ONLY do if a suitable amount of money were involved. An 8 is an attractive girl who you'd be willing to take home for the night, but only if there are no 9s around. A 9 is a smokin' hottie who everyone always hits on. And the extremely elusive 10 is a girl so hot that you can hardly talk straight and you'd do things that you'd never considered doing before to get a girl home. I've only seen two 10s with my own eyes in my entire life. I try to stick to 9s as much as possible.

As for Tina Fey, yes i based it on some video clips and several hundred photos from google search. I'd never heard of her otherwise. I don't watch TV, and all the clips of SNL that I've ever been subjected to by other people, have not been in the slightest bit funny. And personality is only important for relationships, not hotness. I can't have relationships, they never work out because I'm too eccentric.

[quote name='DPsycho']Some of those clearance prices were erroneously entered into the system as sale prices rather than permanent price changes, so there are some cases where games have since reverted to earlier prices. It may be that it is up to individual stores to remedy this.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't an error... Josh initially loaded all the last batch of clearance drops as a "sale event" within the computer system in order to ensure that we could all get them at the correct price, without all the scores of customer issues he had to deal with from the last round of price drops. After a while, the programmed "sale" expired from the system, at which point the individual stores were then responsible for processing the markdowns through their normal (and broken highly ineffective) process.

Lack of deals this week is a-okay by me, I'm broke from buying a brand new car AND purchasing a trip to Chicago AND paying the rent this week, LOL. Except for squeaking out a few bucks for amazing Steam deals though... ;)
I'm curious to what the offers are for these titles/these are my July wants:
Galaga / Pacman for the 3DS
No More Heroes Paradise for the PS3

The Galaga/Pacman game, I forgot the name already, will be my swing vote on whether or not I should even get a 3DS. A portable version of the Galaga Galaxies would be awesome. Pacman Championship is a nice addition as well, even if it is available on other portable devices.

No More Heroes Paradise looks interesting. Haven't played either of the previous No More Heroes. Been thinking about picking the first two games up if this new game turns out to be different.

If it is really a port/remake of the first No More Heroes from the Wii, then I might get No More Heroes 2 on the Wii since it is on sale at Best Buy/Blockbuster right now, normally just $19.99 at Toys 'R Us.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I'm curious to what the offers are for these titles/these are my July wants:
Galaga / Pacman for the 3DS
No More Heroes Paradise for the PS3

The Galaga/Pacman game, I forgot the name already, will be my swing vote on whether or not I should even get a 3DS. A portable version of the Galaga Galaxies would be awesome. Pacman Championship is a nice addition as well, even if it is available on other portable devices.

No More Heroes Paradise looks interesting. Haven't played either of the previous No More Heroes. Been thinking about picking the first two games up if this new game turns out to be different.

If it is really a port/remake of the first No More Heroes from the Wii, then I might get No More Heroes 2 on the Wii since it is on sale at Best Buy/Blockbuster right now, normally just $19.99 at Toys 'R Us.[/QUOTE]

Heroes Paradise is just 1 in "HD" with some minor tweaks.
Yesterday I pondered how I could continue my coupon train; since Splinter Cell Trilogy HD is now delayed to September, I had been hoping to use Star Fox 64 3D for that purpose. However, after discovering that SF 64 3D doesn't come out until September, I won't have any way to continue the train with my $15 OoT 3D coupon (expiring 8/6) unless Josh makes a coupon offer this month on something already released like he did with Brotherhood back in December.

I'm not worried, though--if no deal comes along, I'll just pick up a $20 PSN card for $5 and wait until my birthday in August; I'll be requesting Deus Ex: HR from Kmart, and since there will most definitely be a deal for that, I can ride a new coupon train through the rest of the year... :bouncy:

So my coupon train isn't so much stopping as it is taking a short break.
[quote name='SPVietBoy']cash can be replaced tho[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dino88']No it can't. You can make more money, but what you lost is gone. Using your logic, the guy's gift card and coupon can be replaced too.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SPVietBoy']honestly, idrc, i can argue this wit u but logic is logic, it differs from person to person[/QUOTE]
[quote name='gamerdogbert']You guys failed to notice that I said "on a scale of 6 to 10". It is official unofficial practice that girls should always be rated on a 5 point scale that SOUNDS like a 10-point scale so as not to hurt feelings. That way, if a girl asks you how she rates, you can give an honest answer and she'll be none the wiser. A 6 is a girl that you'd say no way, not ever, not even for any amount of money. A 7 is a girl you'd ONLY do if a suitable amount of money were involved. An 8 is an attractive girl who you'd be willing to take home for the night, but only if there are no 9s around. A 9 is a smokin' hottie who everyone always hits on. And the extremely elusive 10 is a girl so hot that you can hardly talk straight and you'd do things that you'd never considered doing before to get a girl home. I've only seen two 10s with my own eyes in my entire life. I try to stick to 9s as much as possible.

