Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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So many ways to get Ys on both platforms. The Ys sales numbers for LRG are pretty good. I don't expect them to use the format used for Ys for all games, but I think it should still be considered for any high-profile releases in the future. If someone did not get the Ys CE or regular then that is their fault. There was ample opportunity to get both. I also am willing to bet that more people who just wanted to play the game were able to get in on Ys than if the traditional method had been used. Scalpers thrive when something is harder to obtain. They are not going to cash in on Ys nearly as much as they would have had Ys been released without the preorder window. It seems to me that LRG made the right call on how they handled Ys. It was a calculated risk. They sold a lot of games and gamers were able to get a game they wanted. Win-win.
This. Different formats as needed depending on how niche or high profile a title is... is the way to go imo. Let scalpers and art collectors have the more niche titles, great games like these need to be enjoyed by as many as possible.

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I get why people don't open games, i reslly do. But as a game collector with over 3,550+ games, I buy games to play them. If a game is sealed, but I want to open it, i open it. I don't collect games to sell them one day. I will die with my collection and my next of kin can deal with it as they wish. Lol
What kind of mad man buys a game to open it and play it?

I get why people don't open games, i reslly do. But as a game collector with over 3,550+ games, I buy games to play them. If a game is sealed, but I want to open it, i open it. I don't collect games to sell them one day. I will die with my collection and my next of kin can deal with it as they wish. Lol
Is this keeping you wake at night? I don't get why people cares what people do with their stuff. Live your life and stop worrying about what other people are doing.

Honestly, for Ys I think the qty's they had planned where perfect, and for it being offered on two systems, there was never going to be an issue as some predicted. The CE was always a fixed number, and due to being on two systems, it lasted more than long enough for someone who wanted it, to get it. For the standard edition numbers, and having two system options, meant that wasn't going to be hard to get either.

Now I'm the first to admit the NT & WB qty's where way off, due to being popular, and also only being on the PS4. But with a slightly higher number for those, and 1 game limits, I don't think those would have been much of an issue either.

LRG knew Ys was a popular title, and they had qty's that where good based on that. Maybe they did the NT/WB deals awhile back, and got burned with having smaller numbers, but I think LRG get's it right, way more than they get it wrong. Normally the 2 Vs. 1 limit is what screws them over more often than not.

As much as I didn't feel this 24hr system was needed, I think it could serve them well for any upcoming releases that they may have done smaller qty's for, just due to how long ago they worked the deals. But as far as I know, most of their upcoming high profile titles will probably be around these qty's, and should be just fine, as most are two system releases as well, which takes a lot of the fight over one systems game out of the equation.

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I feel like that's putting them in a tough spot... they'll need to make some additional units for damage/loose discs/etc.
I think that's actually excluding the replacement copies, and just what's left of the normal quantities available.

They may have popped a few in for one or the other console just to make both quantities even, so it has a better ring when they tell us how many are left for each. ;D

He was just saying that the intangibles involved in this release kind of make it an outlier in general. It's not a good model for what to expect with other "window" sales.

I think he's right. It's a title that's been around for over a decade in many forms etc etc.
Except it's literally consistent with Skullgirls and every similar preorder that other companies have done. As terrible as it is, the limited nature of the print run and the limited time window combine to push sales in ways that a preorder just can't. Maybe someday the market will be large enough to sustain preorders in a way that would be competitive with a fixed limited run, but for the overwhelming majority of titles, it just isn't a good model.

They ran into a bump because they apparently need to get ESRB ratings on their titles going forward, so September is going to be light. The rest of the year is going to be packed though.
Is this a new Sony requirement or something? I thought esrb was pretty much pointless on these titles.
ESRB is making them do the ESRB rating. They want a piece of the pie.
I don't know how true that is, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. This country was built on those in power taking advantage of anyone who actually works for a living. Disgusting to say the least(if true of course).

ESRB is making them do the ESRB rating. They want a piece of the pie.
Hmmm interesting. Didn't think they'd have enough clout to force something like that. I guess ratings boards are all powerful after all.

