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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Windjammers is one of them - bear in mind high-quality was a bad descriptor, I really just mean to say games people will get really excited about like Night Trap. I wouldn't call NT high-quality, but it fits what I'm getting at here.
This is fantastic news. Night Trap was one of my favorite LRG releases because it was so unique. Keep those type of releases coming please! And more remasters of obscure classics (not necessarily FMV) would be awesome too.
Sooooo where the hell is Ys at? Been a month and a half almost. Bout to do a chargeback. Atleast say why my standard copies are taking forever.
Sooooo where the hell is Ys at? Been a month and a half almost. Bout to do a chargeback. Atleast say why my standard copies are taking forever.

Pretty sure it's still early October, but I'm sure you were too impatient to read when you ordered.


Pretty sure it's still early October, but I'm sure you were too impatient to read when you ordered.
No I read it. I want to know what early October to them means. They've also been bad at shipping so I have to stay on em especially when it's my cash.
I've ordered the Ys Origins Vita CE & PS4 CE, as well as Lawbreakers CE. Got the Vita one 2 days ago, informed me in email. Same notice for the PS4 CE on the same day, tracking tells me I'll be getting it early next week. Nothing on Lawbreakers so far.

!!!!!! 20K orders to fill! : fuck:
Nice, thanks.

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The answer to your question is on the page immediately previous to this page.
Damn, you beat me to it, just getting ready to post that tweet.

I would also recommend no one here "threaten" LRG, or any business for that matter, unless you no longer want to be a customer, which is fine if that's your end game. I've personally gotten a handful of threats from yes, paying customers, and the quickest way for me to no longer deal with you, is by making threats before a message to me even says "hello".

The customer is always right only goes so far, and my right to refuse service to anyone is also a real deal. As shown, within the last 24 hrs was a post stating how many orders need to ship, and when they are expected to. I'm sure if contacting CS, they would state the same, and when thousand of people are asking that same question, how many people are shipping packages Vs. answering that same question of many customers?

I've already stated on several occasions LRG needs to do a better job with making that info known to customers, as there is no way in hell having a proper list of status someplace isn't going to cut down on the same emails from God only knows how many customers. But Josh & Doug seem happy with doing it this way, so more power to them, but this is for sure their greatest weakness and long term issue, that has only gotten so much worse as they have offered more titles.

So in the end, they aren't perfect, but getting tweets and info pretty regularly here and at other forums is more than I've seen from mostly any other company, so if and when supporting them with your funds becomes to much of a burden, decide the business doesn't meet your need, and no longer spend funds there(That's what freedom of choice means). Making threats is surely the fastest way for them to end the relationship, and it will be on their terms, and not yours. So just some food for thought to those who think making threats is going to solve anything.

I wonder if that number includes games that they've yet to receive, like Skull Girls Vita. That seems like a lot.
Ys for the most part was their single biggest title to date, and since only a handful have gotten those games so far, it's not hard to see where that 20,000 is coming from(Asdivine was a big part of those orders as well). Skullgirls could be in that count, since they have the PS4 on hand, and it should start shipping within the window as well(hopefully).

No I read it. I want to know what early October to them means. They've also been bad at shipping so I have to stay on em especially when it's my cash.
We've been shipping things out on time, as stated. The only delay we've seen is LawBreakers CE being off by a week. We're not making an effort to scam you. Be patient, we'll get your stuff out.
Sooooo where the hell is Ys at? Been a month and a half almost. Bout to do a chargeback. Atleast say why my standard copies are taking forever.
Just to provide more proof of Y's Origin shipping: I received my tracking info for my Vita CE yesterday, with a scheduled release of Tuesday (though I'll be out of town and will have to wait to pick it up from the PO).

My Ys Origin CE PS4 arrived today. It was packed nicely in a box just like their standard boxes but bigger with ample bubble wrap.
I'm not sure what's wrong with LRG support but they both didn't use a box to send my game back (something they offered to do and affirmed was happening), sent me a completely different copy of the Lili LE with a different slipcover after saying they had no extras (not damaged the same way mine was), and the disc is loose.

Not the end of the world I'm just kind of wondering why.

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We've been shipping things out on time, as stated. The only delay we've seen is LawBreakers CE being off by a week. We're not making an effort to scam you. Be patient, we'll get your stuff out.
That tweet you sent was good enough. Obviously you aren't scamming anyone. I'm not a patient person but for you guys I'll try and extend it.

Apologies I know I came off wrong in the message.
I'm not sure what's wrong with LRG support but they both didn't use a box to send my game back (something they offered to do and affirmed was happening), sent me a completely different copy of the Lili LE with a different slipcover after saying they had no extras (not damaged the same way mine was), and the disc is loose.

Not the end of the world I'm just kind of wondering why.
Any pics of the slipcover? I thought there was only one slipcover for the game?

