Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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By further exposing the URL loophole, you guys are just making launch days more difficult for us and yourselves as we'll have to pull inventory before every launch.
So, ultimately this will work to help level the playing field? If this is what it took for you guys to finally do something about the resellers preloading their carts... awesome. Bout time. Sorry for the extra work but seriously it's gotta send a message when regular customers are willing to start doing what the scummy ones do to circumvent the system.

Please consider adding Captcha and making the carts hold items again. You can circumvent the whole preloading by not posting the actual games to the site until it's time to purchase. Before launch, just post a game info page and then update that page with the URL so those refreshing can go to the new item page to buy.

There are a lot of basic things that can be done to make the purchase experience easier on you guys and more importantly better for the gamers that actually want these games.

The games are intended for mature audiences. This would explain why you weren't able to check out.
Your poor attempt at a joke says a lot about your maturity as well. But thanks for teasing the 1000s of people who weren't able to get a game thanks to their poor system. You sound like a great dude.
Is the maximum of 2 per version or altogether of the title? I want two copies of the PC version but maybe try for the collector's PS4 at the next release. TIA

I wqs able to get my (single)standard NT without hassle. Logged into LRG about 20 minutes before it went live as well as paypal. Watched the count down timer and refreshed a bunch just incase. Timer hit 0:00, refreshed, added to cart, check out. Paypal got sluggish I thought I was doomed. Then, my heart stopped, paypal defaulted to an old address for some unknown reason, I had to very quickly type my new address into the fields. Thought I was done but I remained calm and even took a split second to check for typing errors in the address before sending. Got to the shipping method and clicked passed it as fast as I could and to my shock, order made it through. I didn't trust it until I got my email confirmation with corrct address and no issues.
Just for fun I went back to see what was left and the CE and vinyl were there and let me add to cart still. I didn't attempt a second order but kinda wish I had tried for the vinyl, oh well I got the game which is all I wanted.
I second the carts holding items again. My work connection is shit and it's starting to look like I'm going to miss out on hot titles often. If there's something I really want, like salt and sanctuary that I miss I'm definitely gonna have go to the "market."
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Your poor attempt at a joke says a lot about your maturity as well. But thanks for teasing the 1000s of people who weren't able to get a game thanks to their poor system. You sound like a great dude.
Worse than that, the new version is rated T, not M. So his post didn't even make sense in the context of the game.

Does anyone know the system requirements for the PC version? I like the idea that you get the Steam version. I can't imagine they would be tough but I was hoping to even play it on a laptop.
I agree with the cart holding the items, but definitely no captchas. Those things are a headache on smartphones. Doesn't matter how many times I click all the damn cars or signs in the grid, it usually takes more than a dozen times for it to accept it.

There's a reason the add to cart button is not there. When inventory is available between the morning batch and afternoon batch - it isn't for sale. It's there so our site doesn't show "Out of Stock" when a 6 PM batch is on the horizon. By further exposing the URL loophole, you guys are just making launch days more difficult for us and yourselves as we'll have to pull inventory before every launch.

We're going through the orders made using this exploit and canceling many.
I didn't even see this posted in here, I just refreshed early and a copy was available so I bought it. Are you guys going to cancel all of them? If so I need to get one in the afternoon batch.

Is the maximum of 2 per version or altogether of the title? I want two copies of the PC version but maybe try for the collector's PS4 at the next release. TIA
It's per version. You could get 2x PC and 1x CE, and 1x standard if you wanted.

Does anyone know the system requirements for the PC version? I like the idea that you get the Steam version. I can't imagine they would be tough but I was hoping to even play it on a laptop.
It's on the Steam Store page:


    Storage: 3 GB available space

Yeah, that's all it is.:lol:

Well, for you crazy bastards who like the abuse, good luck on this afternoon batches. Be ready early and get your ducks in a row, as you have about 35+ minutes left before all hell breaks loose. LOL

Got both games without issues this morning. I opened LRG at 5 til 10 and logged in, loaded a tab for each game, typed my CC into a third tab, hit F5 when the counter hit zero, added both to cart and waited in line for 30 seconds, pasted my CC after choosing shipping and was done in about 90 seconds. Probably would have been screwed if I tried for a CE only to have it sell out in the cart with no chance to add the regular. I would use Amazon/Paypal but just using my CC seems just fine without the possibility for something to go wrong on their end.

I agree with the cart holding the items, but definitely no captchas. Those things are a headache on smartphones. Doesn't matter how many times I click all the damn cars or signs in the grid, it usually takes more than a dozen times for it to accept it.
I wouldn't want the picture captcha, just the traditional Text/numbers option and then the alternate audio for those visually impaired. They are usually pretty short and easy to do. It would cut out any bots to have this.

Good luck to the afternoon gang. You will likely have 5 minutes at most for Night Trap...whatever version...good luck! The Bunker should stay a while longer though maybe not that much an hour or 2.

