Several trips and $500+ later boy am I tired, picked up a ton of presents and managed to squeeze in some Lego for myself.
Picked up 5 Star Wars Hoth Rebel Trooper Battle Packs, T*6 Jedi Shuttle, City Marina (70%), City Space Center, PoTC White Cap Bay (70%), Atlantis Anglar, Ninjago Ninja Shrine, Cars Macks Team Truck (Finally), Alien Conquest Earth Defense HQ, Alien Conquest Jet Copter (70%), and Pharaohs Quest Golden Staff Guardian. Not Lego but related picked up Kree-o Optiumus Prime, Sentinel Prime, and MegaTron all 70% off.
I did see Lego City Fire Station 7208 for $40 and regret not picking it up, only seen it on clearance at one Target while the other ones had it on sale?!??!
Really good day for myself, wish some of you had better luck than me. ='(