Any pics of the slipcover? I thought there was only one slipcover for the game?
Sorry, different meaning mine was damaged in a very clearly different way so I'm guessing they sent me someone else's copy since they didn't have any extras at all. There's only one slipcover for the game as far as I know.

Edit: Looks like Josh confirmed this on twitter. They throw all the returns in a pile and I'm guessing since they ended up with no replacement copies at all they just picked returns randomly to send back to people. Seems... odd but LRG's stance looks to be, "it is what it is."

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Edit: Looks like Josh confirmed this on twitter. They throw all the returns in a pile and I'm guessing since they ended up with no replacement copies at all they just picked returns randomly to send back to people. Seems... odd but LRG's stance looks to be, "it is what it is."
Damn, that's pretty bad if true^

Damn, that's pretty bad if true^
Yeah seriously. This is Walmart levels of CS bad.
I'm trying to remember your posts and this was where they said they could replace it, you sent it back, and then they said they couldn't replace it, so you asked for your game to be returned and they sent back a different return copy? That's pretty crummy.

Damn, that's pretty bad if true^
Yeah, I think Douglas or Josh need to explain themselves here. This is beyond bad and there is no way they should be telling someone who their CS folks screwed over that "it is what it is". Heck, at this point I think they either need to dip into their personal stash or pay a scalper on Ebay to make this right.

Yeah seriously. This is Walmart levels of CS bad.

I'm trying to remember your posts and this was where they said they could replace it, you sent it back, and then they said they couldn't replace it, so you asked for your game to be returned and they sent back a different return copy? That's pretty crummy.
Yeah, although to be fair to them they gave me a decent refund and are promising to send a new slipcover when they come in. I just found it really strange they sent someone else's copy back and didn't use a box after they said they would multiple times.

I did also tell them the refund isn't necessary given the replacement slipcover does get shipped at some point but they haven't set anything up to take the money back or acknowledge that in any way.

Yeah, I think Douglas or Josh need to explain themselves here. This is beyond bad and there is no way they should be telling someone who their CS folks screwed over that "it is what it is". Heck, at this point I think they either need to dip into their personal stash or pay a scalper on Ebay to make this right.
Eh, it's not the end of the world. I just thought it was a strange practice and I'm getting a bit frustrated that their customer support can't seem to do anything right and LRG keeps defending them instead of trying to improve their service.

Yeah, although to be fair to them they gave me a decent refund and are promising to send a new slipcover when they come in. I just found it really strange they sent someone else's copy back and didn't use a box after they said they would multiple times.

I did also tell them the refund isn't necessary given the replacement slipcover does get shipped at some point but they haven't set anything up to take the money back or acknowledge that in any way.
Oh, that's different then... that tweet just made it seem like they were telling you tough luck, but they're trying to clear things up so I think that's reasonable.

Oh, that's different then... that tweet just made it seem like they were telling you tough luck, but they're trying to clear things up so I think that's reasonable.
I agree for the most part. I just think they need to work on improving their support. Their support has been pretty rude and they've bungled every step of the way so far and LRG doesn't seem to think it's an issue.
Oh, that's different then... that tweet just made it seem like they were telling you tough luck, but they're trying to clear things up so I think that's reasonable.
LOL, yeah, I didn't think he was blowing him off or anything. I just thought taking in returns, and then not being able to send a replacement, only to turn around and send a different game back is pretty bad in regards to the whole return process. Of course, getting the numbers of returns they do, can't be easy to keep track of but this situation looks like another learning experience where this is corrected moving forward.

I would hate to send in a maybe slightly damaged copy, to turn around and get an even worse one in exchange.

LOL, yeah, I didn't think he was blowing him off or anything. I just thought taking in returns, and then not being able to send a replacement, only to turn around and send a different game back is pretty bad in regards to the whole return process. Of course, getting the numbers of returns they do, can't be easy to keep track of but this situation looks like another learning experience where this is corrected moving forward.

I would hate to send in a maybe slightly damaged copy, to turn around and get an even worse one in exchange.
This was my thinking as well. Hopefully they do take it as an opportunity to improve.
"Why It’s Stupid

The problem with 'It is what it is' is that it abdicates responsibility, shuts down creative problem solving, and concedes defeat."

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I don't think anyone's said that specifically but that would be worse for the other random person that gets your original back instead of the one they sent in.
I assumed it might be a scenario like this: They had 15 people with damaged copies, and didn't realize they had 10 replacement copies left. They send 10 of those people replacements, and end up with 15 damaged copies and 5 remaining people. They send out the 5 least damaged copies, and keep the 10 worst copies.

I assumed it might be a scenario like this: They had 15 people with damaged copies, and didn't realize they had 10 replacement copies left. They send 10 of those people replacements, and end up with 15 damaged copies and 5 remaining people. They send out the 5 least damaged copies, and keep the 10 worst copies.
I think I'd appreciate the sentiment there if that's what they do but I'm curious why they wouldn't just come out and say that. Their support team said the opposite but they seem to say whatever they feel like at the time.