I guess I just don't get the vagaries of the publishing business, needing to print and sell by certain dates, etc. A few weeks off will be nice though.
Is this keeping you wake at night? I don't get why people cares what people do with their stuff. Live your life and stop worrying about what other people are doing.
I guess my joking didn't come thru in text form. I was just stating what I do. I didn't mean others are wrong for doing anything odd or differently than me. To each his own, my friend. :)
Except it's literally consistent with Skullgirls and every similar preorder that other companies have done. As terrible as it is, the limited nature of the print run and the limited time window combine to push sales in ways that a preorder just can't. Maybe someday the market will be large enough to sustain preorders in a way that would be competitive with a fixed limited run, but for the overwhelming majority of titles, it just isn't a good model.
Absolutely on the same page with those ideas. The simple fact is these games are easily acquired to play mostly sub 10$. People want the hunt and a piece of the desirable. Removing the mystique and rush / risk of missing the release makes it more about the content than the product IMHO.

Some people want these to put on their shelves and play; most don't. It makes sense to cater to the core principals driving the phenomenon.

As has been pointed out many times, regardless of how you feel about "short term collectors" aka scalpers, they are what generates the real buzz and puts the impulse into someone's head. "I must buy this because it's sought after."
Got my regular edition in, CE probably got some delay thanks to the weather, wish I was remotely close to 40 tickets to get the 32X cover sealed in a case but most of my buys were before the ticket system :\


Been a pretty good week. Received my Guacamellee PS4 from Vblank, received my Shadow Warrior 2 from SRG, received my Oceanhorn PS4/Vita and my Plague Road PS4/Vita copies today, and was able to get YS PS4/Vita and the CE bundles with no problem yesterday. Up to 43 tickets now and have a few more games coming so will be over 50 once they are all here. I would still love to see a physical copy of Dust: An Elysian Tail.
What good are the tickets? I've never bothered to check their site and I have quite the stack of them, especially with my waves of Night Trap rolling in.
Been a pretty good week. Received my Guacamellee PS4 from Vblank, received my Shadow Warrior 2 from SRG, received my Oceanhorn PS4/Vita and my Plague Road PS4/Vita copies today, and was able to get YS PS4/Vita and the CE bundles with no problem yesterday. Up to 43 tickets now and have a few more games coming so will be over 50 once they are all here. I would still love to see a physical copy of Dust: An Elysian Tail.
I know Dust was brought up awhile back, but I can't remember what was said about it happening or not. I know several games that where never a "No" from LRG, but didn't get a "Yes" either, so Dust may be on that list.

What good are the tickets? I've never bothered to check their site and I have quite the stack of them, especially with my waves of Night Trap rolling in.
The only really great options are are 40 tickets to get any lrg title (not sure if this pays for the game or just reserves it) and the 32x night trap variant
The only really great options are are 40 tickets to get any lrg title (not sure if this pays for the game or just reserves it) and the 32x night trap variant
It can do both so long as the title is $24.99. Otherwise the person has to pay the difference in cost, but as stated, it reserves a title so no worries of it selling out.

Looks like September 15th will be the only September LRG release date for those keeping track.  Supposedly 2 PS4 games that day.

Also, the LRG variant of Shadow Warrior 2 will most likely be released on an upcoming Monday, though no date has been announced yet.

Really looking forward to the break this September but I am sure October and November will be back to releases every week.

This is rather cool, as I'm looking forward to getting in on their trading card packs in the future. So having a place to store them is nice. Of course someone could just buy a standard TC card binder, but then it wouldn't be from LRG and have the logo. And we all know how much that means to the collector crowd around here. LOL

BTW Josh/Doug, when the trading card packs are offered, will there be a Vita pack option & a PS4 one? Or will you just get cards from both systems within the packs? I know several games share the same cards across the two systems, but if I'm just trying to get a Vita set, I really don't need PS4 cards(only PS4 released games). But of course, this is still for trading, so in the end I guess it wouldn't matter, unless someone doesn't want to deal with others, then they would need a pack specific to what they are trying to get.

