Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I received my Dariusburst LE and regular edition. I only got 1 raffle ticket though. Did anyone get two? I'm guessing this was due to an error and not a new policy, right?
Are you counting the ticket for the LE that's in the big box and under the bubble wrap?
Are you counting the ticket for the LE that's in the big box and under the bubble wrap?
The one raffle ticket I got was in the LE box/under the bubble wrap.

I'll double check when I'm back home before emailing support (to see if they can mail me a raffle or add one more to the next order?)

thanks Vinny/zlatour

No. Digital Retail Price plus about $10 for cost of manufacturng
How many times Digital version on sale for $20. $50 kinda pricey + $5 shipping kinda turn down. Should add Free shipping to it. I guess i waits for another sale show up again and save $30 + $5 shipping. I still had free 16 GIGs memory cards left ;)

How many times Digital version on sale for $20. $50 kinda pricey + $5 shipping kinda turn down. Should add Free shipping to it. I guess i waits for another sale show up again and save $30 + $5 shipping. I still had free 16 GIGs memory cards left ;)

Ok you do that.
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How many times Digital version on sale for $20. $50 kinda pricey + $5 shipping kinda turn down. Should add Free shipping to it. I guess i waits for another sale show up again and save $30 + $5 shipping. I still had free 16 GIGs memory cards left ;)
It's been available twice for $15.99, once just for PS+ members and once for everyone:

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How many times Digital version on sale for $20. $50 kinda pricey + $5 shipping kinda turn down. Should add Free shipping to it. I guess i waits for another sale show up again and save $30 + $5 shipping. I still had free 16 GIGs memory cards left ;)
You seem to be missing the point of this whole thing.

You seem to be missing the point of this whole thing.
Don't waste your time. This is the same guy who used to get into every Amazon deal and complain about us buying the games on sale because he wanted the price to be lower and it wouldn't go lower if other people bought it.

He never gets it, or he is just really good at being a troll
Don't waste your time. This is the same guy who used to get into every Amazon deal and complain about us buying the games on sale because he wanted the price to be lower and it wouldn't go lower if other people bought it.

He never gets it, or he is just really good at being a troll
Masterkyo is my favorite CAG NPC.

Masterkyo is my favorite CAG NPC.
I do supported LRG. Kinda nice to see someone out there do Limited Physical copy. I don't mind paying $39.99 for vita games and LRG they know Darius Burst will sell and they pump up extra $10. I sure they still making money at $39.99 & Shipping. We do support LRG and turn around they $ucking extra $10. Yes, they can and they keeps doing it in the future titles! Greed is ok but too greedy will turn LRG into greedy bastard.

I do supported LRG. Kinda nice to see someone out there do Limited Physical copy. I don't mind paying $39.99 for vita games and LRG they know Darius Burst will sell and they pump up extra $10. I sure they still making money at $39.99 & Shipping. We do support LRG and turn around they $ucking extra $10. Yes, they can and they keeps doing it in the future titles! Greed is ok but too greedy will turn LRG into greedy bastard.
LRGs standard model is to charge $10 over digital. Dariusburst PS4 was the exception
I do supported LRG. Kinda nice to see someone out there do Limited Physical copy. I don't mind paying $39.99 for vita games and LRG they know Darius Burst will sell and they pump up extra $10. I sure they still making money at $39.99 & Shipping. We do support LRG and turn around they $ucking extra $10. Yes, they can and they keeps doing it in the future titles! Greed is ok but too greedy will turn LRG into greedy bastard.
Uhh. No. Theyve always beeen charging the Original Retail price plus the $10 extra to cover the cost of the cartrige.

LRG aint going to make money if they sell the game at cost. It doesnt work like that.
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I do supported LRG. Kinda nice to see someone out there do Limited Physical copy. I don't mind paying $39.99 for vita games and LRG they know Darius Burst will sell and they pump up extra $10. I sure they still making money at $39.99 & Shipping. We do support LRG and turn around they $ucking extra $10. Yes, they can and they keeps doing it in the future titles! Greed is ok but too greedy will turn LRG into greedy bastard.
We've released 60 games and only one wasn't priced at the original digital price plus $10 (with a minimum price of $24.99 or a maximum of $59.99). DARIUSBURST PS4 would have been $69.99 if we had done our standard pricing model on that - that's too high and exceeds the price limit we've set for ourselves (no game will ever exceed $59.99 for a standard edition). This isn't greed or an attempt to suck extra money out of people, this is literally the pricing model we've been using on every release since we started. The Vita version of DBCS is the same as the PS4 version, so in the end you're still paying $10 less for the same game on a significantly more expensive medium (cartridge vs. disc).