I assumed it might be a scenario like this: They had 15 people with damaged copies, and didn't realize they had 10 replacement copies left. They send 10 of those people replacements, and end up with 15 damaged copies and 5 remaining people. They send out the 5 least damaged copies, and keep the 10 worst copies.
That's a great scenario if it's what happened, but based on time and responses here, I would highly doubt it was that well thought out. And if it was what happened, shouldn't that be passed along to the customer before hand? And not after the fact?

Shit happens sure, but then you say we sent out all replacements, and here's a less damaged copy, and we'll spot your next standard release, free of charge. This looks like the fixes came after the blunder was discovered, and as long as the customer was satisfied in the end, I'm happy for both sides.

I think I'd appreciate the sentiment there if that's what they do but I'm curious why they wouldn't just come out and say that. Their support team said the opposite but they seem to say whatever they feel like at the time.
Considering how often Josh has been in here trumpeting that they pay a living wage to their support team they might want to start making them earn it by taking care of customers properly.

Considering how often Josh has been in here trumpeting that they pay a living wage to their support team they might want to start making them earn it by taking care of customers properly.
I agree 100%, but an employee can only ever be as good as the person(s) who trained them, and many of these issues have never really been truly sorted out to begin with. So I don't see a staff member doing whats "right", if they don't have a proper playbook to go on.

So yeah, if they do know their jobs properly, and ain't getting it right, that falls on management. And if someone wasn't trained properly, and is making mistakes because they don't know better, that also falls on management.

I don't understand the controversy here, sorry, I think you guys are misunderstanding what happened. Most people don't request their returns back. Once games come in as damaged, they are immediately placed into a pile of returns. In the offchance someone needs a return back, we send back the *best* condition copy we have on hand. In this case, sabanoo got a better game back. When they started talking to CS, we didn't know how many copies we'd have back so there was no reason CS could mention they had something better available.

We've given sabanoo a sizable refund for the damage and offered a replacement slipcover when we have them. The only issue that happened here of concern is that we forgot to ship the replacement in a box. Bear in mind the shipping team is shipping out 20,000 orders right now. The request for a box was lost in the mix. We're doing what we can to make the situation right.

It's also worth noting that the Lili LE is the only game we haven't had replacements for since Aqua Kitty. We've been very careful about holding back stock for replacements but nearly 100 copies of the Lili LE arrived damaged from Sony which ate nearly all of our held copies for replacements. This is not even close to a common scenario.
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I don't understand the controversy here, sorry, I think you guys are seriously misunderstanding what happened. Most people don't request their returns back. Once games come in as damaged, they are immediately placed into a pile of returns. In the offchance someone needs a return back, we send back the *best* condition copy we have on hand. In this case, sabanoo got a better game back. When they started talking to CS, we didn't know how many copies we'd have back so there was no reason CS could mention they had something better available.

We've given sabanoo a sizable refund for the damage and offered a replacement slipcover when we have them. The only issue that happened here of concern is that we forgot to ship the replacement in a box. Bear in mind the shipping team is shipping out 20,000 orders right now. The request for a box was lost in the mix. We're doing what we can to make the situation right.
Well no that's not the only issue of concern here and that's kind of the point. You've been ignoring the actual issue. I also already stated here everything you just said. Please just read the posts above yours first.

You need to work on improving your customer support. I'm not sure if you're intentionally ignoring that issue but it's been said several times now. Continually defending poor customer support is not a great stance.

None of us know what your internal structure is like but that also shouldn't really matter. If your employees are overworked and that's causing them to be rude and make so many mistakes maybe that's something you need to address.
What happens when you receive damaged copies from Sony? Do they replace them or what?
Doubtful, as that assembly has probably already been changed over to the next game they are producing by the time LRG receives the damages. They should be able to a get a refund, but more than likely just a credit for future productions.

Doubtful, as that assembly has probably already been changed over to the next game they are producing by the time LRG receives the damages. They should be able to a get a refund, but more than likely just a credit for future productions.
We get a refund but we don't typically get replacements.
Well no that's not the only issue of concern here and that's kind of the point. You've been ignoring the actual issue. I also already stated here everything you just said. Please just read the posts above yours first.

You need to work on improving your customer support. I'm not sure if you're intentionally ignoring that issue but it's been said several times now. Continually defending poor customer support is not a great stance.

None of us know what your internal structure is like but that also shouldn't really matter. If your employees are overworked and that's causing them to be rude and make so many mistakes maybe that's something you need to address.
I don't think it's acceptable for anyone to be rude. I'll look into the support tickets and speak with the CS rep about what I see. I've merely just been explaining to you why the mistakes happened. I'm not defending them being rude.
bread's done