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Do we have an update on when SG is to ship- I know there were delays but I thought it was close to being done?

I also just remembered that my copy of Volume is sitting at LRG's offices since god knows when since that was pre-ordered with SG. 

Do we have an update on when SG is to ship- I know there were delays but I thought it was close to being done?

I also just remembered that my copy of Volume is sitting at LRG's offices since god knows when since that was pre-ordered with SG.
Last update was here:

No dates have been set yet, but the PS4 version is getting close. Vita version might be a nice Christmas present at this point.

If you happen to have waited to get the special SRG version of Shadow Warrior 2, the LRG cover variant is included. Mine just shipped last week after waiting almost 3 months for it.

From SRG's facebook page
Our variant is not included. The interior art for their release looks similar but it is not the same. It's also not a functional reverse cover as it doesn't include any PlayStation branding elements.
FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCC...........................More damn Vita games. I finally get a break from LRG, and here comes play-Asia with some shit out of left field, that now I'll feel compelled to buy. I swear, there ain't no rest for the wicked! LOL

EastAsiaSoft will be announcing their next exclusive next week. And there could be another one as well. The one they're announcing is PS4. They also have a PS Vita game that they will announce at TGS for a 2018 release. 

That could be Rainbow Moon/Skies but I'll just wait for the Play Asia announcement official announce. 

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Is there a release window for the Night Trap vinyl? I ordered that and the Ps4 standard version but haven't received a notification
FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCC...........................More damn Vita games. I finally get a break from LRG, and here comes play-Asia with some shit out of left field, that now I'll feel compelled to buy. I swear, there ain't no rest for the wicked! LOL
There actually is, it just requires that you stop purchasing games :shock:. Cut yourself away from the forums that then you will never know that you missed anything. lol.

Up until the start of 2017, I had a 100% complete Vita collection. It was actually a combination of limited run games and kickstarter releases that made me call it quits. I looked into what I had spent on my games and noticed that I had already dropped a couple grand on Vita games, many that I had no interest in playing. Even more though, I was looking at the thousands it would cost to continue to purchase these LR games. I sold off 70% of my collection and kept only what i would enjoy playing. Of the games that I sold, I actually came out slightly ahead in making my money back but can't get the hours wasted tracking down games and keeping track of all of the releases. I still have a few rare collector editions that I need to sell off, but it feels good to be free from the vita releases.

I have found it is not worth the constant stress of trying to keep up with releases. At the end of the day, it's just plastic and paper we are talking about here. :p I do pick up a LR release here and there though for games I truly love (such as the Shantae series).

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There actually is, it just requires that you stop purchasing games :shock:. Cut yourself away from the forums that then you will never know that you missed anything. lol.
Yeah, I've sold more systems and games over the years, than I think I ever owned to begin with, so I've cut myself off from the teat many times over the years(I'm not that much of a damn robot). LOL I actually just decided in the last few days to sell off most of my 3DS collection, so that will help me to cover any new Vita releases, as well to pay off much of my last few months of continual purchases as well.

Like with anything I've collected over the years, I'll eventually get tired of it, or decide somethings taking up to much room, or I may just need money, and out it will go. So thanks for the advice, but I was just joking around, as I'm not that addicted to any of this really.

What's really funny, is that the Vita is supposed to be "dead", and I can honestly say, over my lifetime of collecting God only knows how much "junk", I can say I've spent more on the Vita than any other system, hands down. I don't think I ever planned to get a full set either, as I have mostly gotten games I wanted, or many other games that where just to cheap to pass up.

So while I've spent a good amount over the Vita's life, if I sold it all tomorrow, I'm sure I would double my money at least, as I got most games rather cheap, and almost everything has gone up due to demand increasing. So for now I'm buying most things(with the intention of playing, but that never happens in the long run, EVER), but that could end tomorrow, and I would be on to the next thing.