The Vita version of DBCS is the same as the PS4 version, so in the end you're still paying $10 less for the same game on a significantly more expensive medium (cartridge vs. disc).
Looks good to me, count me in. LOL Who am I kidding, I was buying it no matter what, as I was already pretty sure how the price broke down.

Hey Josh, if you don't mind me asking, how did the qty come to be for the Vita release? Did the developer have the final say, or was that a number both sides agreed to? It seems a little high, especially with the higher base game price, but I think it will still do well, just curious as to how this number was reached for this release.

I'm curious as to why it wasn't announced when the PS4 version dropped. Seems to me if you'll have it in stock so soon, you had to have known it was coming. I would have definitely held out for Vita if I had known :/ 

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I'm curious as to why it wasn't announced when the PS4 version dropped. Seems to me if you'll have it in stock so soon, you had to have known it was coming. I would have definitely held out for Vita if I had known :/
Sell your PS4 version? I'm sure you could unload it here in the forums with very little effort (and easily make your money back).
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Has,anyone gotten anything from the rewards program yet? I definitely would like a LRG keychain to go with my collection.
I'm curious as to why it wasn't announced when the PS4 version dropped. Seems to me if you'll have it in stock so soon, you had to have known it was coming. I would have definitely held out for Vita if I had known :/
They had mentioned it was being worked on and was possible, but there was never a guarantee. So it was always a buy it now, with a Vita version possible. Or a skip it now, and maybe loose out all together. Sometimes that the risk of these situations.

I was never going to get the standard PS4 version, so if the Vita happened, or didn't, I was waiting either way. I'm sure if you really want, some one here on CAG will buy your PS4 version at cost, so you can always go that route if need be, plus you got an extra reward ticket for your efforts.

I'm curious as to why it wasn't announced when the PS4 version dropped. Seems to me if you'll have it in stock so soon, you had to have known it was coming. I would have definitely held out for Vita if I h0ad known :/
They honestly forgot to ask about it

Quantity is determined by the Developer with input from LRG
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Damn, I've only got 9 tickets. LOL

I guess it will be awhile for me to make it to 40. Especially since I stopped getting doubles awhile ago, otherwise I would be doing pretty good overall. I'm waiting on a Vita variant anyways, but I will say the Night Trap exclusive is pretty cool, just not for me since I'm not collecting PS4 titles.

I don't even know if I have a single ticket. I don't care much about the stickers/cards, so I kinda just lose track of anything that's not the game.

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Just wanted to show off my Flinthook unbox and initial impressions... I think that the game is awesome btw...



First Impressions


Until we announce official details on the Night Trap variant, don't get worried or anything about ticket counts. We may offer the cover by itself at a lower ticket amount along with the full-sealed package at 40 tickets. We're probably also going to randomly insert the yellow variant into orders.

Random variants is cool. That makes it really special to get one and for me would give it enough personal meaning to want to keep it for the long haul.
Until we announce official details on the Night Trap variant, don't get worried or anything about ticket counts. We may offer the cover by itself at a lower ticket amount along with the full-sealed package at 40 tickets. We're probably also going to randomly insert the yellow variant into orders.
I don't have enough tickets, but my original offer stands. I'll snap a pic with my original 32X copy of Night Trap that I've owned for like 20 years to show I supported the game if you guys can send me the yellow copy variant. Lol. :D/

Am I the only one that doesn't want the 32x variant of Night Trap over the others?  I guess it comes down to what copy you originally owned.  I have the first release so the red cover is the one I that I absolutely must have.  But still slipping some of the 32x ones into the orders would be cool for some, as I was one of the lucky ones who got the blue Stranger's Wrath cover that way.

Going to be up front about future variant releases via tickets only so people can decide what releases, if any, they will have to give up in order to get one or the other? 

Hopefully you don't put anyone into that position.  Eg: announce another ticket only variant right after everyone gets Night Trap, or force people to give up Night Trap 32x if they want the next one, etc.

Going to be up front about future variant releases via tickets only so people can decide what releases, if any, they will have to give up in order to get one or the other?

Hopefully you don't put anyone into that position. Eg: announce another ticket only variant right after everyone gets Night Trap, or force people to give up Night Trap 32x if they want the next one, etc.
We have to pay the developers royalties on these things upfront so we can't just sit on a bunch of variants for the loyalty rewards. We probably won't have another rewards exclusive variant for a while. The next would also likely be a Vita title to balance out the fact that Night Trap is PS4 only.

How bout some exclusive LRG ticket redeemable only t-shirts & hoodies?? I haven't bought any Limited Run Games clothing yet. A light blue hoodie or t-shirt with the lettering colored like the DariusBurst LRG sticker would be nice. More colors of hoodies & t-shirts in general would be cool, ticket reward or not. Just saying..
bread's done