I need to go to Target, my mom went for me. I need that Olaf (or 5).I totally forgot that was part of the Valentine's section. Thanks.
The Easter section has the Olaf poly and a red fireman car with a trash can on fire. Lego hobos are out of control.
this is not true, i go all the time without kids.TRU typically doesn't let adults participate. I really wanted the Jurassic Park Gate.
That's the set I told my ex to buy me for my birthday.Started putting the Ferris Wheel together with my daughter last night. This thing has a massive footprint.
Lego needs to stand pat and basically say "look, we need to make a profit too. If you don't like the price, go to megabloks or playmobile then". Lego has a lot of power it can sway.Star Wars costs more because every several years they need to renew the license so the cost at least makes sense. I'm still trying to figure out how 300 piece Ciry sets cost $50+.
How do you place them? I use tweezers to place stickers. I can center so much easier with them..Grrrr, I hate stickers. I seem to fudge a corner quite often while trying to place them. I almost wish LEGO would offer dry transfer...
I used tweezers as well, and it definitely helps...but my hands are so shaky that I still manage to goof it up on occasion, so I have to pick at it to peel ot off and try again, usually damaging a corner. It's only really affected 2-3 small stickers across 4 sets I have that use them, but it's still a little annoying.How do you place them? I use tweezers to place stickers. I can center so much easier with them..
They didn't have much in the way of large sets online...at least not from the Creator line...but I imagine $191.99 is the cheapest anyone is likely to see the Tower Bridge, and odds are on it retiring soon, I believe.I never care about TRU sales because at most you'll save is 10-15% when you factor in the TRU tax. The only exception I make is when I am looking for an older set that the other retailers don't carry anymore, they're at least good for that and that's only because they never clearance anything out like the other retailers.
I have.So the new sets have been showing up at Target, so more importantly has anyone seen new clearance yet?
Damn you, Pasadena!!!I have.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Check prices at local stores for the Joker Land set, DPCI is 204-00-1131. $35.98 at one location, $41.08 at another. Also the SW Death Star Final Duel was $27.58 at one store but it dropped out of the system there.
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Which app is that if you mind me askingI have.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Check prices at local stores for the Joker Land set, DPCI is 204-00-1131. $35.98 at one location, $41.08 at another. Also the SW Death Star Final Duel was $27.58 at one store but it dropped out of the system there.
I don't mind. It's the official Target app - the one with the bullseye alone (I know they have a bunch of apps, so it's not the Cartwheel app, nor the Registry app, nor the Wishlist app). But note, when people tried to repro that trick to show the low prices, I believe they were only able to replicate it via the iOS app, and not the Android app...and some people stated they couldn't get it to work at all even with the iOS app. And I can't get it to show the low prices on anything that indicates "Not sold in stores" in the app, such as the Joker Land set...despite the fact it *is* sold in stores.Which app is that if you mind me asking
Sorry, I should have said which stores. The City Target in Westwood is actually the only store that has those prices. I just saved the image with the wrong store selected as once you set "your store" to the one with the low price, all the other stores listed are selectable with that same low price still showing (it doesn't reset the price). Unfortunately, it can no longer be replicated for that particular set because it is no longer in the system at the Westwood City Target, and all of the other 100 or so Targets within 50 miles of me have it at full price in their systems. So, "DAMN YOU WESTWOOD/UCLA!!!"Damn you, Pasadena!!!
I wish. But if that were the case, I would never be reporting these finds, and I would be having it all done at the closest, most convenient store(s) to me. There are a bunch of other one-off clearances that I've found just by checking DPCIs, however they are literally each at a singular store and all are different locations, with all of them out of my way. They are pretty much like the "online item" "repackage" one-offs that people report in the Target clearance thread.I think it's official karkyco has somebody working on the inside changing those sets to clearance at those stores and then tipping him off.
My office is in Pasadena, with the store off Lake about a 5 minute walk. It's a two story store that used to be something else that I went to as a kid, but I can't remember what it was...maybe a Good Guys? The east Colorado one used to be a Fedco...loved that store. Both are on Colorado.Come on, Pasadena is 5 minutes away from you. It's a drive from riverside though, I think the east one is easier to get to if I remember, the other one is off lake I think.
There was a helicarrier and seacow at the chino hills store, never kept up with it to see if they went down in price.
Man i miss Fedco, we used to go to the one in Cerritos when I was a kid. I think most of my Nintendo games if not all came from there.My office is in Pasadena, with the store off Lake about a 5 minute walk. It's a two story store that used to be something else that I went to as a kid, but I can't remember what it was...maybe a Good Guys? The east Colorado one used to be a Fedco...loved that store. Both are on Colorado.
Learned my lesson about ordering items while in the hospital on painkillers. Mistook the ToysRUs Creator set they had on sale as the Pet Shop, only to find out I just spent $80 on the $30 bike shop. Go me!
USPS raised their rates by effectively 10%That's not Amazon's fault. I recently read the USPS has revamped their pricinging everyone. Amazon is just covering their bases as to not take a loss on shipping. Kinda works in their favor though pushing more people towards Prime.
I just did a quick search and counted 28 LEGO sets I have bought from 2013 onwards, none were missing anything, one had messed up stickers I wasn't going to use. I also bought 10-15 video games sense then and all of them were like new and the codes weren't even used.Has AWD gotten any better? I gave up on them awhile back, after I kept getting sets with missing pieces, missing labels, dirty, etc.
I can't even tell where to begin on that site.So, I'm not sure what is going on, but there is some kind of weird glitch going on over at Shop your Way Rewards right now. They are continually depositing points for toy purchases into my accounts. I have 5 accounts, so they're stacking up pretty quickly. I was able to get the Carbonite Freezing Chamber, Batman Cycle Chase, X-Wing Microfighter, and First Order Snowspeeder sets for free just now and points are still being shuffled into the accounts in $1, $5, and $10 increments.
I'm not sure what's going on, but I think it's related to the WANT IT? WIN IT. NOW! Sweepstakes they're running and that it's glitched (I'm assuming because the glitch started with that contest not working for me and then I refreshed it a few times and then it started). If any of you are bored and feel like figuring it out and maybe getting free Lego, I'd check it out.
Edit: Figured it out. It's giving out infinity plays and because the payout is so large it's giving me mountains of points every time I reload. 2 orders have already went through, so I'm going for broke. Infinity free Lego!