If you bought Rainbow Moon from us, there isn't really much reason to go for the Asian release. Should be an easy one to skip, even for compulsive folks.
Is there that much demand for Rainbow Moon? Copies on eBay are going just above original LRG price. Soldner X-2 I understood, that game was going for crazy prices before the PA release but I don't see any real reason to re-release RM. 

The re-release isn't being done for the sole benefit of collectors, so I don't think it matters that we met demand on that title. EastAsiaSoft's releases go to actual retail in Asia and we probably only sold around twenty copies to anyone in Asia. There's a market there that hasn't really had a chance to get the game yet.

Let's also be real for a second and acknowledge that at least 1,000 compulsive collectors will buy a second copy for no reason other than the new cover art. That in of itself is enough to justify the reprint for EAS.
My copy of Night Trap showed up Saturday. It ended up the sega cd cover and the card was completely different than the one Jurai posted plus mine had a silver foil border line. The cards are kind of neat. Not planning on collecting any of them. Now I just need to dust off the ps4 and hook it up to play the game... and flip the cover over as the red one is far better looking IMO.

Like with anything I've collected over the years, I'll eventually get tired of it, or decide somethings taking up to much room, or I may just need money, and out it will go.
That's pretty much been my cycle. It's been years since I've sold anything, but I sat down last night to look over most of what I own. I'm really ready to purge the majority of it and lean more towards a minimal collection. This, for me, has to be the last major purge.

That's pretty much been my cycle. It's been years since I've sold anything, but I sat down last night to look over most of what I own. I'm really ready to purge the majority of it and lean more towards a minimal collection. This, for me, has to be the last major purge.
I wish I could say it will be my last, but I'm a creature of habit I guess, so I'll be back. LOL

Hell, I've already started buying NS games and I don't even own the system yet. But so far I'm just getting some of the day one titles, that have extras included, as I'm sure those will be gone once I finally get a system. I'll also grab a game if the price is right, and then I'll hold it for me, or gift it to my son at some point, as he'll have a NS way before I ever get one.

My copy of Night Trap showed up Saturday. It ended up the sega cd cover and the card was completely different than the one Jurai posted plus mine had a silver foil border line. The cards are kind of neat. Not planning on collecting any of them. Now I just need to dust off the ps4 and hook it up to play the game... and flip the cover over as the red one is far better looking IMO.

That's pretty much been my cycle. It's been years since I've sold anything, but I sat down last night to look over most of what I own. I'm really ready to purge the majority of it and lean more towards a minimal collection. This, for me, has to be the last major purge.
Wow, nice!

And yeah, I'm at a point where I need to stop collecting so much... I've got a closet full of games I'll never touch.

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Are the LRG trading cards specific to each release? Meaning, you get a Ys card with an Ys purchase? Or is it just a mix of all previous releases?

Are the LRG trading cards specific to each release? Meaning, you get a Ys card with an Ys purchase? Or is it just a mix of all previous releases?
It's supposed match the release, but from what I remember, Josh mentioned they're going to do batch sales of them later on, I think around Black Friday, or something like that where they'll sell all the cards you may have missed on releases you haven't purchased.

From the cards that I've seen, they match the titles you purchase.

Are the LRG trading cards specific to each release? Meaning, you get a Ys card with an Ys purchase? Or is it just a mix of all previous releases?
iirc they said they were ordering two variants per game they were putting up for sale. Each game purchase would come with one card for that game. If you ordered two copies of a game, they'd do their best to give you one of each card. They figured users could trade for variants they're missing. They also said they will be selling cards or card packs later in the year.

Are the LRG trading cards specific to each release? Meaning, you get a Ys card with an Ys purchase? Or is it just a mix of all previous releases?
There are two different cards per game release and a small chance of a limited gold foil card.

All standard cards are silver foil.

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Hey Josh, any word on the Plague Road KS variants shipping? And since these weren't handled through you guys, will we be getting shipping notices when they do ship?

I'm guessing you guys would have everyone's email along with their shipping address info, just not sure what the process is for inputting all that info in the shipping process. 

bread's done