The thing is, you've sort of hit the nail on the head in your own summary of how things work, and that is that LRG isn't like most major retailers, since they are publishers. That is not to say that their current system is great by any means, and shipping is super smooth, but I just don't think it's fair to make such a comparison when they're not the same thing.
I'm not sure it's practical to create such a page or system for that. From the sound of it, it really just seems like you would like a mass email or something from LRG to let people know about shipping status update, rather than just them giving information here or on Twitter. Even though I don't like to compare them to retailer, for the purposes of this discussion, let's do so. For retailers, when a game is delayed by the publishers, what will happen sometimes is that they will send an email to all customers with an active pre-order a notice that it's been delayed. However, no retailer has a rolling page saying everything that has shipped from their overall inventory, and those units that have not. The orders are tracked individually, just as LRG's system is currently, so it seems silly looking at the whole picture to expect them to do that much more than a big box retailer, and they're acting more as a mediator to ship the games out.
Again, the way the shipping has been done in the past, is being done now, is by no way perfect, or even great. Still a lot of hiccups, delays, and what not, and they definitely need to fix these things. These are the things they need to fix.
I'm not sure that adding an info page for status updates on shipping should really be their priority right now when they should really be fixing the core issues, rather than making these add ons that seem to be unnecessary, and also impractical in resolving the issue. It would be like getting a flat tire, and instead of changing it out with a spare, you put masking tape on the hole, and then continue to drive on. You're not really fixing the problem, you're just hoping it won't get worse, and that's not really what they should be spending their time on.
If they get everything properly sorted out from a shipping standpoint, and things just sent out in a timely manner, as they should be, then a shipping info page on all of the packages, what they're working on, or any other stalkerish things you can think of shouldn't be relevant as it doesn't provide anything more than providing some solace to those who are waiting for their packages to ship.
Anyways, just my two cents on adding a shipping info page.