As for Tina Fey, yes i based it on some video clips and several hundred photos from google search. I'd never heard of her otherwise. I don't watch TV, and all the clips of SNL that I've ever been subjected to by other people, have not been in the slightest bit funny. And personality is only important for relationships, not hotness. I can't have relationships, they never work out because I'm too eccentric.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry. I thought this whole diversion of the hotness of Tina Fey and Sarah Palin was entertaining enough, but nothing beats the "eccentric guy, that doesn't watch TV, didn't know who Tina was, (seemingly) plays a lot of video games...but pulls 9s???

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :speaktothehand:

It just might be true, but I doubt it.
[quote name='Br4inDead']Has it been confirmed if k-mart is getting copies of oblivion 5th anniversary next week?[/QUOTE]

i can't remember exactly, but i think josh said kmart would be gettin a small shipment? and i think it was delayed? at least, i got an email saying it was

edit: nvm, i think it was postponed to next week, so i apologize XD
[quote name='Leggy Peggy']I'm sorry. I thought this whole diversion of the hotness of Tina Fey and Sarah Palin was entertaining enough, but nothing beats the "eccentric guy, that doesn't watch TV, didn't know who Tina was, (seemingly) plays a lot of video games...but pulls 9s???

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :speaktothehand:

It just might be true, but I doubt it.[/QUOTE]

What he means by "sticks to 9s" is that he only masturbates to girls that he thinks are at least a 9.
[quote name='leggy peggy']i'm sorry. I thought this whole diversion of the hotness of tina fey and sarah palin was entertaining enough, but nothing beats the "eccentric guy, that doesn't watch tv, didn't know who tina was, (seemingly) plays a lot of video games...but pulls 9s???

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :speaktothehand:

it just might be true, but i doubt it.[/quote]

I'll second the hope for a deal on PacMan/Galaga 3DS and No More Heroes PS3.

Both titles I have no interest in buying at full price, but with a nice kmart deal, I would want them.

PacMan/Galaga really should be $20 or at the most $30 though.

Happy to have gotten RE: Mercenaries for $15 after coupon. That game is awesome, i don't care what people say. I've always loved mercenaries mode and I think I'll be pulling this game out for years to come to get a few quick rounds in.
[quote name='SPVietBoy']honestly, idrc, i can argue this wit u but logic is logic, it differs from person to person[/QUOTE]

what? i think you're confusing logic and opinions.
Yeah I heard No Heroes Paradise has the bosses or something like that from the second Wii game. Also, I'm guessing Playstation Move is required since the Wii games used the Wiimote.

Pacman/Galaga should be lower priced, maybe $29.99 at launch. Half of the games more or less are just ports of older titles that were released on other platforms. It will be kind of tough to pay full price for that one. I guess I could say the same with No More Heroes Paradise if it is being released at $59.99 in U.S. region.

Edit: Hope there will be a deal on Bit.Trip Saga, which is supposedly a collection of all if not most of the Bit Trip games that were released on DSiware.
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[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']
Edit: Hope there will be a deal on Bit.Trip Saga, which is supposedly a collection of all if not most of the Bit Trip games that were released on DSiware.[/QUOTE]

I don't think any Bit Trip game has come out on DSiware, they are all on Wiiware. There will be a Wii collection as well with a few extras (though nothing as substantial as 3d of course!).

Now that you mention it though, i really hope they release them peicemeal on 3dsware, i will buy the cart for sure but i know people who would love one or two of them at $6-$8 a pop.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']Yeah I heard No Heroes Paradise has the bosses or something like that from the second Wii game. Also, I'm guessing Playstation Move is required since the Wii games used the Wiimote.[/QUOTE]
Actually it's playable with just the dual shock as well.
[quote name='SPVietBoy']honestly, idrc, i can argue this wit u but logic is logic, it differs from person to person[/QUOTE]

[quote name='affa']what? i think you're confusing logic and opinions.[/QUOTE]

In a way, he's kinda half right but poorly worded. The conceptual metaphors that dictate worldviews can be incommensurable with each other to the point that rational debate is futile. Internal logics may be consistent, but the metaphors that people live by are incompatible and no amount of argument will make either side a winner. (Cf. Lakoff: It's really cool stuff so I thought I'd share.