Echoing what others are saying in this thread - good luck to everyone trying their luck in 20 minutes. Night Trap is obviously going to go VERY fast, and unless you're quick with switching between tabs for multiple items, I would focus on Night Trap first and checking out and then going back for The Bunker or whatever else you were interested in. Then you could contact LRG support and have the orders combined. 

Yeah, the Bunker is thematically appropriate, which is part of the reason it went as fast as it did this morning. But it does not have nearly the notiriety of Night Trap. It will likely last longer this afternoon. Night Trap will last longer than it did in the morning, but we might still be looking at a sell out inside of five minutes. Don't hesitate if you're hoping to get a copy. If you're nervous about your chances, pick up a copy of Night Trap first, and then see about getting a copy of The Bunker.

I missed out on the Night Trap CE this morning because I didnt know where the damn game went minutes before it was live. It only showed the regular version. So I got that. I will try again for the CE in a few minutes. Gggrrrrrr.............

Ok guys. I got a copy using the exploit, but wasn't trying to circumvent the rules. Should I try for one at 6? Only trying to get one for my own collection.
Got both games without issues this morning. I opened LRG at 5 til 10 and logged in, loaded a tab for each game, typed my CC into a third tab, hit F5 when the counter hit zero, added both to cart and waited in line for 30 seconds, pasted my CC after choosing shipping and was done in about 90 seconds. Probably would have been screwed if I tried for a CE only to have it sell out in the cart with no chance to add the regular. I would use Amazon/Paypal but just using my CC seems just fine without the possibility for something to go wrong on their end.
CC is scary with banks being hyper fraud sensitive now. Esp with LRG's release schedule and/or if any other big CEs hit your card in a short period. Better have a second card handy if you are going that route. Would suck to get declined 3 times and get a "we locked your card" text/email during a LRG release.

tbh I just googled and the first result was a dang youtube tutorial hosted by Shopify on how to add an item to your cart through a link :\, hope mine isn't cancelled cuz wasn't trying to be malicious, tried to inform on twitter that the extra stock was causing an issue, I think the stock levels should just be set to sold out until the trigger is pulled, shopify doesn't seem to be that secure for these type of releases

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Got PS4 LE Night Trap!!!  Missed it this morning because of work.

Gone in less than 2 minutes.

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Got both games without issues this morning. I opened LRG at 5 til 10 and logged in, loaded a tab for each game, typed my CC into a third tab, hit F5 when the counter hit zero, added both to cart and waited in line for 30 seconds, pasted my CC after choosing shipping and was done in about 90 seconds. Probably would have been screwed if I tried for a CE only to have it sell out in the cart with no chance to add the regular. I would use Amazon/Paypal but just using my CC seems just fine without the possibility for something to go wrong on their end.
CC is scary with banks being hyper fraud sensitive now. Esp with LRG's release schedule and/or if any other big CEs hit your card in a short period. Better have a second card handy if you are going that route. Would suck to get declined 3 times and get a "we locked your card" text/email during a LRG release.

Had a CE and Standard in my cart, CE got removed toward the end of checkout. Oh well, I'm glad to have gotten a standard edition at least.

It was available for less then a min, definitely hilarious that I get put on line to check out and it sells out when I'm checking out with it in my cart. Horrible
The PayPal button took me to a screen that said I was idle for too long and I was logged in on another tab. Lol.
Yeah i panicked when it asked for my phone number again even though it is in the system...

Luckily I got quick hands!

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I added it to my cart and had it removed during checkout, went back for regular edition on ps4 and added it to cart....same thing happened. All sold out within a minute, even having been added to my cart. Kinda Lame.

I think I'm done with LRG. Second week in a row I tried to checkout the $209 bundle with PP and this message showed up. I saw last week on their Twitter feed that many other people got the same message. This a screen shot from last week[attachment=27576:IMG_0439.PNG]
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lol. First batch I lose out because their Games page didn't load the CE and this batch I lose out because Paypal gave me the logged you out or w/e message and then wouldn't let me check out. I see the clear your cache/cookies or simply use main page solution was posted for the first issue but can someone tell me how to avoid the Paypal error in the future? I've seen other people mention it but it's never happened to me before.

This is the first time I ever missed an order that I wanted from LRG and I've purchased almost all of their releases.

I lucked out, was able to order the vinyl, SE, stand-alone, and a copy of the Bunker in the same order. All the NT stuff was showing out of stock after loading the LRG home page immediately after placing my order. Got my order confirmation email at 3:01PM PST.

lol. First batch I lose out because their Games page didn't load the CE and this batch I lose out because Paypal gave me the logged you out or w/e message and then wouldn't let me check out. I see the clear your cache/cookies or simply use main page solution was posted for the first issue but can someone tell me how to avoid the Paypal error in the future? I've seen other people mention it but it's never happened to me before.

This is the first time I ever missed an order that I wanted from LRG and I've purchased almost all of their releases.
I'm not sure how much it would have helped anyway. I was checking out super fast with no errors and still came away empty handed.
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bread's done