Back on topic, just got off the coupon train and it's gonna be a LONG wait until Battlefield 3.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']Pacman/Galaga should be lower priced, maybe $29.99 at launch. Half of the games more or less are just ports of older titles that were released on other platforms. It will be kind of tough to pay full price for that one. I guess I could say the same with No More Heroes Paradise if it is being released at $59.99 in U.S. region.[/QUOTE]Heroes' Paradise is releasing at $39.99, according to Amazon.
[quote name='Agent Orange']I'd like to see Apache Air Assualt hit $19.99. My store surprisingly has multiple copies of it. I'm just waiting for the price to be right LOL.

When it came out, Josh gave a 30$ Coupon with Apache: Air Assault, making it... $20.
[quote name='ferant316']So my first kmart coupon redemption failed. Did the LA Noire coupon expire ON July 2nd or THRU the 2nd? Normally other store coupons are are through dates listed. Cashier scanned games and coupon and still came up $30.56 at total. Cashier said must have been up to today and not thru.[/QUOTE]

I had no issues using my coupon on Saturday (7/2) on ALICE.

[quote name='cardsharkrob']Hey Josh was looking up some games coming out this year and noticed one thats not on your list. Is Kmart going to be getting the new Ratchet and Clank game? Comes out 10/18[/QUOTE]

No, Kmart has no plans to stock a AAA title this fall.

In seriousness, this is not an obscure title at all --- why would you think Kmart wouldn't get it?
[quote name='MrNEWZ']I had no issues using my coupon on Saturday (7/2) on ALICE[/QUOTE]

Does it have to be the same SYWR card? They upgraded me to a VIP Silver card so I got rid of my old one and have been carrying the new one. Didn't see anything about it in the FAQ.
[quote name='ferant316']Does it have to be the same SYWR card? They upgraded me to a VIP Silver card so I got rid of my old one and have been carrying the new one. Didn't see anything about it in the FAQ.[/QUOTE]

Yes. The coupon is tied directly to the card # that was used to earn it.

We've run into this issue in my household since my wife has a card as well.
Oh wow, I've been calling Galaga Legions, Galaga Galaxies. lol Surprised that nobody caught that and corrected me. I wonder if the Deluxe versions of Pacman Championship and Galaga Legions will be worth it after picking up Pacman/Galaga Dimensions on the 3DS?
[quote name='MrNEWZ']When it came out, Josh gave a 30$ Coupon with Apache: Air Assault, making it... $20.[/QUOTE]

Damn. Obviously I missed that one. I've been watching this game for awhile, but I dont' think I really paid attention when it was released. I first heard about it watching a review on Classicgameroom HD - so that might have been awhile after.

It's not the type of game I want to pay $40 or $50 for, I'm just keeping an eye out for someone to have it $19.99 (again). Shouldn't be too long before that's the "standard" price.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']Yeah I heard No Heroes Paradise has the bosses or something like that from the second Wii game. Also, I'm guessing Playstation Move is required since the Wii games used the Wiimote.

Pacman/Galaga should be lower priced, maybe $29.99 at launch. Half of the games more or less are just ports of older titles that were released on other platforms. It will be kind of tough to pay full price for that one. I guess I could say the same with No More Heroes Paradise if it is being released at $59.99 in U.S. region.

Edit: Hope there will be a deal on Bit.Trip Saga, which is supposedly a collection of all if not most of the Bit Trip games that were released on DSiware.[/QUOTE]

Move isn't required
Just wanted to post in this thread and thank Josh for his help. I won't go into all the details as it's a long story. I'll just say I had a miscommunication at one of the Kmart stores about coupons and SYW Reward points. This cost me quite a few coupons and discounts I never got. After dealing with the store and the SYW Reward call center, I e-mailed Josh to see if he could help me.

He e-mailed me right back and sent me a gift card for the missing credit. Simple as that. I have to say Josh knows what customer service is about and I'll be doing all my video game/electronic purchases through Kmart from now on. Kudos sir!
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